Mr. and Mrs. IEjbertiK. tBaldwin d..i.àCLU EE-1-b of Davenport, with their son spent The New Trier Senior Music club last week-end with their parents, Mr. met Thursday of last week at the and Mrs. Albert Baldwin of 1605 home of Mr. and- Mrs. H.; L. Elmwood avenue. Delander, 1407 Gregory avenue. H.C.WOLCOTT Local representative -of WQLCQTT'S LIMITED Landscape Architecis and of Jackson,ý Michigan Estimaàtes furnished for garden 'and -al - andscape worlc. Aiso mason work, stone walIs, walks and pools. Doalers for HANOVER STONE A beautiful sandstone for residence-and garden work-. Telephone G.CREENLEAeF 4687 Evanston For, Catalo1-gue and furfher information' J t GARDEN APPRECIATION jt is just as necessary that, we have good garden appreciation as it is that* we have good gardens. If we do not recognize the, full value of flowers, foliage,- trees and of their combination in the 'garden, pîcture, we are losing just that much of their worth.' Appreciation 'is just as> much of a factor ii the garden and in* its mak- ing as good materials, good sou, cul- tivation or weeding. A good, gardener may build up for us'-a garden which has beautiful blooms, taste of design and skill in inducing the plants to do their best, but if we recognize oinly haif of the value which is. in -this garden. the, other half might just ýas wl not be there. * A mast er painter sees the, several shades which go to make up a color, ,while we may see only the one te- sulting color. In any garden théeé. mav be social values, mental and -spiritual rest and *renewing, the liure' of experiment, the voice of.'nature, in the flowers we may find a fesponding love, there mnay be an ever present assurance that this universe is good- and that for,-us there is good to be enjoyed. Now to hear and see much of these things, %ve nust -withdraw trom dis.- tracting .things and- -listen and ' look. We learn to see-by seeing, we learn to hear by hearing. .1 Judging the. Iadivduaj ?Plant An amateur- may often discard. somne new plant because he will flot, wait to see how it miay -prove out over- the remainder of the growing season,. Many plants have just now,. in- the- late summer,.or fall months, corne into their full value. - The fal shades of: foliage, oft'en contrihutes more to a garden than a good bloom-'. -nquality, woufld do.' We niust know a shruüb'or any pla t through- out the year befodre we -can haif way guess ýits value. Often several years are necessar y to really valuate a per.ennial, ýshrub or tree. And we must alwàys remeniber that al plants have. their strong points as wel as their wýeak featurés, So We must flot discard anything just because it has: a fault. The finest: and Most delicate rose blossom can be found to, have imper- fections. In the. wild wastes of the subnrbs, the swamps and the woodlands. we can notice that one kin d of fiower will, make a wonderful showing. one year and. the .next year some other, sort will take the stage- and put- on the. season's show. just a certain set of circumstances, may be wholly re- sponsile for this change of scenerv. Neither is- the value of any group of plants to be rneasured by. these plants in themselves, but also in their relation to the other bloomus and foîbiiges that go to make up -the set- ting WhereOurw Ide&, Conte Front In planning. the features 'for 'the garden the'informai or the more' for- mal portions, we nlay think we are, drawin- frorn o ur imagination, our naturalistic sense* or .£rom some vague creative source. As a matter of fact, most of theseý ideas comne from the filing cabinet facilities of- the mind, from the storehouse of im- p ressions, records_ .pictures. with which the mind is equipped. We see a garden which interests us and the features which are new to us and which please us are recorded' in these -mind filing 'cases.- Then when we are wishing for original ideas,., new'.ideas, 'usable ideas to be woven into new garden. designs, out POP som e of these stored,îimprecssions and we are surprised that we thought of such fine idea s. So when we read garden magazine .s, go on garden tours or study nature's gardens, we EENSNOW Office and Nurser'y: West Deerfield Road DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS Telephonea: Deerfied 36 and Highland Park ' 36- ON E, 0P THE LAKE SHORE'S FINEST .ESTATES PLANTED BY US COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE By J. R. Foote lit 1 1