The response to aur'Dollar Specials of last week was sa tremendaus that. we have decided ta extend our affer for an -additional limited time sa that everyone. in this camùmunity may have the priv- îlege. ,of discovering. for himself the superior quality ýofMiraclean. This is a pro of economical -buying---of thif ty habits-af r. careful comparisan and we urge yau.ta use this occasion ta ind out for yourself just how much better Miraclean is than ordinary. cdeaning. We urge yau ta give: it every test of camparison. Se ho w much cleanér andbrighter your garments and household. things are. Notice haw muchb longer they last, retaining their f resh, new appearanc.e. Surely, here is a cleaning service, that merits your f ull considerationi.. Caîl for aur driver-take advantage of aur special prices bef are it's. taa late-enjo>y the thrill that'always accompanies Mîraclean. TOPCOATS PLAIN A cool October çails Fali or Winter for a topcoat. Have Miracleand to it Miracleaned now. just, like new. BLANKETIS eeautifully cleaned and. 13e h i rac ea g , fluffecd. No sbrinkage PLAIN DRESSES Beautif ully renewed, coloris brightened, no disagreeable cleaning odors, MEN'S BATS Feits cleaned and, blocked to conforni to the newest styles, AUTO ROBES Miracleaned and carded. *Colors br;ghtened and new life restored.i àmEwwN'S SUITS Thoroughly ,M i r. a- cleaned., Lapels and$ p preI trousers p ro p e r Iy pressed. OVERCOATS Be pre nared for Win- ter with a thoroughly, cleaneia overcoat. k- g 0