Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Oct 1930, p. 42

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Urder of Arrow f HonoredI Pre:ident Hoover Sendsf Illinois Memorial Hails M. C. Ryboit Psist Sick Boy Scout Stadium Receives as Grand Chieftain Jobusn 13-year-old Scout Charles 7,000 Boy, Scouts Mr. yro S..yC.,, SoutEx-Sven ,thousand Boy Scouts Mr. Myron C. Ryboît, ScouteExiii just as lie and h s scout. co nim ar u ni e st 0o l ecilv ofte ot hr ra irhed -into l'Unvri fIi- ec tve o he N r h i o e r apanions w ere. wv iting ne a "r the ex cu - o s« M e orialý stadiu mi on O ctober 4 to: Coutncil, is now the Regional Grand tive offic 'e at the ýWhite,. House tl litess the flrst football gaine of the Chîeftain.of the Order of the Arrow ~ hk ad vtîPeietlIoe esoli played in Clîampaign betiveen for states of the central west Thuis tlie Illinois. and Iowa State- teamns. and lad toi be fushied to Emergency -The scouts took. more then 30 miniutesý bi h on r wa h s ow d p n un[hospita l in V ashingto ni, suffering m arching four a r asi, tao enter the b y t h 1 5 0 e m h e r a t t e R e g o î a lf r o m b r o n c h i a l p e u mn o n i a , l i e f e i t s t a j m a e î b h i s e d m r - meeting of the, Order of thec Arrow t a ie h d mis d hi p oru iy f jan and rganization flas ft e - hçld at Camp Reinberg October . dividual groups. receiving the greetigs of the pres- of the Camp. Ma-Ka-Ja-XVan staftdent. Wlien a large bouquet arrived By Sot ea riig i Along %with 'Chief Xhirlinig Thunder Claiapaign and Urbana earl v Fridav% of te Cmp, a-ýa-JaWàn staf, atbi bedside,, the next day lie 'vas afternoon and iî ainv outfits arrive(î Mr., Rvbolt also received the Tlurd [surprised and greatly interested to, during the evening and some e-veil Degrec ini the Order. hi is tieln h adadgetns6 rs. late at night.ý As they arrived the highest, possible, rank ini the OrderdetadM.Iooratchd reported at, the LUniiversity's armorv an d no es o ts an in ch ieve mien t __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ h re cots ivere. issued to th e rn an d in Scouting, leadership and service..qaressigd Eight othier menë*i froni Chicago and Scouts of iro R pý Scouts continuied to arrive in the. vacinity ivere also awarded this dis- wn sSturd3 onn ni t~~inction . toý Queules on First. Aid TnCit i es audyirigm KAiJ-a Lde the Ordna etigter Ma M~rnC yot cu At Troop, One's second meeting sand. At Il o'clock there was a corn- Ka-j-Wa Loge f te Odero yrn C Ryolt SefitExi Octoher 2 ai the Congregational petition for al troops wishing to eni- the.Arrow, North Shore Area council tive of the North Shore Area church in W>ilm'te c a ome ter in inspectio n riig oC wa erèetdbytetArrav coupicil,. las beent elccted as- Re- XV .ýWeeks, commandant of the mnembcrs, under -the leadership of diin nfrtad ahsotha. niversitv of IllinoisR. .T.C George Berscli, their Lodge Presi- gwaarn hcti fteN- t nswer questions on. first- aid and brigade,': reyiewed the scouts after dent.- Three- of the memibers were 'tiolial Canip Hoiror. Brotherhood knots and when finished ýthev-hadto CaPt. J. R. Buraey, and-Capt ,P. V., honored' with receiving the Secondl of, the.Order of the Arrou'i. I turn them in to Mr. Fran k:W ilson. Keliog. had- inspected the individual. Dbegrce 'at the rituals ceremofly o Ws01as o i in xm troops. Saturday evening. These wvere Mr. a ecueo h ie .cnlifi- Several boy-s were awarded cafp "S outing is -à splendid thingý for John Huhui of. Deerfield, Life Scout cation of the' Scouting ideals, hit service pins. John and James Luke teby,"si oLXek, olw Jim Hoffman of Troopi 9 Xilnette sUcccssful denionsirati on of leader- eacb wvere awarded star pins., Mr. tu'erev\i ewý., More than twvc»ty troops and Eagle Scout Peter 1 White of s/up and service that t/us respon-_ Harbauigh, chairman of our Troopj tookr part in u the contest, ,vhiclh was Troop 35 Ravinia.. sible office was bcstowed utpo» j, Committee, made the awards. Mr. 1wn by Tro fCampaigui. Troop The National Grand Chieftaiin over -- King annou-nced that we we'e invited 30 . Hghland Park wvas one of the ail Arrow Lodges in thé country, M~ri to two university football games. The optntrps Robrov Price of Schenectady, New Four New MemberaHep metngwascoe ysnii oecmeigtop. York ~vs Perst le whle inut .Ja-a clsd bs-aingi -ome .At 1 o'cloèk the scouts began to Ieadandinsirethegrop mst i. Projeets of Troop 10 ma-roop 1 Reporter, Wilmett omt ac oteSaimàdi heartedly. Mr. E. U. Goodman, past The scout meeting of Troop 10 Cgrgational, clîurch. wafn that thedntr ee so man Regional Grand Chieftain was in. Logan School, VWilmnette,' on Tuesday . formation iu the Armory , but woùld charge of the conferetice.: Mr. Good- night net with great uccess.. TherelComee and Henderson have to take the thousands of Scouts: mnan is Scout Executive of the Chi- arc four inew members wvhose nanies usdHoIdo eot 'lrg rllfed ago Boy Scout Council andai s-ae:Hfiee Goëiz,, Colegrove H lOfi ,î ary dent f Wiletteýand Hartuuck. The meit: system. bas Wednesday, October 19 Troop 4 of Each troop sent its colors to the: The Order of the Arrow is a Na- heen introduced' arong the. scouts. Wilîmett lce e e o ead fhecolun wre.the Amer- tional Canm1) Honor Brotherhood jit proveda great success for mnany officers for the new coming .year. icaun, lags and troop flags were made tup of'the outstandimîg campers tried -their best in an effort to gaiù Star Scout Lowell Comee was chosen massed in" two units. At 1 :30 the of th m ny Sc ut ca ps in th p ins.~ T t e ne wh .gets five for the position of scribe, and. Life miased colors, followed by a Scout *country coîînected with the Order. hundred points by next-fal, a "blIie Scout Dave Hendersen for treasurer. band, started marching to the sta- The niembers are chosen flot bv tliose bandled'" shcath kife will. be give, The troop spent a large portion 0IXdium For 35 minutes. the Scouts already nienbers but by those wlio or a compass. The scouts wbo were the meeting in slugng songs taken marched tborugh the stadiuni gates' are not mninbers. The scouts of ecd at Mýa-Ka-Ja-XVazi relatec sonie ini-, froni the Boy Scout Song Bookau reraktocablupio troop as thev attend camîp:select tlieir teresting eveiîts that were exl)eri- wvhich bias just beeri put out by thetdetirsof e astsrad te ufid outstaridi'ng ilenibers to be loiinated eiîced - by them this stimuler. The North 'Shore Scout headgurtheeters of etarudteil. to Honor Order. There are .105 Or- test liste ned eagerly. After a dis- Following the concert, wbichws Too 30ofHgln PakM. der o the rrow'nicin ers n flic etisson, lie.,iiectng- w s cloed wih 1)edAs-Johna t Sdowas lScJohtrnast Scrtmandr and roop dN.or thoe Arra o mebri. .te Lussîandh- etieg acoseGodoih ey ssstanr I cutmaster George 52 of Deerfield, Mr. James' Russell, Norh Sior A~a ounil. . . he aw a~~d enejcion-Godoî Brsc,. e ad our patrol meetings scou.tnise represented the North Refoy,. Troop 10.,. du.inmg which tinie we c ontinued tst e raco ? a t ~ I s e t ~ t W b i è s.~ I ca r o n o u r b all a n d c h a i nlt S h rejrea c o n c l a t th e g a in e. e * t ofTop3NewGame Elimphaguzes S. h ming wasclosed vith the Iowa St emby ascore of 7 to 0. Tlirs~ayOctber2, roo 3S out, Law for Troop 8 1,~ehle, Editor in Cheditn BlTe Scouts were the guests of the the XVilmette Methodist cliure-'îl On the evenihig of October 29, Trçîop 1 ------\Ot'IVl'1i e alve article 1,; cont'rib.. openied fthe meeting witli three ares.18 bac!its regur mear nein g ath~e W ~ A rrow Q*'QIu4,W ill 'M o M ro 3 l. -i P r ?ollo.iiig the gapîes we medou ette Baptist >. Wlo s at 4nJng teJ patrol metings..'l'le main topic of Ioc in4 ucharge asscotitnaster. Th- euun ý-*'Ui thie patrol meetigs was to lind what: first partof the eVý,gwaS I la itlu QilSmidiiV, Octob(r 12, thtre w;ll11 the ho bby <of each I)arcI 'wôtrd le. inspectionî anl.4dril.Thfli1rst gaine bre ia meetinig of the o rde(r of the1, T 1he irst patrol bis carpentx-v as tlitefl'Cd was il 0)e. To -- r-th] Arro- --- "eg&W -one -îl< otd <. 1 le imortace and i4- ljo)thartry e i rt d the scouts of- tis council and Ea l c ù e r eL-c c il l m 1,,e up a d e c w s g< ven a mem ber wil rnake an effort to attend. other scout councils in the vicinity andl so rigbt then and..there fie sco uts piece of chalk. The boy whose naine~ Plans for the Aftr-(Canp RalIy are to the Northwestern..Çentre gaine on had to give them bbôli a cheen. FOI- was called Was given the nurnber àf to be made, inasmucli as this reunioîî October 25. Scouts will be adînjtted lowing the patrol meetings Dr. Rick- onie of the cincles. This means tbhît is iu charge of the Order of the Ar- at gate one at 1:15 oly if the tnoops -h am gave a talkon -bat we couîd (do be %as to write the liane of f he corre- row. Remember, feilows, Sunday at 1b ave aduit ieadership. Admission will to aid the poor people. Followiîig S ponding part of the scout law before 3 :30 at Deerfield- Shilds 1High scliooi be l)y registration card or uniformr the speech cd patrol put on a stunt tlhe leader counts teîî. This gaie was grounds. We . have access to the only. Leaders and drivers flot baving * cosngthemetig wthth Scutlos o fn nd eledusto learli the building in case of bad wcathcr. registration cards will be. admitted Benediction.-Ernest Schaper Iroop scout law.-Howarc! Joues, Tnoop .8 -George escPsintM-- 3 Wilmette. Reporter, \Vilmette. Ja-Wan lodge. '..oly, emi viapefo o Scout headquarters lu Highland Park.

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