Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Oct 1930, p. 40

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The North Shore 'Chauber Music association will inaugurate its sev- enth seasoni with a program giveil by the Muenzer trio of Chicago on Sunday afternoon, October 12, at4 o'cIock, at the Kenilwôrth Assembi' hall. Th'îe organizatioti is unique, iii tuaà it is entirely self-gupportiingthog its smiall membership fée. It never bas had guarantors, supporting mein- 'berships or endlowmients. Its aim Is to -give' opportunity to lay groups of music loyers,-ai students to hear,this form of music.. in the :past, the association has brought to tuie ilnrth -shore. such -out- ,stanidiig artists in ' ensemble ff1aying *s the. lscltuico trio, whichi was founded byv Elizabeth Sprague Cool- idge, who: is givi ng ta Chicago Cham- ber Music Festival at. thé Field mu- seum . begintiing (:on October 12;ptle Gordon String quartet; t he London String. quartet.. and te Barrere .svm- plinti.%;orchestra. Dur'ing tItis ,seasoni nusial and distincti've programns aro being of- fered. Ini aditioni to the programs *py the M.Nueier trio oit October 12, andonjaiiuary, 25, the. Lener String quartet t)f Budapest wvll play oit Sunl'- day,' Novemiber 2, and thte Londoi String quartet will play on Suniday, March 15. Trhe -Nuietzer trio,. %vlicli openis tis ycar's series, has appeared nuterouis ines I)efore. tiis audience, and lias always becît greatlv enjoyed. The- fille inlterp rctatlinanid beauti- fully balaiiced ensemble of these art- ists have been iimp0.rtant factors iii the growing popUIarlty' of chiainber. music.'oi the niorth shore, Thecy coine back as ol<l friends. Outstandînig nînsicians and critics of Chicago and tlie îorth shore. have conîmiielce<l the work, of the North Shore CliambIier Music associationi as a unilique atu 1.verv valiniblc contribu- tion to'.the artistic life -ofthe coin- muuüiitv-. 'The associa.ý.tin offers at a nominal price couirqe tickets to imul- sice stiflents. .\ppiication o sao nientl)eËSllTIps nma v be niade.to Mrs. Amuta.1l B. Spach of Keinil%\ortih. A group of societv .girls will ,act as usliers 'for the cnminçr' lencrt x At the left is Mischa Mischako if, the licw concertenaster of t/he Chicago Symphony orchestrai, who zviii give the opeining Proqlranz of the Sistcrhood of. the North ,Shore C'on gregation Israel, iii' the Glcncoe tem pice*zîxt Wedincsdav' affernoon, OctoPer. 15. Gitests' have been cordially* învitcd. Mfr. Mischakoif wiII Plat' Ilandel's sonata in E major, Tschaikowsky; con crto in ID major, ci Savopnw. dance bPv Dz'orak-Kri-isil, "Ti-kisçh Marc/j,» by ctoeAur and bTi;oc' vRae.Harold Van IHorne 7wîlI Pc ut the Piano. A-t /lie ri qht is Fritzý Kreisler, world --faimoos tioliti.st, xuho wiIl ap/'ear hnéi.a on Yilldilv af tc,-looiz, October 12, at 3:30 o'clock lit Orchestra hall, limier t/w direction of Bertha Ott. 1r, 'Krcisler ziil'Play C'orelli's "La Foli'a." a Bac/z parf-ila i n inor for viol/m ajonc, a M<le)dcssohl: concerta in Einlor. il Iomancé 'j» A inajor by Schumannz, l'ôzar-t's Rondo in G major, and five caprices, ipicljiding- a study oit a choral for violini done - by Staumit:;, Carfier's "La C-iasse," , iniowsk i's "Tara» tella," and tU'o Paga>zii-Krejsjc7' caprices. Cari Lanison' r.ii acoipany him. Su ccess Resuit of Work,.SaysFarrar, Gecraldin.e Farrar, whoý is to1 ap- 1p xar at Orchiestra hall under the <h-ý rection, of 'Bertha Ott on Sunidav afternioonii October 19, at 3 :30 ocok belfrt'es' that false preaching leads maiiv studenlts astray. GIGLI iN CONCERT Bcnaninô Gigli, tenor of thle Mtro0polita n ,Opera",COnipIant-Y, Will appear i recital at the Civic Oer Hot'se on WVedneêsdav. eveinlg, Oc- tober 15, at 8:15 o'clock. He tSiIj be assisted bv Katlîrvy Newmîan, clora- tura' sopranio.' Mijgtel Sandoval wijl be the acconipaiiist. l'lie 'Prorni By Rutlmeê L. Pr.etzeI jascha Heifetz, violinist, who wilI give the first concert, in the Artist.- Recital series sponsored by the Win- inietka Music club Monday evening, October 20, èwns a celebrated violin, a Guarnerius. This violin -is known to 'connoisseurs .and -collectors. the world over and is 'valued :at a fabu- Ious price. - .The, Guarnierlus, fornierly belonged: ta Wilhelnj, 'the great 'Norwegian artist who toured, America 1lifty years ago. Before that iL was the prÈoperty of Ferdinand David, afanions violini- ist* of a hundred, years ago and the tecache r of, Wilhelmj,, ta whomLDavid gave> it inhis -old age. It is knowNý as the 'David Guarnerius" and is listed ini ail catalogues of old îi'stru- nments.. In spite of its great--vaiue,-it wvould, be wvorth little to anyonie who attempted to.steal it, because. every dealer and collector ini the world is acquainted with it,. and the niews of iLs loss would be flashed to thii iiiniiçdiately. It is neyer left ýun- watched except when -Heifetz .1s' o1 tour, when it is kept il, a safe deposit vault. An amusing incident istold, about eiezand George Bernard Shawv. The fainous British dramatist, after ltearinig the brilliant young violinist play recentlv, tooki hini gentlv aside and cautioined Iinii that th& "exqu iisite beàutv of his mnsic mnighit prove bis' und(oinig. "You kiiow," lie said, nothing may be perfect in tItis' world, or God beconies jealous and destroys it. So woulç' you mind play- 'îng .sonîething badIv iii your roonîis before you go to bed at night?ý' Tîtere arec many- storiés. about H-eifetz, the ipau, because hîs flaw-,, less playiîvg- lias céreated. a'deep per- sonial interest int liii. . His siiil hasý ca se ii ii . ë ,iiendl ss ,tro u b lé an d worrv', lie says. His serios, uîîsmil- iing.mien when lbe appears before an audlince has woin for 'hini suic 1 epi- te ts as "thec cold, aloof Heifetz," and "the SIp.inx"-nlaîîîes lie declares are absolutely pinwarranted either by his owni personal attitude towards bis --u --.y, -luit: t *id'i u"'V ecitais inon Sunday afternoon, the, Far East.. 3:~30 o'clock, under th( In al the oriental couniries which 'GERMAN OPERA COMING Bertha Ott. M~iss Yar. she bas visited over a period of five The German Grand Opera com- to possess extraordinarî years, she made intensive studies of pany, with Johaîtna Gadski, will ap- young artist. Her prog native dances, and now she is con- pear at the Civic Opera bouse on tain selections of Bach sidered a, foremost interpreter 'of Februarv 26, 27,' 98, and March 1, thoven, Chopin, Han! .authentic -Oriental dances.. under the direction of, Bertha Ott. Westerhout, and' Liszt. October 12, at e direction of npolski is said 'y talent for a erani will con- -Busoni, Bee- isit, Albeniz, Ti rggj& is charinîan orhe Week. In. a proclamation, William' Hale Thomp- son,' mayor of Chicago, says, "It is a great privilege to bring to the at- tention of the people of Chicago, as a whole, one Of Our greatest cultural assets, the Chicago Civic Opera coin- pafly."

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