Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Oct 1930, p. 38

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iij8Uation must £ aen me Litor Dy weJJJ esci.LIV U7 IUV to Jnsure appearance ln current Issue. Resolitions of condolence, carda of thanks, obitu- aries, notices of en*ertanments or other affaira where' an admittanc~e charge la published, will be *charged at regular advertising rates. At. the 'coning Novernber 4 electioni 1)olostinsregarding, women on juries xviII be put up to the Mlinois voters. If then mjority 'of votes' . cs»iii the referenidumi 4ries ~arc .ýin, the.affiriiative, JuriesIllinois w o.nie n iii thereafter have the legal.right to -serveonî juries. Milnois womlen vi1Ithen iiot mere- ly have the legal, right' to vote but aise to) take an important Part ,In t the a(Imili- s tratiôn of Justice. Aiready iii over twentv of our states, WonT-enl have this legal right, andl so far as wve cati learn no oie of . these states regrets having gi ven 'Nvonen this legal powter. Ohio ' MAichiigani, India'-ti, and Ioa -Iieighhors of ours-regard the step as progressive.- Moreover, both the Re)uh-. licanl and theI)emiocratic State Conven-, tions hiave trged ]a. favorable vote on the question. J urv sùervicé' is as mu11ch. a (luty of citi- zenlshp as votirig. If. wollen hlave the legal righit to take part ini electinig local, state andl national ficers, thev \-slhould l ogically haàve also the legal ri.gh-It to serve on1 1uries. CÇhief jmstice Marshall of thle * Supreme Court of Ohio matkes the. follow- *in g .statenient :"Tie'%ju(idge s w prsd over jury trials tnifornîl1v and wvithout cex- cel)tion1 tesýtify to thle carefuil attentioni, concentrajtion, courage. ýalid goo(I jul(I- mient *of vomnen -j11rors." WeC reconmuend that ail north shore voters pu1t a cross opp)osite XES on cadli of. these propositionis. Almost as nccessarv for pioresv living ili our north shore coinimnites a tice to those chargg tenance. street main- *The %%-orld is full of people, mnost.ly im1- miature, w~ho not ýonly u ant, bt de-mand, tohave questions S eftted. Manlv studefits, n if liot thIe majority, iiust 'Settling have fiinal.ans'%%ers to their. Questions ýquestions.. Týhey .will nôt take "perhiaps"'or "possi- l)1l-" or evcn "p)rôb-abiv" for an answer. Thiev iill onIl- be ýsatisfied by positive ab-: soluterelv This is too bad ini. viewv of-the fairly certain f act that tis .,,positive, absolute *reply" ýleads to disappointment and. oftenr (iesiair, inasmuch as it wvil1 ha ve,ý to, be revised or riejected when later informationi appears.' AIl scientific knovvied-ge begin-s %Nfiiti a tuc3s, and if supplorte(1 groýNvs . y nsing, stages into hvpothesis, theory, and fact. \Ioreover, the individual inust subulit be- fore the court of- his own reason and feel- ing eachi statenient that, is- made tu hiM h efore he caiî realiv add -this. statemient to. his owni store of relialile knowl%-edge. Tlherefore wve urge that ini our schools, our )piils shouid be given a miaximum iiiof teatchiing andI a iimumiiti of teliing. M' e watthemn to '1w infornied, but aboVe that we want.thein to be thouglitful. And to )ecoin e tliôtghitfuil one s.iould,,inot nierely b e reptivýe but. above that, be active. It is oliî thin.g tô swallow wvhole *what- Créer- is p)ut into one's mulouithi. It is quite anIIotheî: thling to assimiate thils inaterial. \Vhiat. au ahundanice of (Iust. recoiiec- t ins cluister' aroun(1 thiat rathier trivial announe1illcemnent, Wnt ash collection. selile IIstarts Monidav 'S tarting rthe furîj-iace lire 'withi old niewý\spalers and bits ,)f assortc(-11 kindiin-. Puitting. on coal too toss aside the mghter fabric o!t the vacation era and clothe ourseives in heavy duty raiment, in- cluding last winter's overcoat-if perchance that garment bas escaped the devasting onslaught of the nioth family. *Moreover, ini October we gird ourseives agaînst the ipevitabie avalanche of political campaign literature and are busied with tuniiig outý political'. orators, providèd they -do flothappen to appeal' to, our 'fancy. Saturday afternoons between thé hours 'of 2. and 4 o'clock aànd'the Sabbath, day are the offly intervals in which one niay venture with any degree of. assurance in search of one's favorite, radio program, what with the'almost continuons- gush of politically.-tinged offerings. The avalanche. is upon us even in advance of the. first snowfall. Fortunately, however, the various Leggues of WVomené Voters :on'the north shore are, à ut té relieve the situation, somnewhat by designating Candidates' meetings, to, which, as good citizens, we should aill farepforth. These have the splendid advantage1 of bringing to. one and the same plat- form ýaspirants lof ail politicai faiths, thus en- couraging debate whicb is entertaining if not, actually fruitful in cleteriinig the trend of our- ballot. jurists in Chicago Heights tookthe play away from the 'Chicago courts by convening on. Sunday.. Thereby informing. the. world that Chicago Heighits possesses jurists-two of 'em. The wQrld is gn Miniature mwhat with* pec- wee golf, undcrsized radio sets and itty-bitty automobiles, to say nothing of modern city apart- nieùts. Which reminds us of the succinct obser- vation that progress in aviation lias shirunk our ddar old globe-conparatjý,eiy speaki ng-froin the proportions of a balloon to that of ain English, Iiicideptally. an centerpl«risinig \Vîlnwitte nmerchant' isA(isI)iaving a conmliete peç*vwêee golf course tlhat cai là.e laid out in a corner of the l iving rooni. Ail tlis shrinkage is no do*U'lt'attril). ttable to> the reducing habit of, the more deadiy: of thie huinan species-whio, for ah we niay sa\, stili appear to ruie the worid. thoughi the cradie rocking is ieft iargely to .the hired hielp. It's just possible that a cotitributitingcautse of *traversed sucri an oo)structon to tyratic trie ilotorist vows neyer to risk a second trip. We, are pÈoud to be able to say that il, %vould flot i)e easy to find such a road on1 the north shore, uniess it be that portion iof Main S,'treet connecting Wilinette. and Kenilworth.. And wye. are assured -that I1e to ive In ! He is an outstanding ex- ampie of what a mani of advanced years cari do. We owe hinm a big debt. ot George dent of the cupon the occas rd Shaw's cani d States. Corne.,on, you Wildcats!. le ifor rei 1)i'd youregisterÉ? Sodid we! l-,QE MIQUE.

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