A produét' so good it. always insp ires the above wèl known question 'VI sit ou r City 'Salesroo ms 319- West Van Buren St.- Price Building "dJust on the fringe of. the. High Reiit Loop" Your Fail Suit or Overcoat Cut, Fitted and Tailored to your order. Expert Try-on Service. PRICES: $50 $45 $401 orchlestra for the autumn season opening of the. Vista Del Lago club, where they will play on the night of: October 11, ending up the evening agaîn, and continuing at the Miralago Supper club for a long engagement. IChicago Radio Show, to Convene- October 20.26 Radio m ianufacturers whose prod- ucts comp rise the tidillion dollar ex- hibit at the ninth annual Chicago Radio Show, which opens at the Col- iseuni October.,-20 and. continues through October 26, are confidently cstimat.ing, the. show will Iring theni $11,00,000 -worth of newý business, .wholesalte. This , %ill approximate more thani $1,000,000 an hour, for the Show inan- agenent bas established the two-hour David Davis WilI Head Club of Bird Observers The Newv Trier Ornithologist club bas elected David Davis president, Paul Netterstrom vice-president and Stephen Brooks secretary. Last Sat-' urday, three automobile loads of stü- dents:who are members of the club drove to the Sag Harbor district near, Palos Park for the. purpose of ob- serving birds during the faîl migra- tion., Each. year the club' takes .a number of, similar trips,1 L. E. Hilde- brand and Miss Gladys Anderson are the faculty sponsors. M%,r. aid 1.rs. Kenneth Henderson. of Winnetka 'have -announced ýthe. birth of a son October 1, at'the Ev- anston hospital. As fast as new things corne-in tIîey're. marked down for the, Anniversary.Sale When w, say Sale w, mean Sale! This. Tenth Anniversary party.,i$ a real one. Everythingi aur stock -,s marked off twenty percttfor, the month'of October. Lovely new things that Mr. Tatman bought i Europe 'are comig in every day. Before *hey even gef a chance fo feel acclimated thev re Put rihi n 517 DAVIS STRE~ET EVANSTON 625 N. M.ICHIGAN AVE. CHICAOe That getti ng together of the alumnae, is the warmnest gathering of the year; the mneinbers flot oniy have a social hour, but they plan for the year's activities. The M allinckrodt Alumniiae expects a very large attendançe. October 12. Last Thursday afternoon the ju- idiors of The Mallinckrodt treated the freshmen to a' basketball :game., AI- though the sçason lias not yet opened, the juniors have begun earn- est work; -they expect to be the champion players of the school this, year. The "Drop o' Ink," bi-monthly pa- per of The' Mallinckrodt' high school imade , its first, appeara 'nce of the new school year, last Th.urs-. day. Ail c lasses contributc to make. the paper the newsiest it has ever, been;. consequently it is bigger and, betteèr than ever, before. The sale. of the first issue. of the- "Drop 0o' InkI* was so large that anl additional numnber. had to be printed. The following compri se' the staff of, the "'Drop o' LiVk: Helen Deinlein, edit0cr-in-ýchief; Elizabeth Lies, Eliz- abeth, Faber and Rita Weber,, asso- ciate, editors; VivianWidi a. Carolvn Beail1 art edîtors; Agnes rhfliob)aid ,ald Cecilia Schnitz, busi- ness mianagers. De tiot forget the card party to be giv-en V*v The Mallinckrodt Mtes clzub, Friday, October-24.1 Record Crowd Welcomes "Tweet" Hogan to Club A. crowd of more than 600 North- western university, Loyola universitv, De Paul .university, and Lake Forest cçollege students *and alu mni, as weli as' high schopl students ;ind a great. number of- "grown-ups"' proclai.med' thé inaugural. of "Tweet" :Hogan andý Ibis orchestra at the Miralago Supper Clu-11 ýFridav evening, October 3, wherc, they.are now engaged for a long per- îod. The guest of honor were the fot- hall teamýs of LoYo,4a.and%Georgetowl.i uniiversities. A~ number of original, compositions by the members of the orchestra were featured, including a special composi- tion by Mr. Hogan, dedicated to Mir- alago.. grevat passer, wMI strengtluen the Ma- roon passin g. Only the sinîpler plays of. the "flanker" were used against Riponi, but Stagg is prepared to throw a compljcated pass attack at the Cardinal team. Even though Wis- consin bas a better line, Chicago's passes are, expected to make the game a tossup..