sWoolIy fabri cs. Iievy ite r- lin in gs.. uxurlous fur 'imings, dinush thèse Advance -Styles inE-cIry Winter Coats. You will probablyý find. just .want. in this collectio.n. ',A pr oved to the, particular*ý the, type .of coat year's experience needs; of.our custoi TYPIC-AL VALUES A fur throiw (1) distinguishes this wool coat.. Black Alvera - ma- terial. Gray squirrel, black, caracul, krimmer, fur trim. In red or green. Crepe1lining. Lamb wool hinterlining. 1$115. P' in squirrel fur. Russian. caracul collar and euifs. Also inJ4&wk,-Chonga fabrie. $127.50 Fine fur (3) shawl collar and around heunijne. Wolf and baby lynx. Also dyed blue ALSO AS' TYLES WELL AS SMALL SIZES e e Store hours--weelc days 9 A. M. to 5:30 P.. M. Saturdays9 A.M. to 9 P.M.& TeI.phone:GreenIeof6600 you ht.s, mers. As