at WXilîueétte Iii the State of Illinois at the close of businessonSep.2,13 RESOURCES Loatns and di scaunts................$1,1309130.65 Overdrafts . . . .... . ... United States Gove riunient securities ove.. Otherbonds, stocks, alnd.secuirities ovned....... Furiiitture and tîxtures. ............ ....... Reserve with Federal Reserve Biank......... Cash and due froili s.......... Outside checks.and other cash items...... Redenîption filild itli U. S. Treasturer,.and (Aile froiîî U. S.>raue....................... Othier assets; ........................ ........ 'lotal.... .. .. .. .... .. .. ... 876.00 194J131.47 414,850.98 60,478.71 117,420.90 262,'822.33- 5,000.00 .19, 978.39, .$2.207'.466.26 LIABILITIES capital Stock, pa1i(1 in .. .. .. .. Surplus.................. .................. Ui idçed profits-net ....................... Rese r ves for dividends, Colit iwn ni es, etc.... Reserves for interest, taxes, amil other exi)elsés- accrued andmi n)aIil........................ Circilating inotes tsadm......... Due to hbanks,, inclu(ling certihfed anid cashiers' CheckS Outstaig............... Delnand de)osits ....................... Ti-Iue: deposits, .............................. L1iedSatelS dpst................ 1OtiierIliabilities.............. lotai 150.000.00 ,,0 * 00.0 11),353.32 13,906.19 13,0Q2.30 100000.00. 89,872,47. 983,781,98 696,206.77 80,000.00) 11,253.23 .~$2,2 WVaukegan tied , o 10 U ast ýJ4Lura.i% Waukegan trinimed Roosevelt 1ligh school of Chicago 28 to 6, whiile Proviso turned back the Roosevelt team'21 to 6. SProviso also defeated York 13 to 0% but lost to Riversi de 2 taO0., New Trier defeated Maine two weeks.ago 13 tao0. Up to. this week the Morton Highi sclîool teamn bas hield its- oppotients scoreless.'Whether.,New Trier- eaui tear through the Cicero, defense: next week remnains ta lie seen. Morton bas defeated Marshall 27 to 0 and Harri- son 13 tao0 and, played a scoreîess tie, gaine with La Grange. IS'MATRON 0F HONOR r..Davv Cullison.- of Wilnette was inatron ýof honor, at the wedding of ber sister,. Miss Mildred Lowe, and Oliver .R.. Milev, which took Place - gayeenn at the homne of the bride's-parents, Mrand and Mrs. Jesse T. Lowe' of Evanston. TO ATTÉÊND JUBILLE .Nrs. B. C. Davison of 1437 Forest aveiîue is Ieaving Saturdav to attend- the National Jubilee of the \Voina1n'ý Homie- Missionarv. -societv of the fetiiodist>churciIich whih~ill be held next wieek ini Cincinnati. Mfrs. 11 C. Kinne of 1324 Elm wood avenue entertained a -roup of 'Chi- cago friends last Friday at a lunch- enand bridge ait the shawnee Countrv cluib. Mr.Willian i olmes oaf 622 Cen- tral avenue entertained eiglit friends frôni the city at luncheon and bridge last Nlonday. "Evergthing in TUTORINO ISABEL WARRINGTON HEAPS St., Coach Walter Ascbenbachi at- tributed the failure of the New Tirier boys to .win to poor kicking. In many instances the bail either went stralght up into the air 'or out of bounds close to the line of scrim- mage. Waukegan outplayed the New Trier boys in the first haif and le<l at the end of that period 6 to- O, scoring a toucbdowni in the second quiarter on a. pass over the goal hile. New Trier played a ragged gaine, in the first hialf., The players wer e1 slow ini charging, bath a the offensive and defensive. Coach Aschenbach did some talk-' ing l)etween halves, and four minutes afteh the second haîf. opened New Trier scored on a pass from Clarence Dahi. left halfback, ta Fred Linid. quarterback. But thie kick for the, extra pointUfailed, and thie score re- nîained a te Leonard Wolf. left end for Nexv Trier, layed a brilliant decfeis.ivc gaine. *Redl" Howe. tackle, and Ted. Wachs ,guard. alsa naierit. soie praîsC for-thîeir work. Fred Lind, quarter- 'hack, ran lxack punts well, -and George Bovîston pl1ayed agood 1gaine at halfback. The,,Waukeganii' llayers tired in the second hliaîf. bult Iot sufficieutlv to allow New Trier to- shiove across the PLDG~SMOST Gammna Phii Beta, with thirt twO - pledges, took first place ii ' the rer- sults of the rushiing season at North- western. universitv. The naines of the pledges are: Rth Baiiev, G ladys Bielske, Marian flrailsford, Betty Côrp, Margery Eglv, JanetEg, Mary Frances Ernbry, Marv 1Engh.ish, Betty Farnof, Êleanor Garnie'. Kath- erne Greene, Gladys, Hartenibowe, Janet'Hill, Jean Johnson. Josephine. Knoxç, Elizabeth Lane,,1 Laura Mýc- Cartyl, Betty O'Nýeil, Bernice O'Pini, Elizabeth Patton, Catherine Peck, Catherne -Picker, Dorothv Ruttle, Virg-inia Stone, Margaret SchNart.z, Betty. Sackett, Çathérine Spigler,, Bàrbara Sharkey Frances Xansley,. Jean Work; Jane Vanice, Virgina .H. C.Ki [1015s "sok 2Corect-At test: J". B. KNUDTSON ALFRED C. WOL'01FF DAVID NI I4SON, Directors. The Royal Th'ilors nc.., 1641 Qrrington Ave. Open Tueaday, ThursJay and Saturday .Evizing8 N EXR H RE îr UE .. e ** SS LT .................