Continuing T/irough Saturday! QOur Notae.ý. Saleo Fur-Trirnmed .Coats Nf Sizs 14to 20 36to 44 13 +0I9 Larger Sizes, 46 to 54# 391/2 t1451/2, _New Apparel Shop&a-ýSeçond Floor; M1rs. Roszi'dl Chrismeait of W:vl- netka is president of flhe Sim mouMs College Club of NortIern Illinfois and chair ni of ifs enterfainnment çoilrlittee, and as such, is butsy. niaking plans for a banquet Octo- ber 25, at tIie Womzan' s club of Ch.ic'ago at wchich Dir. 'I-lcnry Lefavouir, president of ,iimons> college, wýill speak.' He is plait- ning fa address ail Siinons col- lege alionaqc in tlire Middlc lt's f. Assisting Mrs. Çhrisntlan ire NMrs. John Kerr, Mrs. Frederick Mueller and Miss Margaret Bennett, of Chi- cago, Mrs. Ephriain Clark of Evans- to, Mrs. Lawrenîce Prouty. of La Grange, and Miss' Miriai Camp of ny en c oe. SMiss Camp, vice-president of the club, resigned f rom that office as she is leavihg shortly for New York whiere she bas, a postiion. Miss Margaret Bennett, fornierly of MWilmette,' has beeri elected to 1111 ýthat 'office. in ber stead. MOVE TO WILMETTE Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Stade and two sons, Paul, Jr.. an d Billv. have tor next season tu.ooi place, ana prizes for the season were awarded. ihs. G2eorge C. Richards, wyho bas retturncrl to Kenilwort'h after a stay in Evan- ston, the retiring chairman, -n'as fic reciplent of a beautiful gift. Mrs. R. M. McCaull of- 6334 Sheridlan road,. Chicago, was elected chairman for next season. Prizes at the club have 4l)Cc awarded as follows: June event, for low net score, Mrs. 1grank Ketcham, Class A; Mrs.- Hami-, mond, Chiss B; Mrs.. W. Fowler, Class C. Jujy event,, a Round Robin, %vis wo by Mrs. Glenn Carter, first: Mrs.ý A. D. Collins_, second, Mrs. J. A.ý Sidney, third. August eventt, low gross. aswu by Mrs. Sidney, 'Class A; Mrs. 1-lain- mond, Class B; Miss Beatrice, Driv. Class C. Ri nger scores for the season we wvon hy Mrs: J. E. Barron, Class, A: Mrs.. G. Hlenderson, Class B; Mrý. McCaull, Class C. LoW Putt's for' the season 1Wcru made by Mrs. Barron, Class A; Mrs. Hammond, Class B; 'M1rs. McCatil,. Class C. Mrs. Charles A. Crane was Winner of the redu-ction-of' handicap for, theý * Points for -thé season wvere -ofi I1v- M\rs. J. A. Sidney, first ini Class -\: Mirs. Glenn -Carter, second in thic saine class; 'Mrs. G. A. Briggs, first "i Class B, ivithi Mrs. H.I. Henderson,ý second; Mrs. McCaull first iii Clas' C. %vithi Mrs. L. P. Dw,%yer, seconid:. Tr.he chiampionsi s of tie club a;l( Il e classes were decided during four davs of mnedal 'play. Mrs. Sidit':'- holds the titie of champion amorL4 womein golfers at the club. Mrs. Collins w-as runiier-u p as well as lowý medalist. Thie Class B chajnpionship goes, Io Mrs. Hammiond, with Mrs. Hendersqon Mrs.; G. A. Briggs won -the titie foý- Class C, with. Miss M ary Ellen, Borozter runner-up. Draw events on chiampionip iiday won awards for (1) low mnedalist (ex- cluding wjnners), Mrs.. Barron, for mnass A; Mrs. Harry Wolf, Class B; Mrs. William Fowler, Class C ý for (2), seventh low gross, Mrs. Oliver J. Smillie, Class A; Mrs. Cane, Clas-s', B; Mrs. Lloyd Heth. Class C. gave tt the ayi Iand 'Iresist cfoths." These latter are Iparticularly interestingý in view ofan rpe adquitcnzs Ithe present vogue for -the FrenchÉ J provincial. style idecoration. Mips, Isabel Thompsoni, 1219 Ash- land avenue, Wilmette entertaiped several guegts at dinner at, ber.home last Wedneidaji evening.