HENZFOODS, Hou sewives look fôrward to the, Heinz..Week Sale in our stores -we have been plan- ning tis evettfor sometiimt and we believe this.week* brinigs you. the greatest value- giving sale on Heinz Foods. that will be offéred thiis Autumnn. Hein Toato Ketchup 2 3c H EIN Z OVEN BA KED e - 2 c 3 E al 3 ,ud - Beans 2 'u 3c :s 2 c "'"n-9 HEINZ Cooked Spaghetti 223c 3 cana HeI:ix Chili Sauce Vin ogai HIIENZ Rice FIlakes HEINZ CIDER or WHITE FOR STEAIKS AND CHOPSý 2b~23c 120k.25 CItLe2 1 -THE CEREAL WITH THE Pg VEGLTABLE EFFECT" 2 *&s 23C Photo by Carlôs Numnerous dionitàries of, the Met hodist denoninetion werc #à Wilmiette last werek altendingthe sessionis of the Rock River Con féence. Pictured above: Front rottw-Reî,. John,,Thomipsois, pastorý of First Mcthodist chut-ch, Chi- ca go; Bishop- Williamn Frazer McDotel of Wash.ington, P. C., and Rev. Joshi.la Mfarlin;, district. superinlendent -of the Chicago western district. Back rou-Rev. W. L. Colfip, district uperintendent of the Rork ford dis- trict; Rev. AubrrY AMoore, district suiperintendent of the Chicago oorthern dis- trict;. Rev. Horace G. Smith, pastor of Wiliinette Parish Methodist chur-ch., anmi4 Rev. Frank Barmtpjm. district suiperiintendentt of the Chicago southern, district. At rigPht-Dr. Smitha and Bîshop, McDon'eII.. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lourie of Mrs. Bernice Thill and hl .er chil- Winnetka are receiving thïe con- drein, after spendinig the summer ini gratulations of their friends, upon the Oak Terrace, Diamond lake, have birth of a daughter, Manisa Ann, rented a house in Ivanhoe. Roger September 26, at the Evanston hos- Thili recently fell from a tree and pital. . sprained bis foot.- VACUUM PACKED National Best Blend COFFEE are sealed i 1 lb. rçd iý 39c, I nd ividual ity- PILLSBURY'S DEST 2 rg Bilue"R bbon HOP FLAVORED bc 4 7c And c.hi c. charactorieze' these neweif. modelsi,. Gold and silver meshes'. ofvevtof texture lace, combined with fet- these inake charmig caps for evening orsemi.formaI * Miss MacMahon ae, Worthen's 1148 Wilmefl . Avenu.- "p