Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Oct 1930, p. 7

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day several hundred ministers of the Methodist denoniination will worship with the congregation at the Wil- mette Parish Methodist church. The ministers have been in WiI- mette since early ini the week at- tending the sessions of the Rock Riv- er Conf erence of the. Methodist de- nomi nation. T-w.,o, bishops. of the church. William FraserMcDowell ofl Washington, D. C ., and- Edwin Hoit Hughes .of, Chicago, a residenýt, of \Vilinette,- will preach the sermons thiat. day, Bishop 'M cDowell at the mlorning service and Bishop Hughes. at an evcning, 5ervice of worship. S4nday's programn at the Metho- dist chiurch begins With a Love Feasi -.t 9:30 o'clock, cor.duted by the Re% Ern est W. Oiiea. The imorning wor-, shiD service will hegin at 10 :30 O'clocli and wiIl be feat-arcd by Bishop Mc- Dowetl's sermon. Ini the afternoon 'at 3 :30 o'cloclz therc will be a service of conisecra- tion and 'Ordination with the Rev. Atubrey S. Moore presiding. *Hughes at Ev.uing Service A second service of worship xiI lieiii at 7 :30 Sunday evening whleiî Bishop Edwin Hoit :Hughes, wilI pr.each the sermont.. The choir of the Rogers Park Methodist ,EEiscopal church wvill irüvide the music. foi» thiis service. Th'le Conference, %ylicli . started Tfuesday evening. will extenid throtigl Monday, October 6. Today's program is p)artictilarl-. 1 ic witi ir ing sev- Uic iiisters. Ti.js sessiOn i wzu uv"*. at 10 :30 o'clock £olowiiîg the regular Conference prograni. A laymien's diii- nier will bc held this evening at 6 :30) o'clock, and at 7:30 will be held aý service1 designated as 'Iiiterinatioii'ai * Nighit," aFt wbich the principal adl- *dress will be given .by* Dr. Ralph E- Diffendorfer of New York City. 1r Gilbert Stanseil, formerly pastor of, the Wilmette Methodist church, wilI preside at this meeti.ng. President F. c . Eselen of Garrett Bill-ilcal. Iistitute- will speak at thé afternoon Coiiference session today 0oni the subj ect, "'The Preacher To- day." Heat Nôted Womea" auced ny a widely A reception accorded the presid- ing >bishop, William Fraser McDo,.v- el, members of the Conference.cabi- net, and ministers, of the.Rock River Conference. was IwId Tuësday,.eve- ning. Village. Attorney Charles H. Jackson made' the formuaI kddress of welcome.: M.and Mrs. Ralph Arnold have rentedl their homeé at 1538 Elmwood avenue to. the Rev. Mr. Cordon and his family, of Fond-du-Laýc, Wis.ý, and have moved- to 6850. Ridgelan"l avenue, South Chicago. R EGISTER ON OCT. 7 Spe cial Purcliase Fiat Crepe Frocks Your Choice To make certain ofi than 30 ý Yeats! exl Reineber--there .is on itht North Shore. .perience, ohly, ont Yýeq iia0Zos 1 10O7 Gréeerieaf Ave. Wilmette NO BRANCHES' *1. 4. 'I 4. 4. q 4. 4. 4. 4. ê 4. .4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.. 4. 4. *1* 4. 4. .1. * 4. 4. 4. Suedle Cloth ""Lecggin" Sets $5.50 Have the littie tots prepared f or t he 'Cbilly days with one or more suits of our. snug "Leggin" sets. They corne in b1ue,~ green and maroon colors, of sof t suede- ciotb, with hookless fasteners. Sizes up t-o 6 years.. Genuine Leather Coats, Winter bas no ter- rors for-a boy clad in one of our' genuine leather coats. They afe~ blanket lined Monday will, be given over to a regular Conference - session in the, morning, The Conference closes Monday afternoofl -with i he reading of miný isterial appointmetflsý An. outstanding evîent ,of the week ~a.~.eddi~S~byRaymozd-.Réb- 1123-25-27 Central Ave. Ph. Wil. 1914 Britig Your 1 Shoes Hure for the Famous Tee-Dee Repafrang . Snappy thful styles le to givè genu- service. Domose ti ugt Regalar I4ice $4.00 out, service based upon mort jelephone Wilmuette i 200. Kashian Bros. establishmient LF tht KASHIAN truck, doesn't stop at your door., you're not ëgeuing iKASH- IAN.service. ~J atm mie.

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