Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Oct 1930, p. 70

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6 4L22-li .06 FOR RENT-STORM & OFMICEs Glencoe State B3ank Bldg. IN SUITES'0F 1 - 2.OR 3 BOOMk' suitable for Doctor, Dentiat, Architec orany business requiring office spaco 4 ow rentai. 66LT15-tf 71 STORES A-ND OFFICES Winnetka 62 66LTN21-tf WHERE * AT THE PRICE CANý YOU DUPLICATI this house? New. solid, buff-colored ..brick, greén tuie roof. Hot water heai Living rooîn. dkning rooni, tiled iti chen with breaafast nok >on the irst * flour. 3 bedrumîxns, 2'tiled bat-hË on tihe second. Attached garage. Attractive fixtures, and priced at $2ý0,000.00. QUINLAN & TYSON, hIcw è 14 LEim St., Winnietka. Wlnnetka 21!08 1 '72LI'N22-Ite * WINETKA.NEWLY î4EM.Ql)J.1i.l1I -brick, 6 rm.s., sun îarlor. bktf. rqooni., $12,000. ýSnil down patynlnt.. Bal- ance like rnjt. 56B. H. BARNET11 26Center -St. Roon 4 *Winnietka 9tif :.1 M. HTD. A1PT. 1937 Wl .Nl' TTE Av'e. $;17.ào. Also l'or saie, t6 ro. house, $9,00u. 180>5 Chaîel ( ourt. -North- brook. Phi. iIete 978. LOCATION AND. *A LARGE LOT ADD TTO TUE VAIdLiE of- this house. Lot is Soçli;t i d t is ticar to transportation and thé Hubbard Woods School.' It .s of _Keliat- * storne, brick -trinîîniied. 7-lot water heait *with oil lheater.. First floor lias liv- ing nuumi, step)-ui) diniing î'ooiu, kit.- chen wvith large breakfast nouk. ýSec- ond'fluor lias 4.bedroonîis and 2 baths. WèII iuaned. rice, $25,000.00. QUINLAN &1TYSON, mnc. 714 El vfliiiléîmntka. Winnetka 21918 72LTN22-ltc - .. ~ ... --file nÇertlUUd Jji7 of the Judgmelnt on fielury office ; that the warrant 526 Center St. Boomn 4 "FOR SALE-NEARLY NEW MIDGET for the collection of such assessmént às. tt Wlnnetka 965 Piano to party linlshlng $7 monthly 1n th Ild f h heslnd i 74LTN22-lte payments on balance due of cost. Ad- persons Interested are herelby notified dress T. V. Lorenz, Auditor, P. O. to eall and pay the tlrst instaliment of Bx195, Chicago." 88LTN21-3tc the amouilt ssessed at the Collector'A - ________________________Bo-__ollice, 417 Richmnond Road, Kenilworth, s T-ING OR NOT IN * 0.~ To BUY-MISCELLANEROÙSIllinois,. %Vthin thirty days from the t 50 PT.'LOT FOR, $50 PER>FT. AND WANTEI)-CLEAN, WRITE RAGS.. Said special, assessment is payable In .e. ssume unpaid taxes. Lots in this ]Oc per lb. 1232 'Centrai Ave., Wil- wnyaiulisalret ihitr fc neighborlhood'lhave sold for $910 per f.t. mette. 89LTýN15-tfp est at the rate, of six . per cent per N. W. Wilmette, 4%, block 8 t Kenil- annurn fromn Septeniber 27, 1930. Said worth station. W A N T D TO -BY-BABY CAR- instalîments 'are.due as follows: Eddngtn &Alln, nc. nag ingio condition, notoe 5 First installnient $8,023.94 due nw Phi. Wil mette 662.- 89LTN22-ltp Second installyient $7,986.14 due Jan- fend ~, 10 Linden Ave. wilinette -uary 2, 1932.î~et*,861 u au _________________________ 9 MICELANEUSary 2, '1933.ý - N ES O S GANDII. ANDRr1,W SEM.%KIW uth Ïntalîent $7,986.14 due. Jan- LAEAND) 20TH ST., WILMETTE Dl rugless Health Method Pifth inst.-Mlient $7,986.14 due Janu- 60-kl50. Ridge Rd., j ust northi of Lake. Tel. (Areenleaf; 63 40 ary 2, 1935. Av'e.i:, 0x130. Sacrifice. at haîf price. 905 Chicago Ave., Evanston Sixth iiisitalIlient $7,986.14 due Januü- E h Uiversity 4410. 7L2lp9ILTN2Ijtc ary 2, 1936. ýd_________________________ Seventh instalinient $7,986.14 (lue JIan - V'XCANT LT 5X8 FET 09FOR RNT1SEASON 'TICKET yTO uary 2, 1937. <)k OT 5x15 EE, -0 Tuesday concerts of Chicago Sym- Eighth instalîment $7,986.14 due JIan- Oatk treet;Price $4,500. Pho~ne '%%'n-. hony orchestra for season 1.930-31. uary 2;' 1938.$,961 ;t letk 32 0.________-It Phone W innetka. 210. tIL TlN22-ltc Ninth instaIlîment r4961 lue Janu- e ~_______________________ ary 2,,1939. 81 ACREAGBE AND JESTATES WNANTID TO RN-O MDO' Tenth .inStallîment $7,986.14 (lue Janu- bano 'ate house s u i t a b 1 e for ary e, 1940. ýiOi SLE8 ACRE TRACT 0F LANI) artiWst'studio. Ph. Wilmette, 19..evnt instalnIment $7,986.14 due s 1mile souLt1llest of Nor1tiltieldj station91 T22-1 inay,19. Skoki ýal1Y lio; god trtinlftho instalîment $7,9S6.14 (lue Jan- inforniat jol, write. or rai. l on Mrs. uary 2, 1942. Becker, WagnVr R. leve.SP',.%LtîýSSESM3ENT NOTICE Thirteenth inistalîmient *796.4due 811,L]N22-.lpVIA O F WIIFli"rTE 1January 2, 1943., SPEULtI. ISSESS[ENT -.NO. 2-4-à Fourteenth Instalîment *,7,9.i$14 due NOICE is hiereby given to aIl pensons January 2, 1944. "Siiialiý Counitr- Estate" interested that the President ancj Board Fifteenth installînient*;7,!#86.14 due 2S ACRES, WEST OF LIBEttTV- of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, January 21.1945, 1 Ville-Mutndeleln, in Counti*y.,idèe- ILtiîe in the County of Cook and Statecf i'l- . Sixýtééenth. installinint $7,986.14 duie district. Ten acres ln timberl Inprove linols, Iiavine brdered thiat Elm-wood JailuarY 2, 194%. Witla old farmn homne in fitir state of Avenue, Asliland Avenîue, Thornwood. Seventeenth il stalirnent $7,986.14 due I*epaýir, Pnice $15.000. Avenue, C'hestnut Avenué, Kenilworth Jaiiuary 2,l'1947. AvT C O SXenue adBeechooAeue i*twtel Eîghteenth installment 87.986.14 due REALTORs flow ln place in Ridge Road and the .oîst Nineteenth instailmeuëit $7,98«.14 due Glenview 81, 422, 84, 172 Sain itllambell lune of 23rnd Street, together with Ken- January 2, 1949. Central 8921 Norithhrioolk 193-155 ilworth Avenue fromi the west Ue. of TUweftieth Ijîstallifent $7,986.14 due 8___ 1_ SLTN22-1 te 231'( Street to the east edge of the con- -lainuary 2, 1,950. 1'1 . crete pavement now in place -in Locust Dated thiis 3rçl day of Oetober, A. 11. EXCHA&GEREAL E8TATE Road and Ashland "Avenue fromi the190 Wvest line'-of 2Srd. Street to the concrete IF. L. STREED., 13IA)ER R AS ']'EN $1,200- N. -SIDE p)aNenient nowy in place at Locust Road Collector. iesdential lots; clear aijlnlges. ; imp. and I1lnoi1R11 frinte C(oncet e in, Exchange, for hlighler îwioed ne-s. piveîîîent now in p aceat the North 2-t v'acant. Exchange lots for landscap- Iiue of Iroquois I-oad to Ash1aîîl;ILLAUEOF KNL O' îng, elec. nefrig., Iligli grade furn., :&ventie and trn Street. M6h ~re NOT'I(-E OF AIVARM ugchinla dishes, etc. %%'rite details, amnd elniST'ttfidn AhI:'i 1<ENtLWORTH SIIE('itL ASSEFýS.S- 2785 Prairie Ave., Evainston. Avýenue te the North line of the 'iN T (OIT7NT1YCO T ___85L22-ltc -Výillage of Wilîmette and 25th. Street, NUI'1719:i ___ airtuiiouth .Street, 24th . Street .and N>lei îee,-gi veu thatlhe Ba d. 86 FOR SALE-HSEHLD. GOODS CIg-te-Streetfo Ahand Av- cf Lca lnpenit l fthe Illage1 FINE VOS ~ ~> ~~; ~ 1'nue to. Kenilwort-i. Avnue a d' 23rd of Kenil vOrî,Co ony lio FI)iNo,1GIlT__LA Street from the~ South ]nie produced afteVý due publication of notice as re- nfalo, e tone; beneh; 114 lest of Elmiwood Avenue- to the elast quired by law, did on the 2qthl day netka 2oabl24. Vn- of 23rd Street t Beechwood Avenuie, of Septem beA D.13,a rdt netka 2624.8GLrIN22-tp) including ail street intersections te the ARC-_OLE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY outur lines of the said. 23rd Street and t contratet for th.e construction of the FOR SL-BATFL MODERN 2lst Stree't froin Elmnwood Avenue to improvemeeit conslsting of the drain- 1h'. rmn.'furn. and echaise jlngue ; al- Beechlwood Avenue and igElmwoqd Ave- ndçti-)iigo illost. neW; %yer~y reas.; leaviigiet w . n. -Xv- -- - - - --it ndîg a'igadcrhni .i'.o.1 6 ROÔM BRICK HOU nage, al l mprovem. l'y owner, no. brokE Ave. Ph. Northbroc %, acre ad 1735 Sepe 183. . dW.t si each.. by "Seth Parker of Jones- " The book wilI be put out this nionth by the Century ito makei * 222t *REGIISTER ON OCT. 7 to- ard 18S. ltp îone, Y I

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