pared a program of Amnerican fine arts. ,Tbey will start with a group of 't Indian songs and trace the arts througb several periods of Anmericait Ilistory, presenting the one l)Cculiar to) thatý period, then bring. the pro- gram to an ultra-modemn clo-se -with apaper on "~Art, Moderne." *ÀThe' numbers will be ini costume. Ateii,-minu.te book review by 'Miss Anne Whitmack ofý the Wiliiette Public li6br7 "Wi1fprecede the r.*gi- lar programn. The fine arts.,committec for the ensuing year consists of Mrs. M a r - ,hall V. Keainey, eneral clhairiiia,;. Mrs. Arthur. Adams, art chairnmau MrP.N McKay, music chairma. MNfrs. Louis Crush, literatulre chair- mnai: Mrs, W. Berminghanî,, Mý'rs. A. \V. Bovîstoni., Mrs. Charles. Broa(l, Mrs. Bi. M. Lupton, and Mrs. M. B. Morris. The club opened its new year Tues- zlaY of last week with theobscrvanëc.ý (iof President's day. Five past presi-, dentS7 Of the club, Mrs.. Louis W. Crushb, Mrs. Charles A. Barton; r, . A. XV. Bovlston. 'Mrs. W. b.Ballard, and Mrs. F. J. Oelericlb. were present for the 'excellent programn given hy John Merrill and Miss Lorena Ander- so.The former delighted his, au- dience Nvith bis dramatic readings and Miss Anderson, prize %vinner Ini the AtwaterKent audition, charined thec assemblage with lier tu-o grotips of. songs. S. E. Moist Home Scene of War Veterans' Bene fit Last Friday Mrs. S.' E. Moist again * opened ber beautiful home at 1104 She'ridanî road for the annual card party of the ex-service comnlittee of the Womfan's club of Wilmette wo * raise funds for its work among the disabled veteraens at Great Lakes. A prize for eacb table i always a piece of handiwork of some -veteran, whbo in this way, tries to earn a littie inoney' for bimself and- bis famiiv. This year little leathf r.and \vool shoe polishers were made by bed patients who recieived the money for themi. I'.. n'-inawas a ieiIIJ aio Scribblers. Both Miss Patterson and! Mr. Hanenian are well kmon on thc nortb shore. To Open, With Luncheon The Edgemiere'sWcinin's. club, of: wvhich 'Mrs. 'Charles H-. Challen of E;vaîiston isiý president, will hiold its ,àpeing luncheon, and program at 1 1i'clock, Tuesdav. Octoher 7. at 'the 1Edgewater' Beach hotel. -A *iieting of> directors and cha*limeiiN ill be lî'eld at 10 :30 o'clock Mi the rnorning. 0. 0F M. HOST ESS *Mr s.. George F.- Tarnow, 126 Fourth street, is to be, hostèss to the next meeting of the Order of -Mar- tha, Mondlay, Octohler 6i' at 1 :30 o'c oc k. Med>iocrity? Hair Cuts, Marcels, Facials. Scalp Treatménts Hiair Dyeing, Finger Waving, Permanet Waving Our prices are surpiiigly moder- ate.....the artistry of our work witbo ut peer in Obicago "Priuacy .You'lIEnjo Y>" H0URS-9 :ôo-6 :30 FRANITTSFIKU.1 55 East Washington C1HICAGO k Everytbing /kt Makes a Radio Gfreat àk !s n the :NEW 19131:-rrr VICTOR *~l RADI'.',1 Victor Tone. Thirty years of'.sound, e xperi ments have resulted in tone th at is declared perfect by radio engineers and musicians. of Oak Park. ~ HOSTESS TO GARDEN CLUB Th e Kenilworth Garden club will have the last meeting of its seasoli today at. lie borne of Mrs. Hugb A. iresnin, 515 Essex-road, Kenil- worth. AN EVANSTON 615 DAVIS STREET a-