IIIUlUdy, Ct'Der YW IJDego to-school" day for parenits of New Trier High school freshmeni. 01 that day the .freslhman parents will attenid classes: witb their childrni., SoplionilQres, juniors and seniors wil 1)e excused for the, dav. *For the 'co nvenience of parents school will start at 1 :45 o'clock in the. afternoon and run th .rougli the afternoon and evening, instead of starting at the regular time ini the moriing. There will be a. fifteen * minute advisor period to open the dav's schedule., This will be f ol- lowed by classes. and another advisor 1)ieiod later ini the afternoon.. The (iiluerhourwill be fronx 6.:15 o'clock to 7:15. Classes will be dijsinissed at 8 :50 O'clock in the *evening, when, \V. . Browvn, acting prin cipal of the highi school, will address the 1paréiit.s-at a' general nmeetinii ithe .auditorium. His,>subject will be "Problenis of the Freshmnan Vear." The talk 'iltalce ~up about fifteen rIninùutes. The mlect- uig will f heii adjourn to the miess hall,' adjoining the' auditorium, where par- etits who bave flot met the freshmneni ad isors 'earlier in thç da maV liav an o CportunityV to do so. 13 running classes through. the veigfathers of fresh,,aîT.i stii- ( .lents w'ho finid; it necessarv- to 're- main at their offices during thé day wilÎ l aye ani opportuiiit- to becomie fainiliar with aý least a. part of.their children's daily routinie at the high' schiool and ( to mieet the freshmrani ad- visors and teachers. linvitationis to attend the "'go-toi school" day ext Thursday anidjiro- grains for the day will be received lwv freshinan parenits this week. :The School officiais are hopinig for a one h1undred p)ercent. attendance of ' par- * cits. * Two weeks after the "go-to-Schoo)l" * daV for freshmffan paet teéwil be a siiiar day for the parenits of Neiýw Trier sophomnores. Juniors and seniors. This will be on Thtirsday, October 23. J. lIC m4iiUIi aJugIILCs i b UI iU -I ca %vill present a play, "Çlubbing a H-usba nd" at 8:15 o'clock tonight in the Hloward school auditorium. The play will be presented tonigbt .instead of October 1, as was previously * stated in this piaper.,Tickets maybe obtained at.the door. Mrs. Charles *Broad is coachiing the play. ptessed themiselves as decidedly op- posed to the erection of a dormitory for girls attending the college which, ith iproposed, would be located on tesouth side of Maple avenue west of Sheridan road.- The- college owns; property f ront- ing on1 Maple avenue between Sheri- dIan roa.d and the Sanitary, district. canialanidproposes to build a dormi- tory to accomodate about three lîuin- dred'girls. Plans for the. structure were ex- îilaiiied by EZdwin F. Anderson, rep-- resenting the- architects, Schmidt, Gardner and Erikson.' The, plans' cali for a building of EnglishI cottage. dlesign two and. a haif stories, high> to be huilt of red face l)rick.,withi cot-* tage casenent wvindows of the s-wing" Ing type, and a 0late roof. Miss. Mabel, Kearns, secretary of, the college, answered questions as to how~ the college plans t o use * the building.' Missý Edna Dean Baker, president of the institution. also g'ave a short talk. Followiîig the hearing a coinnittee representing the ohjecting l)roperty civiners, with. Janmes V. s ill as Chair-' plani, iet wit.h officiais of the college, the architects, and the board of ap-: peais. Tt iwas decided to allow more timie to consider the mnatter. Another mieeting ýwiil l)e called. later at \vhich representatives of the college .and thie property, owvners living in the vicinity of the proposed, new dormnitory will .nîeet vvith the board of appeals. The board of appeals vvill iakle 1n0 recon-inendations to the -Village board ini the nmater of granting a permit for s"Inle tiline. Pre-Sckool Groub in Meeting.on October8 The'-Lozali-H-ward 'Pre-Schiool ýzroup will hold t.ie first mieeting of the vear Wednesday even'ing. Octo- b)er- 8, at 8 o'cloék at the Howa r( school. Mrs. Minnie Campbell wl gîve soine suggestions concerning the ered consciousneýss at the Evanston hospital, told a. story of beink struck by an automobile containing two youths wbo picked him up, started for, a hospital, and t1ien, apparently fear- ing arrest, thre hibu out. of the car After beiniz thrown 'out of thé car, Schmidt said*, *he lost consciousn-ess. on the big gaines. WILMETT'E LIrE this season again follows its custom of several years' standing of inviting a few guestýs to each of the Northwestern home games. All thepecie recipi- ents .of gratis ducats to thes e games. need do is loin in the contest out- lined on page '15 of' this issue of 'WiiiizMTrIý Lire:. in the colitest published Ilast weeék,ý the winners of free admis- sions to the Nor thwestern -Tulan e game on O.cto!her 4, Were 'as fol- Iows: Ernest Moers,.411 Main Street, Wilmette. Mr&. MeLeod Gouldthrite, >411 Main Street, Wilmette. John Low, -1706, Forest. avenue, wilmeiie. The conite-,t escri.bedl in this we4lk s issue of W TE*Li'e will provide guest tickets for the North western -Ohio State game at Dyche' Stadiuîn on October Il. Pupils ait Howard School Establish Citizeuship Cl ubs Pupils at the Howard school have been busy organizing citizenship clubs. one club 'for each room., In Twô councillor1s .are elected frgni, each'.room in -thieseniior group .and tlhe junior group,* the latter compris- ing' the third, fourth'anýd* fifth grades. The counciliors, have charge of the senior gnd.junio.r assembies. In. the senior. group a, permianent président of the senior assemblv is elected, wbile in the juniorasebl the honor is p*-slsed. around, witb a different chairman .for eacb assembiv,. Cail * * WILMETTE 4300 Ad Takt III villages and cities in all parts ot the, country, is making plans for its ob-, set-vance. Fire Chief Walter Zibble, summar- izing the loss fromn fires in Wilmette 'this year, states thatý during the first: nine months of 1930- the daimage fromn fires amounted to $16,385.OO as coni- pared to $13,860.0U for a coirespond- ing period last year. From; January 1 to October 1- this yeapr Wilmette frenanswered 64 caîls.. Up t6 Octobe r' 1 last year t hey.haâd an- swered,54 calis. If you hear the fire siren at 12 o'clock. noon . each d ay next week' don't be alarméd. It will only he to remind 'you that Fire' Prevention, wveek.has àrrived, and to caîl to yotîr attention the necessity for fire pre- Yention measures in your homes. Chief Zibble Traces Causes Fires which start in the home caîi be traced to eight major causes ,1 says Fire Chief Zibble-accumulation of, rtibbish, defective cbim neys and pipes, combutstible roofs, defective heating systems, matches and careless smok- ing, use of gasoline and kerosene, dLe- fective electric wiring and bot ashes. Chief Zibble is asking thé cooper- ation of ahi Wilmette residents ini making their buildings safe .against fire by removing thé causes of fire. Wilm-ette school children are 'being traîned in the matter of fire preven- tion. Next week F. J. Budinger, chairman of the fire prevention com- mittee of the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce will talk to the pupils at the various schools, telling them the dangers of fire andi ways of prevent-" ing it Prevention List la Prepared For your convenience Fire Chief Zibble b as prepared the following lis, ofsuggestions for fire prevention: DONT'S Don't use, gasoline2 to dcean gar- ments and gloves in the bouse. Send them toithe dry cleanters. Don't use gasoline fo r clea ning floors. I. is better and safer to use non-inflamnnable cleaners. D)on'.t attempt to do amateur wiring. Do0 tnat imuof work in tne open air and away frorn flame. Don't permit bidren to build or play around bonfires.. Many a cbild, bas lost bis lif e, by so doing. Don't .kepmaitches' within reach er f