Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Oct 1930, p. 34

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Lettering and, Drawings. for Special Annoutnce- monts, etc.,* by Edna. M. S.. Johansen, 1.58 Berlinq Lune, Winnetha. Phone U71nnetka 76 9. Kinnion, Harrv Weese, Jack< StebL>îns, Paul Leach,. ,aurice Bosley anid De- frees IJolmies. METALCRAFT CLASSES Announceinent v as niade this vveek that classes lu ii-etalJcra.ft unde,(Ir.the direction of Ida C. FieId vill be hel(l ecdi week ou ona and -Fridayv afternoons frorn 3 to 5 o'clock, at the Nicliols. school, ILvanston. Eni- rollinent wilL ta!<e,,plac.e Friday, Oc- tober 3, 111 thé méetal deplartmienýt.at the school. *The golden te\t was, "Then spa ke Jesuis agaîn, unto thern, saying, I ain the light. of thec world: he that fol- lo.weth nie shali'not walk in dark- ness, but shall have the light of life" (John 8:12). Aniong the citations which coin- prisedthe lessoni-serition, was flic fol- loiving froni the ]Bil!e *'The night i s far sp ent, the day is' at hand : let us therefore cast. off the -:works of darkness. and let uý put, on the armour of hi.ght" .(Romans 13 :12). The lesson-serion ýalso included the followinig passages, fromi the Christian Science textbook, "Scienîce and Health with Key to the- Scri e-ý turcs "'1b%, Mary Baker: Eddy : -rruth and L'iove cenlightent4fl*i undcrstaîîd(- îîîg. lui hose 'ligbiti. ;hlaIl we csec ight'; an(d this 'illunina.tion is re- flected spirituallv Ibv' ail who walk iii thle lighit and turu aWav froîi a false inaterial sne p 1) Skokie Elks to'Clash WithEvanston Boosters Th'le North Chicago Civic bascball team (Ifeatedl the Skokie Fllks 12 to 5 last .Stndav on the Elks dîianîond. Hiibhard and Hapy roads. ?llîis Sun- (lav, October 4, the Elks w111 meet the Evanston Boosters, a colored teani, for the third'finie fis season. 'l'lie' gaine vilI be-in at 3 o'clock and will be playe] 0on the Elks field. 1lu two prcvious eggmnsthe lBooýsters woîMl oie and the Elks the other. sented b y Gordon Cutier, senior rep- resentative, Robert Burns, junior representative, and F. D. Frisbie, faculty advisor. It was decided to hld( the animal league baniuet this vear oli Deccruiber 13 atthe Evanston High scbool. làast year the b)anqet was. held.at Mo0rtoni High school ini Cicero, with about 300 boys froim .New Trier, Evanston, Morton, Oak Park, Deer- field and Proviso high schools in at- tendance. The purpose of these ban- quets is to help ini carrving out the, Plan of the, Sul)uran,'leagite Lo cii- courage a frienldlv 'feeliig 1betweeui the menîiber schiools.and to have thie liovs'nîcet each other in. a non-com-l petitive way., In clude Varied Subjects in Guide Lecture- Tours Gid(e-lecture .,tours1 at Field Muii s enulof Natural History lnexý , vceIk ~~ilbegin Monday with ",'Svstcîniatic \nml"at lVa. nli. and "Chinese Ex- hibits," at 3 P. ni. Other davs at the , aie holirs subjects vvill btr t dav, "japan" and "Amnal i.fe Ili Aa"Wcdncsdav, "Egvptian .ift" and "Animiais that Hbe.a" TIhursdlay, twvo general tours oc a a- thirop)okigica1, bo)tamcial, geologîcal and zoological :exhib)its ; and. Fridav', "Horses, Past.and Prescntt"-anid ",Ni1 sîcal. Instruments.". These tours are ondiucted -bY' sta 'T lecturers, and; arc frce to al mutseunm visitors. P'arties assemile inside the -nortli entranice. WhyNorth Shore Men CHOOSE' eNext Hove. 1k lAdoor:S, Do Your Eyes Eas ely Stand The Added Stra"n? M ake Sure 0f This. Now By Having Them Checked-' Over Today! No 319'W. Van Buren St.. Chicago ""Just on the, fringe of the high cent Loop" Or Obligation In- )ur HIGI-LAD PARK 391 Central Ave. *H. P. 2160 OAK PARK Lake & Forest Village 9298 Try OU! tEmergwicy, Service" for broken lenses, It's Rapidi We grid ail lenses on the premises. Greetings, Hand Il

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