tgestions to lessen the fire hazard fland urge your full cooperation. lu' REOROOF -AGAINS?: Inflammable- Roofs cause more than 23% of :ail fires FIRE, is a -constant haz- manent. - mest S "F ard-don't wat for it Shingles, too, will, greatly to lb..ome a liahilityI .Stà improve the appçarance of, tistics show. that inflam- your homie. There are mable roof s cause, more cclors, color comibinations than .23% of ail fire .dam- and styles which blend age to residences. But. perfectly-with your home flying sparks and fire and its surroundings. brnsneed hold no ter- ror for you if your home is A phone eall will bring protected-with Jok ns-Mon- you a roofing expert, with ville A sbestos Shingles. a sample display of the Even white1'eat will flot, new Dutch Lap, the Hex- burn thern. Wind, 'rain, agonal and other popular ice and snow wilI flot in- styles. Or some in to see jure theni. They are per. us at your convenience. AJLAX SHINOLE CO* 607 MAIN ST. ROOFERS WILMETTE 1248 lo l lIi l l iliE- IG1Iii;1iIiIi l l 'l l 1411 l 1IlIl11111111 l l lIl l lIiilIiIii l Insu ,ranice NEVDÙ« .E VEN the 'speedinàg Pire truck, charg- Ing -dûWn. the avenue. with sirens, shriekng, sometimes' arrive Wi time to check the blaze.- But Insuran .ce NEVER faiIs'. With an Insurance Company of North America or an Hartford Pire Insurance Compan y policy in your desk you, are sure to be promptly compensated for your Ioss. Better act NOW! 3966-' Your Valuab les Bdlong In a LINDEN CREST GARAGE 33 LINDEN AVE. WILMETTE 477 SEE TOM FOR COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE A BANK» TRUST. COM P AN'Y 'co. ýC