store your sxoouh ite uiicnî. YOUR HANDS quickly recover f rom the ravages of out-of-doors through out oil manicure and massage. YOUR HAIR overcomes the damuage dlone by scorching summer suri by oùur spécial Qil Massage Sbampoo. E~A ~ T ondty and'Tuesday. WAVING*~Iae FOR APPOINTMENT-PHONE WILMETTE 11 La Garta Salon, entrance WINBERG'S DRLup STORE-s417 LINDEN AVE. The Druge Store in -the Middle of the Block three-act corneuy o oi £uuu"'n ocity life, is one of a numnber presentcd each year by the Rockford club under the direction of Dr. Abbie Findlay, Potts, insructor in draniatic art. Mis,( Cook, a senior at. Rockford college, is very active iiistudent activities and. lias -taken imiportaniit roles in mtany othier collçge productions. LAMBDA OMEGA PLEDGES Fal! pledges of Lambda Omega, sprority at Northwesterni Universi-ty- are: Emùilv Eckart,. Marie. Erickson, Hielen Maýloiley, M.%elita Otte,, Janet Sta%%icki, «Mary Jane Maloney,ý Fran-, ces .Grote, Dorothy Campbell. REGISTER ON OCT. 7 ACLEANINO THE USUAL ARGUMENTS. *No one likes, an argument, and we have made a special effort to eliminate the arguments that usually accompany many cleaning * services. There is no chance for margument about our workmanship. Morew than 1200 families will1 testify to that. There is no chance for argu- ment about our prices, no'extra charges to cov er insurance, delivery,' etc. Send us, everything that rieeds cleanin!g. We know you wiII liI<e our service. Telephone Wilniette781 ,Vvanston Phone-Greenleaf 7441 iiie-V Noa -LIV ngWAress oIfl.~li I Cli- ents and Teache'rs, of which the Ceni- tral1-Laurel Parent-Teacher associa-, tion is a unit. The .object of the Parènt-Teachier association is :-First, to promot'e child welfare in home, Sc hool, churdi, andf cominiullity; to raise the stand- ardls of home li e ; to secure adeouate laws for' the care and protection oi children. Second, to bring into closer relatio n the- home- and the school, that the parents and teachers mnay -cooperate, intelligently - in 1 the train,1- ing of the child; and to develop be-'- tween' educators and the. general public United efforts as wil secure for every child the higliest advantages in physical, mental-,, moral, and spiritu- al educ ation. (From Article,2. Nation- al Bylams of the National Cnrs of Parents. and Teachers.) On Tuesdav., October. 14, a drive, will begin for members of the Cen.. tral-L.aurel P. .T. A. The dues are 50 cents ayer per person, five cents of which goes to the National P. ýT. A. Congress, 25 cents to the Illinois P. T. A. Cong,.,ress, and; 20 cents to. the, Central-Laurel P., T. A. The support of the National Ccn- gress. and, of the Stàte branéh is mainly . derived f rom the dues, paid a nnually by the individual niembers. tlirougi. local associations. Last year thiere were 559 paid mni- l)erships in, the, Cen.tral-Lauirel P.- T. A. Let's have, a 100,7- paid. inembership for 193-3 1: Secret ary, M rs * W. L. Hart. Finance chairmnan, Mr.s. W. F. dancing classes, M.ýrs. P. S Mrs.. Harry Lee' Jones. of' Los, Anigeles, whôholas been the guest ýof her Sister,* Mrs. ýR.. S.. ,Swaim of 01Lauirel avenute, visited a à.sistet iii Hoopestèn, Ill., early in., Septem- ber. She lias returned to Mrs. Swairn's, to-spend the month, of Oc'tob)er he- fore leaving for lier home. A nnouncing Mestjian Bros. mnc. 511 MAIN ST., WILMETTE wilmüette 5050 University 5050