and Quiokly D.Iivered d"iae People r Photo byCarlos Mfr. and M rs. ý-enry D. Hewitt 0 of 824 Oakwçood avenue, Wilinette, 1 announcle the marriage of their 01 daiughter, Eli wyn, t o Kcnnett r 0 Cowan, Jr, son of Mrs.. Lora ,j Siith Côziws of Evanston. John Robert Murray is returnfifl shortly to Kenilworth f rom Saska- toon, Saskatchewan, Canada, where he lias been on business. His niarriage to Miss Coralee Whitsett of Wilinette takes place October IL. AUl Telephomead C. 0. D.1 Charge Accouats5 Yî-~ LX! Y? <> 000 .0 ~o/~ An easy way to decide on, tomorrow's meai; mat jot down the. wat.d items from tis list; thon càli by 'phone ithor of our. tht.. ,narkets. The delivory wilI ho prompt, the moats thé at right pricea, always. SPnng Leg of Lambl, lb .......,....... ..291/2c. (average 7 to 9 Ibo.) Spring Lamb Roast- Shoulder, lb....141/2c (average S to 7 ibs.). Fresli Dressed Spring Cbickens, lb .... ..34c (milk-fect dry picked) Tender Cutsof Sirloin Steak, lb ..... ..45c Tender. Cuts. of Pot- Roast, lb. ........ 28c, Palace Quaity Rolled Lamb Roast, lb.-.--25C Recréation board, and organizatioi of cômmittees to function in carrying on arrangements for. the two gymi- nasiums were effecteci last Wednes - day evening at a calied meeting of the, committee at the Village hall. The erograin is being arrangeci te continue throughout the .etrening, of Friday, October 31,, with, entertaiin- ment consisting of. moving, pictures., stunts, and refreshlments :at eacl' place. George H. Redding,- meniler. of the, Recreation, board, and chair - man of theSpecial Occasion commit- tee, ànd Director of Recreation Dan- iel -M., Davis, assîsted by Dr. Hubert, Carleton, rector of St. AugutstinLek Episcopal churchý, fori a cçmnmittet. to -select the films td6 be showîî at each gymnasium. The Hallowe'en, parties, are * macdt possible by special suhscripition an.1 letters are beinig maileil to the. var:- oôus civic organizations this wéelk ask- ing for, donations. to finance thé parties. .Arrangements are l)eifl', mnace tb take <are, of 240 Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Crosslev (uf 602 Washington avenue _entertainci. the H.. and W. club. at its first fall mee ting 1ast Friday. evening. - Mirs. Edw%ýin Va Vechten, wiho 1a been visiting hier sister, Mrs. Join . Doig of 820.*Oakwood -avenue, has. lier home in Milwaukee. I . I HOUSE 0F MAGIC GENERAL -M E LECTRIC Malis Street »89sf S DANNEMARK ELECTRIC Ca. 1 151 Wilmetf e Ave. Phone WiIm.$t, .214 Open Tuesae Thursdag. SausdgEeng iBIS ShOW et-I..' lei