Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Sep 1930, p. 70

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2944 Grant Street Greenlpaf 4;73 6OLTN21-ltp FOR RENT-6' RM. BUNGALOW LO- cated in N. E. Wilmette, ail large rooms wlth sun parlor and .1 car gar. WiII lease for one or two years. Ap- ply: apt. 312, Orrington Hôtel, Ev. CHARMING SMALL HOME FOR ent in S. E. Winnetka. Large Liv. rm. with fi'repl., Sun'rm. 3 bedrms., heated slpng. porch. H. W. 011 heat. $125 morith. Winnetl<a 450. 6LTN2-ltp FOR RENT.- HIGHLAND- PARK owner leaving town 'muet sacrifice, Wel lo 'cated 6 rm. bouse on secluded ravine property. 4 min. zf rom N. W. Sta. 4 blocks te achools,.merits in- vestIgation. $135 for immediate rent- ai. 361 Hazel.,Ph.,IHighland Park 3069. 6OLTN21-lte WINNETKA 5 RM. BUNG. $55 Mo. Wnnetka 6, rm. bung. $75 mo, Htib- bard.,Woods 7 rm. house '$120,mo.. Sevra otergood values in rentais 26B. H. BARNETT_ 56Center St.. Rooni 4 Wlnnietka 965 60LTN21-1te GLENCOE 690 GREENWOOD AVE. 8 RMS; 2 BATHS, OIL, BURNER, H. W. h feat, large lot, oav. te schoois, and station *'Wili rent furn. or unfurn. 1 or 2 year lease. Ph. Glencoe 561. 60LTN21-tc 6 ROOM BOIUSE WVITH ATTACHED garage. in South (1iencoe, 418 Wood- iawn ave. Open for inspection.. For futher Information caill Minnetka, 2570. 60LTN2-1te FOR RENT BUNGALOW OR WILL seill easonabie, also 1 or 2 rooma Ph.. Wilmette 2627. 6OLTN21-ltc el FOR RENT-FURN. HOUSES HIGxHLAND PARK 'FINE 8RM. BOUSE, FURNTSHE D, Linden Park Pl. conv. to depot and schiioois. 4 bedrms.. 2 bts,. ex. shower, o11 heat, garage. Oct. to June or longer. Cail Murray & Terry, Agents Ph. Hlg'hiand Pk. 60 or 206. Rient rea- qonable. .6ILTN21-ltc % ROOMS8, DRESSINGI ROOM, BATH, and, large porch. Furnished or un- furnlshed. Phone Gléncoe~ 1614. 6ILTN2I-itp new bouse at MOST DESIRAE exclusive resid Winnetka Is off able prîce. FRANCES 902 Spruce. St., ILB. VACANT ON-;ANý Lentiai street in eas.t ered at a moat reason- J. WN/INSCQTT Winnetka 1267 72LTN21-1te -FALL COLORING'S MARZE A FINE BACKGROU7ND FOR this. new,, attractive, white brick colo-. niai. with dark blue shutters. Inside, the arrangement of. the rooms, -and the details ln the finish.and hardware add to the cheerfuiness of this house. In addition. to the large living roomf, dir.ing, roomn, and kitchen,, there lsa.a wood-panelled _library. The *basement lias a recreation.room. Second floor has 4 bedrooms and 3 baths-one-wlth shower stali. 2-car garage. Hot water heat. Two more bedrooms 'and bath can:be put on the third floor. I QUINLAN & TYSON, Ine. 714 Flm Street Win netka 2198, 72LTN21-itc BARGAINS IN THOMES Winetk-flubbard Wéoods-Qlencoe $12,060 te $60,00 & up SACRIFICE: 6 ROOMSý STUCCO, modern, H. W.. heat, sun room & sleeping porch, 2 car garalge. nir. lakçe, station & schools. $14,750. 7 rooms tucco, large corner lot, sun room, ,,leeping, poreh, 2 car gar. $17,- E. P. 'MAYNAThD Hubbâtd Woods 104S GCage St. Ph. W'innetka 236, or R So. Dearborn iSt.ý. Ph. Rand. 3021 72LTNý21-ltc CHAR'MING 7 RM., 2 BATH RESID. on beaut. grounds convenient to Hub- bard Woodsý sehool and transi). Spa- v cous, artistic. modern,. equipped with oi burner, MU\11ST BE SOLD. Your cash will go ýfur here. Price $25,00.0,. L\fke offer. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 513 Davis. St., Evanstoni. Greenleaf 1617 93,0 Spanilsh Ct., Wilmette. Wilmette 29e0 72LTN21-Itc WEECAN Y017 GET A 9. ROO'M ai ACREAU9 ANDe U EUTTE$ "Srnal Country Estate" 28 ACRES, W-EST 0F LIBERTY- vilie-Mundeleln, in Countryside LaIke district. Ten acres in tlmyber. ImproVed i:wUh oid farmn homie 'in fair state of repair. .Price, $15,000. WY-1 ATT & COONS REALTORSý Glenview 81, 422i 84, 172 Sam Campbell Central M9I Northbrook 193-155. ONE ACRE ON INDIAN JHILL GOLF CL-UE grounds.'On private. road. If.the samp achitect is emffloyed We WIII include conipieted model and set of plans for. Early. Aierican Farm. house- whlch was especially designed for the plot. Buyer,,muat be acceptable to seller. $30.000. MRS.. FULLER-HOMES 1618 Chicago Ave., Evanstoni, Green.- 7220 81LTN2l-1tc- sa FOR SALEC-PARMS FOR SALEý-TWtENTY ACRES IN centrp' Michigan, wth good sixc room .bhouse, en bouse, lce house, and shed, large hay barn, tiec up for twelve cowa and three hol'ses . One of the best trout atreama ti the state flows through this p'roperty. THIS FARM IS FULLY STOCKED. WiIi seli with or wlthout stock; with4' out stock, tweaty five hundred dollars, one haîf cash. FOR FULL INFORMATIONX CALL Wlnnetka 2011 and ask for Mr. Powell. 82LTN21-1lp 84 REAL ESTATE Youi Pay No Commissions IF YOU OWN A LOT WE CAN MAKE you a, 75% 15 yr. building loan, wfth- out commission, 6% iml. ; asy month- ly paymnenuta, less than rent wilI fully pay off loan, p)rincipal and interest ini 15 years. If you do not own a lot now we offer a few choice iots at nost reasonable prices. All street improvemneats com- pitd.2 and 3 bloçks fromn station, àcoo tore. 35 ,10 45rminutes to ioop. Lýow fares. SeeMr. Mayaard for full details. E. P. ..MAYNARD 1048 Gage St., Hubbard Woods, Win. 236 and 8 So. Dearborn St., Ran. 3021 84LTN21-ltc $id( Wil 2 DESKS SUITABLE FOR STU-' dents; 1 oak, 1 mahog. Also 1 mahog- any piano, good cond. Cheap. Phone Wlnnetka 1414. >. 86LTN21-ltp. 07 WTD. TO UUY-HSEHLD. GDO., WANTED TO BUY--SECOND BAND furniture and other househoid goods. Hlghest prices for same. Crost Furj)i- ture store, 1004-4 Emerson St., Evans- ton,.111. ýPh..Untv. 189. 87LTN1-tfc 88 FOR SALE-MIBCELLANEOtJS PORSALE-eABY BUGGY IN GOOD condition, reasonabie. 331-4th. $t., Wiimette. 88LTN21-1 te FOR SALE,-B-LIE ENGLISH WHIT- ney perambulator ln excellent- cond. Reas. prive. 'Ph. Greenleaf 7380., 88LTN21-1tc FOR- SALE-ACC. LEAVING. CITY, antique furn. dcocks, mirrora, twO. pianos, some .office furn. cail Cal. 0422 Fr1. eve. after 7 for apli. to qee Sat., aft. or Sun. 1468 So. Mich. Ave. FOR 8AIFE-.CHINESE RUGS. 8xl0, 1 rose and taupe, 1 blue. and orchid, at great bargain. Aiso 10 year size child's clothes, Wilmettê 1475. 88LTN2.1,1tp SBOY'S RANGER,. BICYCLE FOR SALE $10, Angora kittens for sale. 413 1Riéh- mond Rd., Kenilworth. 88LTN2ý1tp FOR SALEPRACTICALLY NEW FOUR. Jet Bryant gas Furnace, hot ýair, suf- ficient for heating 8 rmns. Wii selil at once aft favorable' price. Cali. Wlnuèt- ka. 2952. 88LTN21-1tc FOR SALE--GARAGE. Glencoe 840. $50. PHIONE, 88L'2-ltp _FOR SALE-NEARLY NEW MDE Piano to party finishîng $7 moathly paymnents on »amance due of cost, Ad- dress T. V. Lorenz, Aùditor,, P. O. Box 195, Chicago." .88LTN21-3tc FOR SALE REASONABLE, NEW frigidaire used 4 mo. Fualy guaran- teed. Winnetka 2482. 88LTN21-lte. REYNOLD'S FURNACE COMPLETE with automatie humi!dem, .price $50ý for 8 room bhouse, very good condi- tion. Immediate removal.,415 Washing- ton Ave. Ph. Wilmette- 2152. 88LT-N21.-lte 69 WTrD. TrO SUY-MISCE-LA NEOUS' BOYIS BICYCLE IN tion, Phone.%Win#etka CONPI- 240 zar. 4bedr s and bath. Space extra bath. Il. W., heat1ng plant. or rent., $125 a month \Vin'netka. 62.or,3293 72LTM21rtfe' 8 BM. BRICK, 4 BEDRMS., 3 BATHS, ALL RINDS FURNITURE. RUGS. day, "Lacquer and Çloisenne" and sip. and sun pch., att. garage, oil heat Bargaîns. 1590 Wlllow rd., Wlnnetka. Itln Arhclg" Thsay $23,000. Sevý1eral other. outstanding val- 86LTN21-ltp genalt rcand Fry, "Esimos" ues. __________-tours;__and___________"Eskimos"_ B. . ARN TTUPRTGHT PIANO. WILTON RUG 9x and "Migrating Birds." Tours are BH.B R E T12, odd rugs, birds eye mapie dresber cnutdb tf lcues ate 526 Center St. R:oo0m 4 ga-s stove, tee>.box, breakfast tab le,& odcebystflcUrs.Pti, Wlnnetke 965 chairs. Ph. Wilmette 1482..asml nie the, north entrance, of 72LN21ltp. 8LTN2l-ltc the- museumr. I .1 ý

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