board, Conterence lecture under the auspices of the Board of Minlisteriali Training, and Round Table confer- ences. During the evening there will be a Garrett Biblicàlý Institute dinner at S 5-:30 o',lock with address -by Dr.. F. Di. Granit., At 7:30 ' o'clock there'Will be a meeting 4ûder the designation "The Church anid Reform," at. -vhiicfi' the addréss %vill be given by Raymond Robbins- of Chicago on the suhject "The Constitution, -Shall We. Scrap Friday morning, October 3,,will be. featured by a joint con ference ith laymeni of which several1 hundred . will he in attndance. Preceditgethis con- ference will be a service of'devotions *ada sermnon by Bishop 'McDowell. The, Friday af ternaon session, will. open with a. business meeting to be, followed b a lecture bv Dr. F. C.' EiSelen 'of Garrett Biblical Institute * on the subject, "ThE Prea.cher Toda-v."ý A Xomen's Anniversary service will be hie1l at '3:30 o'clock. A Laymen's dinner will be lield Fri- day evening at 6:30 o'clock. International Night * International Night i1 be obser.ved Friday evening, at 7 :30 o'clock, aàt-' tended by both . miniisters and laymien. The chairman of this meeting wvill be. Dr. Gilbert Stansell, formner pastor. of the Wilmette Methodist church, and *the principal address will be givenl by* Dr. 1Ralph E. Piffenidorfer> of' New 'York, lis subject being, "Our Obliga~- tions and Opportunities." Saturday morning's prograrn begins, with a service of meditation.and prayer. Later thiere will bc a sermon by Bishop 3McDo\,Vll, a Con ference session a nd discussion of educational interests. On Saturday afternôon the ministe*s' ývill be gilests. of Northwestern' uni- versity at ;Dyche Stadium vhený the Northwestern ifootball t'r eesthe 'Tulane university eleven. Asupper for young people is sched- o'clock. An address will be given by the Rev. I. MU. Geer of the M\ethodist Board of Education. . At 7 o'clock there w~ill bc a series of grotip conferences. . Dr. Edin IHoit* Hughes,. resi- dent, Bishop of ,the Methodist Episcopal chiurch will prcach thte sermon at a service of worshi1'p Siinday czening, October 5, which uill. bc an outstanding feature of' the-Rock~ River Coitference con.- vellin gin fWillmette ne;re.t week. and business session on Monday at .12:30 o'clock. *The- Con ference organization coni- prises the following: Edwin Holt Hughes, resident bishop. \Viliam' Fraser. McDoWell, presid- ing bishop.. *Superintendents A. S. 'Moore, Northern district ; Frank Barnumi, Souithern district; J* B. Martin, WXXest- ern district; L. L. Hammitt, Joliet- Dixon district, and W. L. Collin, Rock- fürd district. Secretary, James O'Mfay; statistician, W. C. Godden; treasurer, Chester Loughlin«. Conference Prograni comrittéee Horace G. Smfithi chairman; Aubrey S. .Moore, vice-chaàirmfan; A. M. Penne- weil, secretary; A.. D. Klontz, J.. H. Odgers and Morgan Williams. Local church conimittee.: Raymond Dr. Horace G. Smith, pastor of the Wililette Parish. Met hodist chiurch, is ' Pro gramt chairman for, the sessiolis of the Rock River Con ference . izeeting from Sept. 30 to Oct. 6 and Io -which his, parisl is host. Group Discussions Con ference, Feature A distinctive feature of the Con- ference session will be a series of round-table conferences. This is- an effort to make the conference pro- grain of more imniediate and practical value to 'the ninisters. In each of the 'se groups, pi'oblemrs of. particular interest to the minister will be con- sidered. These conferences will run simtiltaneously Wéclnesday and Thursday afternoons. Thue program follows: CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: Ques-, tion for discussion: "How may we develop our religious education so as to make it more effective for. religions experience and definite Christian (iscipleship? Leader: Prof. H. F. Rail1. Resource Men: M. N. English a4nd H. P. Buxton. MISSIONARY PROGRAM :Ques- tion for discussion: "The bearing of its annual session in the Wimette Parish Methodist church next week, encompasses a wide range of educa- tional social -service and philanthropie enterprises. Exclusive' of its clïurches, compris- ing a. membership of .100,000 and a .constituency many times, that siz .e, the denomiination points with pardon- able pride to an extensive, and corn- , field ofactivity.> Among its.many institutions, North- western university and Garrett Bili- cal. Institute are the ôldest and. larg- est,* both having been established in the early fifties. Other, educational, enterprises of outstanding importance include: A trainin g schnol for cburch work- ers, located at 4949 Indiana avenue, Chicago. jennings -Seminary, àa.secondary school for girls at Aurora. Wesley Foundations at the Univer- sity of Illinois and at the niedcàl cefl- ter in Chicago, which provide religious care for studetits away f romi home. Philanthropic service finds outlets among other places through the Lake Bluff Orphanage, the. Old People',; Home in Chicago, and the Wesley hospital (now associated with North- western university). The Con ference also provides a worker in the Boy>' Chica- go, as . well as visitors at the Oak Forest Infirmary and other county institutions. It sponsors the Chicago City Mis.- sîona-ry society which establishes churches in the poorer areas ofý the city. and maintains institutional churches which have day nurseries as an important feature. The Conferenice also maintain s "Good Will" indiustries among the needy people of the lower west side of, Chicago. . The ;De 1S Plaines Camp meeting is another institution ma intained by the Roc River Conference. CIRCLE MEETI GIN CITY (rcn urcn workers wil attend the. neld was xurinany ieaicaei ur e fl.g l4Li I i'#-'IIlu LIIn sessions w'hich inclucte a joint confer- 1930. It is one of 'the largest church ber of the Con ference, Rev. 'h ence with the ministers ini the morning structures in the tConference.* Warrington. Miss Marie Briel, and a laymén's>dinnr a5:30 in th reg ular organist- of the Wilm evening. Mrs. Charles A. Mair of .327 Four- church, will play at o'ther times. TI hlh iisters' Wives. associationtenhset is motoring through will be special music at each evel w 'I hod it raý Wiconin.withÏrieds.service. wiI hld tsannual luncheon, progr' Wicsi threns 0o- Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Knoop, 221 Warwick road, Kenilworth, re- turned on Tuesday from the north woodswhere they spent a week fish- Ing s: