ilousecleaflifg about this timie f ol- lowed with a littie' attention eachi \weck. Many plants miay be cut back ahinost to the grounid after bloontingf and ,%ill be stre.ngthened by this trininiiiig as the developnettvill go to the roots instead of to seed, pods and foliag.. Vines wliich have bloomied can, be pinched back so as. topen up to view the beauty of the stone groupings. Stray seedlings and weeds cati be sorted out anid kept out. Petunias 'and portulaca are excel- lent for. laie suinnmér bloon i and niav often be used ini the rockeries ,al- --'thiough they are -far f rom ,being Alpine plants.or even w ild floINers. *Each planting should he kept, iii its- own area. Rock. plants are keen' on ruinning -arounid and spreading thieiselves but -nuust -iiot be, allowed t*do so. You t il1 need. to throiv awav, manyv bushels of nice plants. l)ut if vo.u will do this faitlhfully, your rock gardens will look wvelI throug l- ot the, entire .gr sçasons. CHANGING GRADE AROUND TREES Wficn a deep fil is miade arouind a tree? it. is necessa.rv to kecp an openi- .1in jineciately around .. thetree 'by 1iliigsoxîe' kinid of a retaining ývail or edging, but thIs is noetlleuougl to save tbue ife of the truc. Iii fact thecre is ne «sure Nvax ot saving sucb trecs. Thie 'feueder roots extend out to a. distance about corrcpoaading to the 1raIcih. spread. In this. area pro- * "vision should be made for theé water to get down to the roots and it ean onily be -done by placing tile at inter- vals, several foreach tree, to let the *water do\wui. Insýtead of tule on endff, hoesnay be dug and Iilled, -itbi stones;, to Jet thle ater down un-, hindered. The. maliv barrels of, water which circulate through the. sysem of -a large tree iii a single a and the1 speed o isflow i a frmconpre- hietdeci by almiost ail of u. * 'rees .ini rany localities are be - coming noticeabîy weakenied 'andti th ilg i,, aiiig ALat ireq ~uentinter-4C vals, ivhich tends to dÉstrov inîaniv tbe semi-hardy bulbs aid 'Plants. A thin covering loosely applied, so as. to provide good shade i.s the best type of covering to use. Peat oss is used fo lighten the soil 'which permits free. air -action, and insures a good physical cond(i- tion, xývîch is necessary to the living iicrobe organis'ms ôof the soit. Peat moss, also. if, used on -the surface, acts as a blanket covering.orimulch. to. lrev ent thé wind and sun coniing into direct contact with- the- soil, %N.hIichcauses. it to bake and dry out rapidlyI. t has proven inost efficient fior thIs purpose. Ln ïuulclîing ever- gree ns an d rhododendronis twO te four ninches niiv lie used wiîtb excell- I lent resuits. (Courtes\- Franken 1'ro's. Co.) Plant Irises and Delphinium this fait if you want them to bloom nexit Spring. At our Nurseries you wiîl find many' different v'arieîies of Irises as well1 as thousands of other perennia,13and, sheubs. which. if planted tnow. wili bloomn in yurSpring Garden. j If you .plan anly landscape impiovementt let -us help YOU -with yIour personai ýrequire- ments. Tçephone Hiihland Park .5Z3 for an: appointmnent. Charles Fiore Nurerie Located on Route 22 One Mlle West of Milwaukee..Ave.. 4 RpecidâUat.s in Landscape, Gardening9 Offce-49- Prairie 'Avenue Phone Highland Park 52à31 6mr Nursery-Prairie View; Phone Libertyvilie 628-R-i Schaufflerý'sLands.capes Do flot correct Nature,. .buth/elp.Nature along., Alpine or Rock Gardens a Specialty Rustic Work Rckeries Ravines Flagstone Work. Lc-wns ?s Fôrmal Gardeis, Natural Layouts Formai Water Pools N and Naturat Pools Rock Gardens, Ravinesý, Waterfalls and Pools,> SCHAUFFLER-Built for: Mr. A. Baldauf, Highland Park; Mr. William Clark,: Glencoe; ýMr., Albert Dennis,. Glencoe; Mr. A.. J. Freiler,' Glencoe; Mr. Sam Goodman, Highland Park; Mrs. E., Ho wa rd, Winnetka; Mr. Frank Lewis, Glencoe;, Mr. balanîce tne food ration oi the pianiL.. Au U Jl 0f these niaterials bone Illeal, whiCh is a, phosphorous-carrying fertilizer is, in the writer's inid, of utînosi importance. However, lime for sweetening the soit, as is the case of* the madonnia liMies z.nd delphiniumn, is of equal importance with that of aluminum sulphate frcetin Landscape Designer and ContraEtor P. 0. Box 2, Glencoe Tel. Glencoe 1083 I