a a, doesnotamen t-hle CHEAPEST NECKTIE SPECLAL For one'week, ending Saturday, October 4, we wÀ iil beautif ully 'Miraclean and, renew 10 Men's Neckties for $ .00 Quality Dy Cleaning at a Fair'.Prc This miessage is directed to the. men and women of the. North Shore who know, through actual ..experience, that price atone is a very smaill facttor in economy. We ask you to try Miraclean. Wewanrt you to measure its resuits willi orinary %clieaning methods, We Urge: you9 to gÏve it every test of, compar ison, tg: determine whether or flot Miraclean is ýthe best. economy in dry cleaning today. Sec how.much cleaner your garnients appear. Note how much longer they stay dlean. Notice how rnueh longer they last, retaining their f resh, new appearance. Surely, 'here is c1eaning ,conomy mucb more important 'and worthwhile thanprice consideration. Ca1I, The Shore Uine Cleaners tomorrow! I workn., 1215 Washington Av.. 1 lq