Studio: 458 WINN ETKý PHONE WINNETKA AVENUE 3095 -. j in Frankfort-am-Main. He has scored sensatiopal success in every musical center, and bas appeared with niearly every continental orehes- tra under the most fanious çonduc- tors of tbe day. _______ "%Il the Comlort Jean Open FireM.ob forcl'illy Fali evenings-for long winter niglits gos fire place PUBLIC Se-Rvicrm.COMPANY 0F NORTHERN ILLINOIS JOSEPH W. EKEHOE, Manager 1141 Central Ave., Wilmeintte Phone Wilmette 2899 at New Trier High scilool, was re- elected president of the Suburban league at a meeting of the league offi- ciais last Thursday. William WVicbe, of the J. Sterling Morton Highi schoul in 'Cicero, wvas, reclected secretary. The football and basketball schied- ules of schools that are' members, of the, league %vere approved, :and offi- cials 'werc ass-igned. -The 'six, mcm- ber schools arc: Newv Trier, Evans-, tont, Deerfield- Shields, Mortoni, Prý -. viso and Oak Park. Three Clat'sificatios It wvas decided to award chamnpioni- ships in, three. classifications ibhis year, as. foll ows: heavyieight or ývarsity division, f reshmnan-sophomore' division, and lightweight div;*sioi.. A suggestion hy the Deerficld- Shiiekîs, representative that the Suhutr- ban league> schools play nighit foot- bail , was unanimously rcjecte(l. The matter of a iiçoni-scoutiing agrcc- :ment for Suburban league schools lias l)cen presenteil to the principal,, uf these schools at the fistig>ation of thuc late Frederick F- Clerk. Suich an agreement was. o-)e of Mr. Clerl;'s last proposais -!ef ore b, is death two wceks ago.. .He lefta d raft oi the propose1 agreement, on ý lus desk., and .Actinig Principal V. 'L. Brown has forwarded a copy of it to cadi of tlw League schools. Actton at Next. Meeting Action is eXpccted on the miatterat the ncxt mieeting -of the Subuirbaîu league officiais. A non-scouting policy is aiready in 'effect at New Trier. Foiiowintg is Mr. Clerk's proposaIl for a non-scouting agreement betwcen the Suburban league schools: "It should be recognized tha-t in any agreemuent gueh aS a non-scoutiflg agreement,' the:. irit of the Iam, rafher than) the letter Is. paramount. Exact definitions of, terms or,6 the control and enforcemnent of suelh an agreument are impossible -otherwisé. 'Furthýernuiore, queh compacts are, of .necessitN-, gentle- mens agreements.. It is suggested that the Suburban, league membe-rs >eorwd;der the .adopition of the folloWing agrviee- ment: "The head coach or coaches of the football ieamis of each ýsehool"will agree flot to miake us-e of the kno-wledge of exact pinys, offensive or defensiveý, that. is the last of the Sunday atternoon musicales at the club'this year. Willard Bent, son'.of Mr. and Mrs. C. Howard Bent, 338 Melrose avenue, iKenilwortb, left September 1, for, Purdue -university. Willard has beexi pledged. to. the Signia Phi Epsilon fraternity.