of the Vîiage ±vinger, IKenîîwortli; llino4iq, where said blanksm.ay b(, oihtained. stid improveinent must be constructed ln accýordance with plans and seiia t osfor, same, on file witlî Wendell HI. Claýrk, Village Clerk of Kenilworth, Illi- nois, and the ordinance specifying the nature, locality and description (,f sa id improveient, together with the: de- tailed drawings, pr-ofiles, plan.s and spec iflctions,. which' are on. file %with said Village Clerl< at Kalotî ii nois, and na.vy b'ethc*er nptd ']'le cont1actors must bld with the uindt..'stonrig that. a. contraui.nbthé forni generally ýusud by flic, Village <if Klen lwov(rtii, must >e entered into miii- v iediatel fter the *expiration of tua davs' tip froinithe date ofthie t;tar< <i4 the coatract, pur.suant to lm ,anid t *bond shah be gi yen fla cod lt the provisions of Sertioni 76A of the I.mcalI iî)roevenient Act. cf 18>97 iand aiii*i naiits tîereto. The special IlslîenIlt se levied and conftied to jîrovidt, for the cost ot said inîprovuinent. liasibeen divided ito ten instalînients andl will hear iieis h thie r:te cf five per cenitutîîî per annm. pur-suant to' law, and the contr'actor is t<) le paid for, sucli labox' and nia- her-ial. in bonids and tiame warrants pay- able ofly out ofthie installi-nerîtso f s,îid :pe(hil sesxet pursuant to lawv, bsaid bonds ho draw intéresýt at the raité of fi\ýe por cen-hum lper annnif. E:xch bld amust be accù)imaied -1)v ca.sh or by a ce1-tifiýd chucrk ce-rtifiud hv :i repuhable bank for a9n axîiouat tiat shah libe îot less than ten per, centtuni of thie aggregâte of the bld or liroliosail and no bld or proposai -shallh buconid(ered un ilesýs accompanied by sucli cas-h or chovek. Tuef Board of Local Inîprovenients reý(erves the right to rejeet any. or al liids or prposals. Dtttd, Kenilworth,, Illinois, Septum- ler 19,19. BOARD' OF LOCAL MROE NT 13y RALPH R. L{fAWXHURIST, President. L20 ltc VILLAGE OF 1XENI\LWORTII NOTICE OF PUBIC LETTING. S'PECIAL ASSESSIIE-NT --,. 511717 Publie notice ;is huruby. given, 1pur*s,'- ant to law, that the Bmard of Local lxii- provunients of. the Village cf IefilWorth. ('took County, Iliei.iill recei 'Ve se-aled bidx or pî'cposal.s for the construction and'installIation of -a conneched syýsta of draining, grading, paving and ùurbing in> We.st Rhilroad Avenue in. said Villagul. as spuciriud laan'l by aùniorinancu di- sc .ril)ing. locating axîd' defining.tlîe sanie, and aithorizintz a..special assessient tob aythe cost thereoclf. whiclî special as- sssient-has been levied qnd.cofifirnîiý1 la t ixe Sunurior Cour1it cf Cook Cotunt v. Illinois, and is there known asSpia Assussaient No. 511717. ajnd that sniî sealed bicîs or proposaIs shahII be in the hand1s of the President of said'Board of bmas or llp~ls L)t',Keîîiiworth, Illa1Sete ber 19th, 1930. cs etm UOA R J> OF .LOCAL 1IMPPoVEM,-NENTS Il\- UALPI{ R. HAWýXIUU'RST, P'eýs!denIt. 1,20-1te Op ':(IAIVAUDI>OF (OTtcî V! )r pavingand otherwise iilrvn thi. irst alley southi of urcenleAf AVIEl- nue froniî thei - urb line -of Sixth .Struet bt, tht . West curli huie cf Fiftli Street, i t bu Village. of Wilxnette, Cook Counltr,. (WlL I El"'ESI 'ECTA L A.8SESSMýENTî NO. 268) OFiCK Oeî~ F THE BOARID OF LOCAL SEWTENIBER 17, 1910 :~< l1('Ekheî'eiv given c lpr sons ilitet ' that tue lids for'paving ;In iprviigthe firstalu sout11. (ift rg*enIý-af Aeiefroinithe eurbIlin,, cf Sixtlî stre-.t to thét west vuli ln.of Fifth St inît l leu VIllaige of, Wi lliet te, (Count v of Cook and Statt* if Illinois, were (oplied on the 160i day ofi supthmmlber. A. 1). 1930, and Pauil, itiýiiike of -iîîtk1Tini, beiîîg tht, Xa,4;twarded tI -aid Paul Ilesclike. gin the I fitli day otf Suptember, A. D. 1930. S;id bld is, f;îr tue îwork as a wivicsoeàrd 15 as ollcw s o lr l>î.rt land cuennt cnrt pa venient, sevenî luches thick, with asphaltic ex- plinsion ijointi,s, teel is wi'îe e iniforceicxîit, drain- age, catehbasijn, s alk a pi t <lie, rading and la<kfihl, conlpleteaslwi lied ina'the erclînance prio- viding- for said inlilrov- nment............3214. S3 The, owners oft a majority cf the front;ige; of theê lots and lands upon said illty w'herein said vr is te bue dfî,ne îjaý, wîv*tln tua dayv<frnithe date leef as prvddb aw, elect to take said wojrk anjd entur into a writtea cat Iocttedo sidwork ah tell pur cent less than. thie price at whchsanjie lias been awarded. EARI, E,. ORNER, I ERNEI7 C. (7AZEL, WILFRINV. DeBERA RD, CAL1. RENNECKR I litHURDSNIDEM, _ STA NTON VN INWAEN IHANS v\,() NSPR, Boai'd (cf LclIirvmn of the Village of Wilitiette. L20-1tc S1'E(IAL AjsEsUS)1EN"NOTC 1,~L~E FW fil. MEiTTE SPECFAL ÂSSESSMN -NO. 273 NOTCE x hei'el)y given te al. pur- son iaeretudtîit te Pesiden.t and Board of orste f Itle Village of Wil- grading, drainlng andI paving with a reinforced Portland cernent concrete paVemient, and otherwise improving the saine, ail in the Village of Wimette, County of Cook .and State 'of Illinois, the ordinance for the sane being on file in the offie of the Village Clerk, and said Village. having applied tcu the Coçunty, Court ëf Cook County for an. assessnient of the costs of said im- provenient, according to the benefits, and an assessment therefter hav'ing lîun niade and, returned to said court, duîvket Nom 2î6, the final hearing thereon Nvill bé had on the 6th dav of October, A. D. 1930, at ten o'cloek. A. M., or as siion therealter aý the business e h court wi1ll permit. Ail. persoms desirýng m1a.y tile objections in said court before saîd .<ay. and nîay appear on 'the hear- iîîg andl inake tlieir defense>. Sa 1 ( c-diîîa nute îîrov ides for the pay- nient of siîid assessinent in teti (10) instalinie ts with annual .iuitc-rst thueréoi at the rate of six pier cent lier l)ated at Wilnîiette, Illinois, this l19th day of Septéniber, A. D. 1930. CHARLES N. EVAiNS i>uerson appointed byý the I>resident of~ the Board of Local lImprov nients of, the Village of. Wilnette, Cook County, Illiiuis. §,to niake saiid SPECtL L SSESSME-NT NO TIC E VILLAGE 0F WILM.%ETTE SPEC'IAL ASSES3ENT INO. 2U4 INOTICE is hereby given to aIl pcr- «soi interested that the President and Bocard of Trustees of the Village of Viimette, in the County of. Cook tnd state of Illiinoi.s, having ordered that thie fir-st alley east of Tenth Street froni flic north gujtter Une of Central' Ave- nue. Io -a point 585 feet northi thereof. be iml)roved lby grading, draining and paving witli a relnfored Portland cernent conc*rete pavement, and other- wise inlprovNinig the sanie, ail in the Vil'- lage of WUliette, County of, Cook and State of Illinois, the ordinance for the snebeing on file in the office of the Village Clerký and said, Village having applied to the County Court of Cook County ,for'ail assessment of the cost', cf sald inîprovement, according to bene- fits, an.d an ass-essiiient theréfor havlng been made and returned to said court. docket No.. 274, ,the final hearing, thereon 'wilil be had on the 6th day of October, A. D. 1930, at ten «cleck A:.*£M., or al, soon thereatter as. the business of, the' cou'rt %eill permit. Ail persons-desiring1 mlay file objections in -,said court'before sttid dity and may appear on the.hear- ,ing and make their defense. Said o rdinance, provides for :the PaY- nient of. said, asserssnent la ten (00) instalrnents, with annual initerest thereon at the rate of six per cent per an nun. Dated at Wilmette, Illinois, this l9th day of September,, A. D. 19310. Sealed Osborn, at his ol mette, 1 1A- M.-- 1. recelved by C. M. ager of Wilmette Village Hall, Wil- nine (9) o'clock rd Tinie, October ) automobile for Said automobile toý be a Standard Coupe of at luast six (6) ejilimders,.wlth- out a rumble seat, painted FIre Depart- rnent Red, lettered 1Wilîmette Fire De- pertifient"l on hood, and 6"Chl'on door. C. M. Osborn Village Manager L20-ltc Benefit Programl Will Contain Folk Music of Amia Plans have been -completed for a. benefit programn- of American folk: music to be givenl October 1iniithe- auditorium, of the Skokie'school, Xin- netka, under the auspices of the li- niois2 Society- for the Preve'ntion of. B lindness. The programn, tnder the directrmn ôf Marxanti Anne Obérndorfer, will consist' of the typical songs and dances of every historical period 11È every section of the United States,'. featuring the harmonies of the colon- ial arid civil war epochis and the miusic of the Anierican Indian, the negro, the cowboy, and the mountaiîneer. Proceeds f rom the performance, which, wî11 be presented at 3, o'clock ini the afternoon, are to go to the 1. S. P. B. for its work'of preventing b linidness .and optical àfflictionis arnong babies and diildren. The benue- fit is in the hands of a group of clubwomen headed by Mrs. E. V. L. Brown of 529 Cedar street, Winnetka. Memibers of Mrs. Brown's committec' are: Mrs. Maurice Mandeville, Scran- ton avenue,. Lake Bluff; Mrs. Frank Curfminis, 821 Forest avenue, Evans- ton; Mrs. George E. Fraser, 639 Li.o- Scolin avenue. Winnetka; Miss Edith Kolsaat, 20 ýGreen Bay road,. Hub- bard Woods;, Mrs. Roderick Mac- p hersoni, 437 N. St. Johns avenue, H-ighland Park Mrs. Everett Mil- lard, Sycamiore.place, Highland Park-, Mrs. M. Wells Noves, 850 Hill road, Winnetka; and Miss Edna Wieux- hocher, 791 Bryant avenue, Winnet- ka. 01 1uuëilworthmust ou entered 11110 1111 annutm. -.-,1.' , 'inSetm)e 9 aîediately, after the expiration cf ten Dated at Wilmnette, Illinois, this 19th thereon will be had on the 6fthi day of eoao pemez. days' tinie from the' date of the award day cf September, A. D. 1930. . Otober, A. D. 1930, ah ten o'elock of the contract, pursuant te law, and a CHARLES N. EVANS A. M., or as soon thereafher as -the bond shah bu given in accordance with Person appointed by the president b)usinessq of the court wilh permit. Ail Vyetta Monahan, who lives with. the Provisions o! Section 76A of' the o! the Board cf Local Iniprovements nersons desiring may file objections in ber aunt, Mrs. Caesar Antoniono of Local Improvement Act of 1897 and of the Village of Wilmnette, Cook said court before said 'day and may 1615 Washington avenue, is spetiding amendments tiiereto. CountyIllinlois, te flake said apnear on the hearing and make their wesa e'hm uHlsoo The Speciai Assessment*so.leviled and assie$sfient. ,défense. tdi provides for the pay- IIIboto co)nfirmned ho provide for tecoat OfU*L20-2tc Said ýdriance poie o h.py i