Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Sep 1930, p. 65

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striict a water works system, îîîiauuîîî. awatei' purification plant,. stand pipes, storage tanks, reservoir!g, basins, int.4kes, wells,' mains, hydrants', neters, valves, pumping equipaient, housing, includiflg the necessary land and' ail itp)uteinfces therefor, fer suppl3'ing water for publié use and fr domestié use of the inhabitanits of the Village of Wilmette, and. for the better :protection of the inhaitants cf said Villageý * against lesses by fire, and .providing for' the lv and'collection cf a direct an- nual tai to pay the inter'est ýaùd the principal cf said bonds, and fixing the .ther details cf the Issue. WHEEA, icp resent source of water supply fer the Village cf Wil- mette' is inadequate for. domestie use. and fer the protection .from ire cf the inhabitat.ts thereof, and: It is deem-ed necessàry and for the best interests cf this. Village that an, adecîuate water supply and the necessary eciuipmieflt flù furnishing water' for domestic use cf the inhabitants and fer ire protection be provided for, a nd .WHEREAS, the President and Bôard (if Trustees have caused te he made an osia f' the cost cif such improve- ments,- and feund the cest thereof' te be not less than Seven Ilundred Theusafld Dollar,;($700,000.00), anid thUt it will be necessary te borrew that .amount and issue bonds of the Village in ,evidence thereof ; THEREFORE -BI 1 *T ORDAENFED 13Y THE PRESIDENT AND BO3ARD '<>F TRIUSTEES 0F TUE VILLAGE 0F WiLMET'rE: SECTION 1: That for the purpose of priov-iding the necessary funds ,whereý .with to erect and enstruct a water Works system, lincluding a water puri- fi'ation plant, stand pipes, storage tanks,. reervoirs, basins, itks -is inains, hydrants, mieters, valves, pump- i.ng equipment, houslng, including the nt-essary land and ail appurteniicUtes necessary the'refor, 'fer supplyiflg water fou? public use and for demestic use of the Inhabitants cf the. Village of Wil- 'mette, 'and for the better protection cf the inhabitants of sald Village agaiiist losses :by fire, there shall be borreowed .on the credit of the Village, the sun 0f Seven H1undred Thousaiid Dollairs <$('700.000. 00),l and te evidence such lban there, shahl be. and -there is . hereby 'ordered and directed te be issued, the negotiahie coupon bonds of said Village cf Wilmette' te said amount. Saidlbonids shall-be evea hundred (7,00) ini numbe%-, numbered frein one (1) to seven hun- dred (700) 'inlusive, and of the denoni- ination oe, One ,Thousand . Dollars_ ($1,000.00) eaeb, Said bonds 8hah 'be-ar da1te, cf Nevemnber 1, A. D. 13,and -hall ecome due' and payable as' foi- Bonds ,nunibered 1 tg.30, 1hoth in- 'luive, aggregatjng ' 30,000.00 in 'axiount, on November 1, 1934.. Bonds nUmbered .'Ilto -60, l)otliin- clusive, aggregâting $30,'000.00 lu * Inclusive, aggr amount, on Novg BOndS hnbe Inclusive, aggr amount, on Novg fv i1Jimette.inia d viage5t. SECTIOII 2: That each of ýaid bonds and each of the Interest coupo>ns te be therete attached. shahl be in substan- tiaily the following fornis, respectively, to-wit : '(Frin of Bond) UNITED STATES 0F AMNERICA STATE 0F. ILLINOIS COUNXTY 0F COOK VILLAGE 0OF WILNIETTE WATER W'orîlý,4BOND KNOW ALL, MNENX -BY THESE PRESENTS:- That. the Village cf Wilmette, In the County cf Cook and State cf Illinois, acknowvledges itself to owe and, for value received, hereby promises te pay to 1)earer, the sum of 0One Thousand- ($1,000.00) on the. first dav cf Novem- ber, A. ID. 1i-.togethier ,%,ith interest on -maid suini fromr the date hereof until paid at thé' rate of fou'r and one-ha1f. perCeltUfl(41oc,<) per annuni, aal senia-annfuiilly, on the first day cf .MNay and Noveiiblercf each,,year, as evidenced by and u pon the presentation and sur- render of the interest coupons hereto at- tached as theN-evralybecore due; both principal And intereïst payale éat-the office of!'the Treasurer of' said Village of vVilmeite in si Village,' and for the prompt paynient of' thii bond, m-ith Inr- .terest, as aforesaid, at maturitv, the full faith, credit and reso.u'ces of Said Village are hereby irrevocabiy pledged. This bond is issued by -"id Village for theý purpo.se cf provlding thentcsaY unsto erect and tcnstruct a watevr works- sys;temi, including: a Nvater puriý- fication plaint,- stand pipes, storage tainks, 'reservoirs, basins, intakes, Nwells, mains, hydranters, valves, p)UfIIl)- ing equipmllclt, 11ousing, includ.ing the nt!cessary land and aijl appurte-naice-s ne-essaryv therefor, fitr spiVfwater for- pulie1 use and for dmsi use cf the inhabitafits cf the Village cf -Wilmevtte, ,,nd fol, the b)etter- protuction cf the inhabitants of sj Village' agtains;t.losses by ire, and in accor-d- ance with the provisionis cf an erdi- nanece duiy passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the said N-illitge on the . day cf1 A.D., 19:,,), and. subinitted to and. apprcted bv the voý(tters iof sai'd Village -ut an election dulr ('ailed and lield for that purpose, and puss1ýunt to oind in, -cmpixieWith ltepri o<flscfan Act cf the -GCenerai, Assepmbly of the State 0of Illinois, -'vnititled *'An -Act, tc ,îîrovide for thé invorporation cf ities and villages," approved April 1.flthi, 1872, an.d ail',aets aînevndatory tjiertof, and. supl)lementa'l theireto. And it is he'reby certified and recited that aàIl thinlgl,, auts and conditionsz rcquired by the law's and con)stitultio)n cf the State of Illinois, to happen. andl be done and iperforiucd pnriedemt 'te and er 1, 1945: -'- fe c li nthTe a tL sri i 451 te . 500 botn Ica, at the officecfHi Trasr0 ting s50,000.00O i'said Vilaze cf Wilmettc', inl'"d Ccu er 1, 1946. ty for semi-annuual interest due on tý 501 fn 550, bofli date on its bond dated Noveinber1 tlng $50,.0 in 1930. rsdt er 1, 1947.sden 551 te 600), both Ne. ting $50,000.00 ln Attest: ýer 1, 1948. Village Clerk pose- of reinbursl-ng such general fund on accounit of such interest payment's therefromi and providing the 'necessary funds te meet the interest which will accrue on said bonds ln the years 1931, 'and 1932, there shalVbe and there is hereby levied for theyear 1930 on al the taxable p'roperty In. said Village,,In addition, to ail other, Village taxes, a direct tax sufficlent te produce the suai cf- Sixty-three Thousand Dollars 643 000.00).- And for the purpose of ineeting the 'Interest which will accrue on said bonds subsequent te November 1st, 1932 and to pay the- principal c f said bonds ,at their maturity, there shall be and there Is hereby levied on aIl of thé taxkable prcperty ln said Village, I addition te aIl other taxes, the follow- ing di'rect annual tex, to-.wt: .1 For each cof the years 19W30, 1931 and. 1932, a tax sufficielt te. produce the ý-um of, $31,500.00 for iateresýt. For- the year 1933 a, tax ,sufficient te produce the' suni. cf $61,500.00, being .$31,500.00 for Interest and $30,000.00 for principal. For the year 1934 -a tax sufficient te lîroduce the suai of $60,150.00, belng $3o,150.00 for interesat and 0,600.00 ýfor principal. Fe?- the year. 1935. a tax ..suffici' ent, te pr.educe the sumn of $58,800,00,. being $28,800.00 for interest and $30,000,00 for principal For the year 1936 a tax suficient. te produce the sum of $57,450.00, beibg $27,450.00 for lnterest and $30,000.00 for principal. ýFer the year 1937 a tax sufficlent to îwcduce the sum cf $56100.00, being $26,100.00 for iaterest and $3o,0O00 for principaL Fo? the year 1938 a tax sUfficIent te produce the sum cf $64,750.00, being, $24,750.00 for interest and $40,000.00 for, principal. F or the year 1939 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $62,950.00, being $22,950.00 for 'interest and $40,000.00 foi' principal. Fer the year. 1940 a taxc sufficient te produce the sum of $61 ,150-00,* being $21 ,150 '00 fer interest and 4$40,000.00 for" -Fdr the year 1941 a tax sufficient te preduce. the surn cf 459,350.00, beiflg $19,35o.00 'for interest and $40,000.00 for principal. For thec year 1942 a tai sufficient te produce the sùm cf, $57,550.00, being .17,550.00 'for' interest and 440,000.00 for principal. For the year 1943 a.tai sufficient, te produce the suiWcf $65,750.00,, being- $15.730.00 for interestand $50,000.00 for. principal. For 'the yea'r 1944 a ta-i sumeffle tot produce the suai cf: $63,500.00, being $1,,500.00 fer, interest and $50,000.00 fer principal. ij For the yèar 1945. a tax sufficient te preduce the suai of $61,250.00, , beiflg $11,25 0,00 for. interest and $50,000.00 for f And 1- 1949, b( t abeve1 t, same oJ the sax by thet for sucl co>llectei fund ai scoRdy for , 1930 toeve s herèla- d by the A. ne, and in' ces levied , purposes and when a ,speclal e purpese came 'a're bereby repealed. SECJTION 7: Thle ordfinance shall be ln force frein and after its passage, publication anld approval by the voters of said Village. PASSED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, on the îOth day of September, A. D. 1930, and deposited and flied ln. the office oft the Village Clerk of said Vil- lage this l6th day of Septemnber, A. D. 190.LEA J. ORR Village Clerkc. APPRIOVED by tlÀe President of the Village of Wili-nette. this..lOth day of September, A. D. 1930. EARL B. ORNER President,.of the Vil- lage of Wilmette ATTEST: LEA J., ORR Village Clerk Published in Wilmhetteý Life on SeP- tember l9th, A. D. 1930. LEA J. ORft Village Clerk That said election shal be held ln the election districts. and at the- polling places.' described as follows.l Election Districtsla Township 42 North, Range 13 DititNumber 14 Pollig Place School flouse, District 37, Avoca Road, Wilmette, Illinois. ... *Only these voters in,. DIstriet No. 16 aforesaid reslding within the boundarles of the Village of, Wiimette will be en- tltled. te vote unon said ordinance. District Nuniber 17 polling Place William Thaiman's Store, Corne,' Lake Avenue and Illinois Road.- Wil-, mette, Illinois. Only those voters 1i District No. 17 aforesaid, residiflg within- the bound- aries of the Village of Wilmette will be entitled te vote upon said ordinance. Polling Place Heffman Hall, 609 Ridge Avenue, Wilmette, Illinois. District Nuniber 21 Pollilg Place Pire Station on Main Street near Lak~e Avenue, Wilmette, Illinois. Olstrict Number 22 Poill1ug Place Village Hall, Wllmette, Illinois, District Number e3 Polling Place East Entrance, Village H4all, WiI- mette, Illinois. District NuMber 24 Polling -Place Byron, Stolp School, Wilmette, Ilinois.. District Number, M. PollingPlace Byron Stolp School, Wfilmtte, Illinois. Polliug PiQeet Logan Sehool, Central 'Avenue, and Prairie Avenue, Wilmette , Illinois. DititNulibelr 27 DistrictPolling Place 1443 Wilmette Avenlue, Wilmette, Illi- nois. Dilstrict :Number 28 pae P oliJg le' Millen H.irdwa:re Store,__1217, Wii- this 'l9th day cf September, ý0. 3y Order o f thePresident and Board of' Trustees of the Village of Willrette. LEA J. ORR, Village Clerk.

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