)ratnatic Reading and Musi Selected as Program for First Meeting of Season The art coopmittee of Shawn'ce Counitry club, Which last year.broughi to the club and its members. and guests exhibits. of unusual menît and distinction, by talented artists, bas an- ranzed for à second season of -art exkhibits, and lectures of unusual, ap- peal, the. chairmaàn Mrs.' Charles Dennis of Evanston announces. During September,ý October, Nb- vemrber, and:Decemben the list divul- ges that the, walls of the club will be hung with pictures and art work that will keep the* exhibits of Shawnee in the niche, they have carved for themselves ini the cultural lite of the north shore and Chicago.. Sunday, September 21, at 3 oô'clock, Anita Willets Burnnbam, a nu nced elsewhene in thîs issue,,will gîve her tàlk,' "Around the Worhl4 with a Paint Boxç and.,a f4mi1y of * Six." It wjll. be her first public lec- ture and ber first exhibit of picturç,s. Wednesday evening, October 8, will, bring something different from Iast season, an evening lecture in the art course by Alexis J. Fournier of. Ea,ýt Aurora, N. Y., and Antonin Sterba of the Chicago Art institute. Mr. Fournier will give a stereopticon lec- ture on the Barbizon school. In- cluded in the pictures are interiors of the studios of the' artists of tbe school. Sunday, November 2, north shore artists. karI A. Buehr, Frafik C. Pev- raud, Ray Collins, and Paul Trebil- * cock, will exhibit their work. An exhibit of India art and a lec- ture by Dr. James Cou~sins is an- r anged for Sunday, Noveniber 2, This is to be (luite an unusual lecture, for Dr. ýCousins is ýnoted for his travel ,and bis 1 tudy. of the art of 'India. Au Decemnber an exhibit of original illustrations 'for children's books and, music by. Chicago composers will be off ered. Mrs. Dennis bas witb ber on bier * committee., Mrs. Eugene Garnett of Photo by, Carlos MRS. HARRY L. CANMANN Miss Lois Goi Airs. Harrv, L. Cawpiann, /'residcnt of the sisteriaoodi Shore Congregatio& Israci, will preside at the first fali me organizatiopi whiclz will bc held October 1S5. The artist for * will bciIischsa Mishakoif, thse con ccrtincister of the Chicoi *orchestra. Mis.s Lois. Goldstein of Winnetka is president1 sisterhood. Thcir first meceting quilI bc .held Sunday afternoon 'buidgit. kiIl be up for aL'proval at 1h at meeting. Ex-Service Cornmittee Unceasingly Aids Vets Mondas', September.8, the ex-serv- cecommittee of the WýAoniani's chlb of Wilmette gave another automo6bille ride for forty7five ýdisal)leç veterans f roin the Great Lakes hospital. - The menx were (Iiven to Kenosha and spent a happy liour lit the beau- tifuil park on Lake Michigan. Coffce, doughnuts, and cigarets were served. -r'~~ #~* * The Woman's Cathoic, club o01 Wilmette will bold its' first regular meeting of the club year on Tue.4da". afternooôn, Septeniber 23.. The-newly elected'president, Mrs. Frank Thale-. will-give the address of welcome. The program will consist of two draniatic realdings, Bernard Shaw's "O'Flaherty V. C.,", and. Sir James Barrie's "The Old Lady.Shows 1-1r. Medals." These r.ea.dings Will. be givenby John Merrili of the' Francis W. Parker Sichool for Girls. Mr. 'Merrill spent. sevýeral.years on the professional, stage but left-it to- go into education. He has given cour 1ses in dramatics at the scbool of* education of the University of Chii- cago 'and at the summer .school of Harývarduniversity. He is, the author of "Play Making and PlayÉ." ' The muisic will be given~ by Miss Lorena Anderson, prize winner of the Atwater Kent audition. She mwill singý -two groups-of songs: A Memnory ......... Rudolph Ganz Charity..... ..... Richard Hagemfaii Photo by Carlos Yesterday and Today .......ý.. .., )LSTEIN.................... .... Gilbert-Sproîs,, of the North Sing Me to Sleep ....Edwin Greene ceting of that Morning ... ....... ..O.ley Speak,ý; the afte> -W 4.1-Me, Oh Blue, Blue Sk . igo Sy»iphojIy, .................. Giannini of. the junior. Ectasy............ Walter Rummel ni. The ycar's * Comniunity singing will be con- ducted by Mrs. Charles R. Norman, - with Mrs. Uarry Bettinghaus, accom- panist. 1 ea Jpening NVew w aira for Ex-Service Wogmen Sunlday, September 21, frorn 3 to 5 o)'clock, at tbe Speedway hospital, Maywood,. the Jane A. Delano Post 185 Ainerican legion, with the state departmient, assisted, by Dr. Scott 'ýf the hospital staff, and Mrs. qcotfy -will give a tea for the formai open- ing of the new quarters thene for sick ex-service womien. These quanters hav beehpn, furnd AI)v drnàti.,,., r Glencoe D. A. R. Lsts Peronelof Progrm T 'he recently publi Shed year.book of the Glencoe chapter of the D. A.- R. showvs, a.remarkably fine nnogr 1am. Among the speakers are CaPt. L, 'R.' Claud Robinson, William L. Sweet, LL.D., modern history, Univeësity of Chicago; Miss Anna Irene Larkin, drarnatic reader; John B. Maling of' Hammorid. md.. Francis G. Blair, lerton hluoX the Ar, Charles S. Clark is Mrs. R. E. Pattisori Greenwood avenue, cordîng secrétary., nsiutue. ivrs. )résident and line of 1311 Imette, is re- rtainment at' the R<ed Cross House.ý eptember 26, Mrs. S. E. Mfoist ;S pening ber borne on Sheridan road r, the annuaI card party. The comnittee uncea!singly ,i Ssup- plying clothing to the veterans and their families,. The- cails for help. for the destitute famillies for rent, food, and clotling is unprecedented this season. Art League Hostesa The North Shore Art league. will have its first board meeting of the new season Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. W F. Davies, ý652 Lincoln avenue, Wi.n-:* netka. Mrs. Cha des Dennis Pre-Holiday Art1 at Shawnee C