while a f ew tardy' ones reported tîîat they would be on band within the week. Most of the players appeared in the bést of physical condition, lhaving beeni forewarnied 1.\, Coach Ha.nley> that .streiiuouS practice ,sessions would be 'started at once. Thie Wild- cat mentor is anxious to get blis squad ini shape for the Tulanie gaine which »opens the schedule at Evanston- Octo- ber 4. .Since' this date is only tlîree weeks distant he 'plans to start scrini- ýmagfing his charges withiii the next few days. Capt.,Henry Bruder, the \Vildcats St ar halfback, wvas thé first.mnimber. of the ýsquad to don a unliforim and f rom the way -lhe cavorted around, the, practice field lie appears to have fully recovered from the broken leg whicli kepthlini out of the gaine most Of last year. Hlank inisisted on drawv- iuîg 'jersey. No. 13 whichi. lias inever beeni worni by a 'Purpie athiete be- fore. Fie daimis le is out to beat the * .pîîx,%wIicfh lis traveled Nwith him idur- ing the greater part of his var'sity career. * Must Replace Bergherin Coachi Hanley, indicated ithat the biggest job facing_ the, coaclinig. staiff at the, start of. the season would, be developing a fullback 'to replaiçe Rus Bergherm, Iastyear's -star wlio led the con f erence -ni scoring. Replacmng Micey ricson atcenter and 1-ienry Anderson aàt guard;> botlî. of them ail- conference players a year ago, Will )e 'a difficuit job, hie stated. 1 In the case of Bèrglierm it appears. as if one of the two sophomore can- didates wili wintlîis job. "Puxg" Remt- n er of Joliet, Ill., and "Reb" Russell Avho hialls..from Pahiuska, Okia., are *the tmGoutstauidiflgnmen f or the.full- * lack berth. Botth. are. first yea.r nien. I-owever, Hlarry Pritchard, a, senior, shwdcon siderable imüprovemeni.t imi spring practice anîd will be liard to beat out. This trio does, not equal Bergliermn's versatile playing, -but with experience they shoul& 611illtlîe gap. Need Good Center Replacing _Erickson at center and Anderson at guard will be equally liard. "Red" Clark, aîîother senior, wIiQ lias been understudy for Erick- *son the past two' years, hias the call, The remaining lifle positions will be handled by last year's regulars in- cluding Riley and Marvil at the tackles and Baker and Oliphant, endîs. Barring injuries these men should take care of' their jobs in creditable fashion. The reserves for, j immie jirircni, Roy ,i-nming, and Ken Fossier. Few sophomore half- s( backs appear ikely to land a positionS on the varsity squad.i Lee ilanley will hiandie the quar-d .y morn- )ck. Sun- ',clock. CABLEl $01 South mh k .No Toli. Charge to Cali Our Evanston Shop Phone. Winneika 188 CHICAGOAN I 2-Touser Suits, More T/ian Ever This Fait- Chicago's Greatest Clotbing Value $3O 35 ý4O I Il These new-"Chicagoans"larepca. of the decisively higher value. giving standards which The Hub presents for Fali GCreater selections than 'c>