Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Sep 1930, p. 1

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Organize H ome Owners of North Shore. to- Secure Equitable Distribution "Owners .and renters of. homes on the north shore, undoubtedly the larg- est single economnic group of voters, are to form, an. organization having for its centr al objective, the more equita'ble distribution of 'the tax buir- dne so declared Robert L. Wyatt, cairman,'1at a 'meeting of hm owners held Monday. night at the Wiîinetka Conmuùnity Hou5se. A com'mittee, was appoînted to or- ganize this group as follows: Robert L. Wyatt, chairman;ý Jules Dixon, Glenview:; Frank J. Reid Hub- bard'Woods; Walter P. Sniith,.Glen- coe; Mrs. D. E.- Wink, Highland Parké;' Harold R. Vant, Deerfield; Hoyt King, Wilmnette; John J. Spellîian, Lake Forest; Frederick B. Thomias, Winnetka. Cite Five Objecta This. committee Mwill briug together am'e. owners in a lbody to be kiiowýn. as the Property Owuers division of theé North Shor é Real Estate board: Its objects are stated to be: I-To study thîe local tax 'situation and forî"'xlate a prograini for a miore eguitable distributioni of the cost of governiiient.' 2-To secure and- naiutaiii a uni-' forin, niethodical and. equitable sys- teni of valuations of real estate for tfax pu)trpose. 3-+To make available to home owuiers' and owners. of commiercial and otier' real estate,,inforniation on real estate collecte« :by Mihe Northî Shore ' Real' Estate board. The in-, formation service is expected to in-, clude warning of changes ini laws af- fect.tig,,theholder of real estate'. 4-.To join in the present growing state movenlient 'for modernization o'f the state tax system .so' as tb re- Register to Vote! Warning, to Citizens Register' or you can't vote! That is the ultimatum! that, has been delivered to north shore voters who plan to cast their bal- lots at the. November. election.. The dates 1set .,for ..registration :are Septeniber 27 and October-7.. Ail voters in. the country' towns of -Cook county outside the city of Chicago are required to register ini person on., one 'of these two dates if they wish to vote on No- vemiber 4.. This. is in accordance with siate legislation put inforce July 1, 1929. Registration must be at the regular polling places. The 'sanie legislation provides further thaàt.no.vote shal be re- ceived upon the 'filing of ;an af- fidavit of qualification. Name W. L. Brown Acting Principal to Succeed Clerk Wesley L. Brown, director of refer- ence and *rese'arch att New Trier High school since 1923, was elected acting principal ýof, New Trier High school. this week 'by the New Trier board of education to,,succeed the late Fred- erick E. Clerk. Mr. Brown lbas been a miember of the -New Trier faculty -since 1923, corning here f romn Mancelena, Midli., w,ýhre he was principal 'of the high school in 1920-1921 and superinten- dent of schools in 1921-1922. Siiice 1926 h'e has been principal of the New Trier 'summer school. He is a mlember of Phii Delta' Kappa honor- ary educational' fraternity. 1 i 1920 Mr. ýBrowù received the degree of Bachelor of Arts from' AI- bion college at Albion, Michi. Three years laterlie received the Master of: Arts degree f roni'the University of Michiigan. In addition to 'bis activities at New Trier Higi school in the last' seveni years Mr. Brown bas given lectures in' education at Northwestern uni- During 1930-1931 Mrs. C. B. Cochran, 1605 Walnut avenue, lias been elected president of the. Wilmette Legion ýAuxiliary. Mrs. Cochran bas been prominent '111. auxiliary affairs for sev&ral years and lias held many important'offices in the Wilmette unit. Officers elcéc- ted with ber this yearý are: m M rs. M. S. Newcomb, first vice- president and menibership .chairnian; second Vic-pregident and rehabilita- tion chairman,. Mrs. E. H. 'Myrland; corresponding secretary, Mrs,.S. M. Peterson; Sergeant-at-arnis, Mrs. L. T. D. Hall; chafflain, Mrs. C. P. Chris-' tenken. The new officers will be installeil at a joint dinner meeting with WIl- nmette Post, N.o.,46, Anierican legi on, scheduled for Monday' evening, Oc-~ tober 20j. to be hec1d in the Shawnee club. Increase Penalty to $200 for Lam> Breaks The maximîum penalty for careless- ly or maliciously damnaging, ýor breaking electric light lanfips, . lamp posts and globes .belonging t o the vil- lage of Wilmette has been increased froin $25 to $200. Action to this ef- fect was takexi by the Village board Tues day niight when an~ ordinance was. passed aniending the general ordin- axices of the Village relative' to the 'damiaging of 'public property.' The 'anended ordinance becoines effective, immediately.' The maximum, penalty of $200 is for each offense., With a maximunm penalty of onl'.y.$25 tue.vil- lage officiais found it inmpossible to re- place, broken 'lamp) posts and ejec- tric liglit lamnps and globes ithout. loss to the vi llageý Deciuion A b o u t Municipal Water Works WiII Be Madle -Novrember 4 An ordinance providing foi the ise. suance, of bonds to the am ount of, $700,000 for the constructioli of a mu- nicipal water works systemn in Wil- mette will be submnitted to'.the voters of the.villa ge at- the genieral election on November 4. Officiai notice that the proposed bond issue W'111be bro ught, before the voters on that date appeàrs in this issue of, WiL- M ETm. LÎFE The action taken by the Wilmett'e Village board Tuesday night to bring the proposed bond issue to. à vote is theê culmination of an exhaustive' survev of t e water supply situationi in* Wilmette. This survey wag, Iauncbed when the continued midi sunimer heat waye caused an 'un- precedented demand for water and occasioned marked inconveni .ence altl grave fire 'hazard. The proposed -bond issue ,provides" for the construction of a water putri - fication plant, stand pipes, storage tanks, r.eseryvoirs,, basins, intakes-, wells, mains, bydrants, punuping equipment, housing, including thé necessary land, aind otber expenses incidentaI to constructing a municipal water works systeni. If the proposed bond issue is ap- proved by the voters 'at the general election- on November 4, the bonds will be sold in denominations of onci thousand dollars eacb, bearing the date of Nov. 1, 1930, witb interest at the rate of four and a balf percent per, year, payable semi-annually on May 1 andNovember 1. There will be* seven hundred sucli bonds, some of, wbich wilI become; due and, payable each on November 1 beginning in 1934 and continuinig until 1950. Detailed. information oq the proposed bond issue 'and ti-e haliite ItC ssets.-' Floyd IL. Young, pronunent- attor'ney Thbe meeting to organize is set for of Vincennes, cid, and brother of'i Tuesday evening, September 23, at Miss Edith Ray Young. of 1133 Cen- ~ 8 o'clock, at Winetka' Community tral avenue, bas just been 'chose n to I Hbuse. Interested bonie owners -are be state commander of the Amnerican invited to attend.. Legion in Indiana. oa- Tulane aui at the, Dyche Stadiumi October 4. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bidanion and 'their two chldren havé motored froni their home in San Francisco to spend two montbs as the guests of Mr~ Bidamon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C JE. Bidamon of 238 Catalpa-place.

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