The mirror ' jolis the tale A ývisit to CHEEK &'HIMES always reveals heightened charm s- a superb rew*rd-- for a short vst and small expenditure Permanent *Waves,* SkHlled oper atcl Syou the type dress best sui your personalify the permanents: at our ultra .,salon are beauf lastin g.- Make your appc now.. We Specialze- in Contfouration Facis CHEEK & HIMES -9 [2 SP ANISH C( formerly Maison Worth' WILIAETTE 5060-5061 C HEEKS BEAUTY SI-îOP-6560 SHERIDAN > Sheldrake- 8416-8417 Complete Beaufy Service pe, a sister, Who will b-,e 1natron of honor; Miss Ruth Pavey of~ Win- netka, a. cousin,, Miss Alberta Mav. and Miss Marian $chwall of Wil- mette Who wiIl be bridesmaids. Frantk Sesterhenn will be best mani for his Irother. EËarl Nueller, George 'Bleser and Clarence Braun of Xilmnetè ilL usher. A surprise shower was. given1 last night bv Mrs. .Chiappe ilier home on. Wilmette avenue. Dgive LlinWeiland>Names of hair- Oct. Jas. Wedding Day , te Ad: to Mr. and Mrs. John Weiland, 11 ~'. And Greenwvood blvd., Evanston, have issued yOij ge invitations for, the marriage oftheir modern i daughter, Lillian, to Eugene C. -San- fiful 'and' ford, son of. Mr. and Mrs. ýFred W. Sanford of Fond du Lac, Wis., whiçh will take,.place Wednesday, Oct.. 1, at omntmnt 1, ai Stl. Mâry's-church. There.wil 1 be a reception f ollowing the ceremnony at the Weiland residence. In Miss Weila»çI's wedding partv rwill be hier ýister, Margaret, who wlUî O URT Ibe maid of honor, another sister, Ther- esa, and Miss Lenora Bachechi of * r: 'Evanson Joseph Carduso of Chicago will serve as best nai, and the ushers ROAD , l ,will- be Mathias Weiland, brother of ROAD jthe bride, and Berthold Dieder of Na- perville, Ill. AUTHORIZE NEW CAR. Village M\aniager C. M. Osborn vas authorized by the Village board Tues- day ni ght to advertise for bids for a niew car for Fire Chief Walter Zih- bie. Mrs. Edward Armstronig of GIen Ellyn has béen visiting at< the home of the Charles A. M.\airs of, 327 Four-. teenth street. Mr.. and Mrs. August G.. Wallow- itz of 821' Ridge avenue ann ounce the hj-rth of a daughtéer, Mary Loutise, on. August 25., of Pharmnacy. He received his de- gyree of Doctor of Medicine at Rush Médical college in 1903. He then came to Wilmette, where hie has practiced for the last .tweiity-six years. Dr. Koerper is survived- by 'his widow, Mrs. Marie Koe rper, and by' five children, Louise', Gertrùde, Elilza- *beth and P. J. Koerper, Jr., and M1rs. Charles S, MacGregor. 'f le funeral. services were lield1 *Wednesday afternoon at 2 :30 oclock, at bis-. lte residence under the au s-ý pi ces of Wilmle tte lodge, 1. O. O. F., and the Evanston. camp, No. .ý52, United, Spanish War Veterans. Burial was at Mienmorial Park cenieter\. Girl, Scouts ' Activityi Start'Their i.n* Kenilworth tie direction of Miss Gertrude Her- ri .ck, began their activities for the vear Monday -of this week when they. held their first meeting ini Hulburt house, the new Girl Scout heaclquar- ters ' The patrol leaders for this year are: M.ary Huck, Janet Mathieson. Elinor Clark. Anniette W'ýillIiam!s. and Ceceilia MacKinnon.. The -corpora'ls, are jean Cosner, ýDorothy Deacon. Marsha H.uck,. Aur'ica Sim 1o .n- and Betty Leach. 'Jean Cosner plais, to take the Beaver, patrol to Chipilly., ridge this Saturday. Mrs. Gertrude Lieber Opens Women's Class Mrs. Gertrude Lieber of 368 Ridge avenue, Winnetka opened a class in Parliamentary law and public spea.k- Ing at 10:30 o'clock last nîoru3ing at. the .Meii's club roonms at. Chase Park, Leland ànd Ashland ave- nues, Chicago. _All women's-, clubs' and others have been invitéd by the-,. Sixth District Auxiliary of the Amben- c *an Legion to be present, at the classes. SANTIBROS.I Pasteurized MiIk and Cream-Butter and Eggs Phones Glencoe 606-Highland Park 1581 -h WAREUOUUE . r-ý