Mliss,.Jesste Pocock, ulto wilI have charge of thc Central Laurel., P. T. A. dancing classes, op'ening October 13, in the J'Vonian's club. This is thte oiIly inzdhod tle. Cen- tral-La.îvrel P. T. A4. lias of fiinaiic- ing the ir pro icts., "Faithful Citizenship anid Ethical, * haàractcr"' is tlie coming year's pro- grami topic for the Cenitral-Laur-el Parents' aànd Teacliers' association. LTnder this heading will be inanr La- teresting sub-tis : Allowances; So- -cial -Hygiene; Safety -at Home and« School; The JazInfluence; Neigh-> borhood .'Responsibilities; ýMovies; Co-operation, of 'Homne, School, , and Community; 'Discipline; Out of School Hours; To Fit or Misfit, and Many others.. to hav the plan of the organization thaeas rnany widelv known. lec- *turers on these various subjects as caii. be obtained. Refreshments wi I)e served at each meeting. The regular monthly meetings will be~ heid the second Tuesday of each month, in :the Stolp schôol gymiý- nasium. The tirne of the. meetings will be announced later. The first meeting mill be held October 14. SAVE THESE- DAYS!1 Two, hours a month is flot too much time to spend on a rapidly progr essing child- h, flrst. b>oard meeting of the Ceîî- tral-Laurel Parents' and Teachers' as- sociation wvas held XVedlesday, Sep- tember 12, in the superinte.ndent's of fice. The regular boardl meetings will cI ox bcttisn iRite Lvasons, Nortnerfi jurisdiction, ut' the annual conclave this week ini Boston. Secretary, of I.abor Davis and Governor Fisher of Pennsylvania were others in the clas.. Mr. Haws is a member of St. John's Conclave No. 1 of Chicago,' Order, of the Red Cross of. Constait- tine, and long has been. active also in the Grand, Ra pids, Mii.,' Con- sistory, ini charge of . thirtith and thirty-second degree wvork. He is aý member of the Hamilton club of Clii- cagoý and as director >of the, Hoover- Curtis Civic Volunfteers in the presi- dential campaign, manager their, wçrk, in tWentyi-six western states. Mr. and Mrs. Haws are motoring through the East, and will return home abou t October 1. JERSEY AND WOOLENS SMART MODELS FOR FALL WEAR Here is a collection of new and extremely smart silk dresses. at a remnarkably low price.> You wil find a great number of attractive models, that will please you* se take this opportunity te m ake a good saving on fashïo nable -mnodels for fali wear. $5 .9~ - - - 2for Mary :Ann ýFrocks Exclu.sive But Not Ex pentsive, 1183 WIiflETAVE., WILMEE1759 PRACTICAL' ARTICLES TO' MEETYOUR FAMILIES' NEEDS, -'I Lumber', Jackets Genuin e lumbei jackets' of beavy wool blanket ma- terials ini gay plaid patterns. Sizes 6 ta. 20. $3.95 Bos'Golf Sox smart new faîl patterns and calor cambinations. Especially serviceable base for active boys. 50c. to $1.00 Visit' Our Con*plete Shoe Department Here you will find a well selected stock of stylish as well as durable shoes for men, women and, children with no> sacrifice in quality to give you popular prices. A complete selection of tennis Shces for grade or higb school pupils. TEE ýDEE SHOE REPAIRING .Fait Sweaters Firmly knitted of al wool yarns in a variety of Sn appy youthful patterns and calor combinations. Sizes 30 ta 36. $2.95 Boýys' Knickers g- Repjýreseéntatie of Cen tral-Laurel Schools-Mis M E. Moore. SchôoI Beautiful - Mrs. W. Ut. Clark.. Monday Dancing Classes Mrs. W. H, Rehfeld. Çriday Dancing Çlasses-7Mrs. W.. F.- Horstlng. Leëglslature-Mr.s. C. F. Frykmnan. 25c Bucklesa nd Battons to Match- A Good Family Store 1123-25-27, Central Ave. Ph. Wil. 1914, $11