Rate-" cents a Uine ln one paper. 25 cents a lune ln any two papers. ~UW30 cents a Uine ln'ail three papers. MINI1WITN CHARGE 01.00. Average of five words te the line. No black face type used. 1ô'%>) discount on ail cash wlth order advertlsements when brought te our office at 1232 Central Avye., Wflmette, 561 Li;ncoin Ave., Winnetka, or 341 Park Ave., Glencoe. Contract rates mnay be bad uponi request. Dedin orIsetonsClas: id advertlsements wilbe for theWiLuMETE Lipi or ail three papers; Thursday 9 o'clock for. the WINETIA TALKC and Friday 5 'cl6ck torlthe GLENoO N Nss. Telephones:, Wilmette 4300, Wlnnetka 2000, W.Innetka 500 'or Glencoë' 1484, Greenleaf 400or Sheldrake567 ^tAUTOS--FOR SALE $395 SPEC'I.AL,.NASH 1928 CONVERTI BLE coujpe. rumble, sent and, finished In deep nharoonf. Conîpare this value 'tny-. where. A real -wholesale, buy. EVANSTON NASH CO.ý D. K., VOGE PIRE14, 1735 Bin Ave., Cor. Clark St. 10«1 Davis St. Cor. Oak. FORD ROAD)STER, LATE 1929ý. -Young man ieaing for Co Ilege mrust' sacrifice. Driven only 4,500. Ph. Wil- mette 653. 1LTN18-Itp) BUICK 1929 MASTER 4PASSENCER ÇbIUPE, EXCELLENT palint; m'iechainicat1. condition perfect, heatgir, 'heavy tire.S, driven 6,000 miles, $650. F'RANK DOYLE 6124 N.' Francisco Briargate 6893 ILTNI8-Itp 7 BUSINESS SERVICE EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER $4.50 a. day. gowns Vogue style,ý wilh cut and lit, remodellng. Greenleaf 4458. 7LTNI8-1tp PAINTING, PAPER HANGING AN» ARTISTIC DECORATING CARL F'RANKELL "1506 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 3104 71,TNI1S-tfc COATS-WRAPS-SUITSý-GOWNS Made' to- suit yotir iindivIduality. OnIy the finest 'ot workmanship. Strict at- tention -given , to the smallest details We also remodèl and alter. COLLETTE SOEURS 470 CHESTNUT ST., PHONE WIN. 1011 7LTN18-ltp I 12 INSTRUCTION PIANO INSTRUCTION ('lasý-s and private, cbihj'en and aduits. - MARGERY R.ý BOTTOmLEY 1323 Gregory Ave. Wilmette 4223 PIANIST-EUCROPEAN-TRAININ4G- Pupils, ail grades, specil rates. Phone wilrnette .1705, Berenice Viole. 12LTN18-l2tP HEBREw INSTRUCTION. BY EX- perienced teacher, University gradu- ate, 'young, man. 4459 N. Crsfia~n Ave., Ph. Juniper 2185. 12LTN'18-ltp) 14 INTERIOR DECORATING Distinictive Lamrp Shades. IN SILK OR PARCHMENT TO HARMONIZE WITH YOUR COLOR SCHEME. Designed in our studios Vases wlred and repaied Alani Good ri'ch Studios 1522 Sherman at Grove. 'Evanston Oreenleaf 0816b 14LTN16-tfe CURTAINS AN» DRAPERIES MADE to order. Excellent werkm.anshlp., Very i'easonable prices. l3eet refer- ences. Winnetka' 829. 14LTN184lte 17 I.OBT AND FOUND FOUND-A WRIST WATCH. CALL Wirinetka 218. 17LTN18-ltp 21 PETS' FOR SALE PEDIGREE» SIAMESE Cat for $50 Worth $100. Ph. Win- netka 252. 21LTN18-1te 25 REPAIRING AND RMFINISHING IF YOU NEED A CARPENTER, TELE- phone Çarl Bengston! He does ait WANTFED REPINED GIRL, CARF for chiidren age 2 and 4 and help with housework in place. where cook is emiployed, good w-ages. Ref. req. .1 biocks from Ravinia !station. Ph. Higb- land Pki. 3»09. 28LTN18-1tip EXPERIENCED) WHITE MAID FOR generai housework. Famidly of 4. Win- netka 1486. 28LTN18-ltc- WHITE GIÏRL OR WOMAN FOR GEN. bswk. or competent Mother's helper. 1509 Lake Ave. Ph. Wilmette 4835., 28LTN18-lte E XPERIENCE D WHITE GIRL FOR- cooking, and downstairs, work. RefeYr- e ntes required. Cali Glencoe 541 aftýýr 4 1p. m. Mvonday, Sept. 8. 28LTN18-lte WANTED- - WHITE .MAID FOR 2 weeks, general Hswk. refereces. Ph. Monday Kenilworth 1262. 28LTN18-ltc EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL, tIEN- eral housework. 2,aduits, 1 child. Tel. Winnetka 1329. 28LTN18-ltp GËN. HOUSEWORK, 2 IN FAMILY, nice home, smail wages. 94 Indian 3758. 2RLTN18-ltc EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL FOR~ geineral housework. $mall famlly. No. laundry. Giencoe 1356. 28LTN18-ltc MAID, COOKING, SERVING, AND gen. downstairs work,, no laundry. Must go home nlghts. Cal M'r&s. Leslie Craven, 381 Eider lane, Win- netka 682. 28LTN18-ltc WANTED MAI» FROM 2 TO 8 P. M. 6 days a week, 2 adults. 240 Wood Ct. Ph. Wllmette 3827. 28LTN18-ltlp WHITE, GEN. MAIDS. CHOICE openlngs. Wages $18-25. Center St. Agency, 522 Center St. Wlnnetka 6ûr4. 28LTN18-ltp WHITE MATD FOR GENERAL houusework. Protestant. Good' cookz. Sniali house. 2 children. No laundry. Local reterences. Tel. Wijinetka 2694. 28LTN18-ltc REFINIED WHITE WOMAN TO A8S- sist wlth general housework, In yniail boarding, bous'e. 10'Oa.' in. through din- ner. Referenices ýrequlred. Wilmette 399728LTISý-itc 31 SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE GRADUATE NURSE WITH PLFiAS- ant home cares for convalescent or * elderly people. Ph. Wilmette 4299. Phfone Wlnnetka O604. -W nn youu flVe tried ail the rest, try the best."ý 31LTN12-ltp YOUNG GIRL WISHES CARE 0F cblîdren. Go home nights. Tel. Wii- mette 3600-Y-4. 31LTN18-lte: DRESSMAKER WILL DO SEWING by day or -piece: work. Cail Wilmnette. 3668. 31LTN18-1tc EXPËR. LAUNDRES.S. UNDER.. stands aIl makes ot Wasblng machines and mangles. Winn. refs. Kenwood 8598. 3ILTN18-ltp WANTED-LAUNDRY TO TAXCE home, wili eall for and deliver. Pli. Wimte383q. 3ILTN18-ltpï YOUNG GIRL WANTS GLEAI Hswk. atterntoonQ, Ph. Wilmette 203é. 31LT-NL -ltp WHTPE-OMA WATSLAUNDRY work or day work. Ph. Wiimette 1913. 31LTN18-ltp COL. GIRL WISHES WORK WED-< nesdays, Thursdays, and Frldays. Cal. Glezncoe 375.. 31LTNI8-ltc REFINED LADY WISHES 'TO &CT a,; cornpanion and helper to onle going. to Phoenix, Artiona, about October lst. Besýt of references. MldWay 7061. 31LTN18-ltc LAUNDRY WORK TO TAXE HOMTE. Wiliifxfrnlsh ref. 'Ph. WII.mette 250q. 31LTN18-Itc A-i COOK AN» GENERAL MAI», coiored. N. S. reterences, calCarne,' Ph. Douglas 8661. 3ILTN18-1t.p WASI{ING AND IRONING TO TAKE home. WilI eall for and deliver. Wil- mette 3040, 31LTN1-ltc HIGH SCIfOOL GRADUATE WANTPS position as inother's heiper, nurse- maid, houseinald. Refs. UnIv. 7209.-, 31LTN18-ltp WANTED POSITION BY RELIABLE personl, caneetfebildren or light houe- work. Call between, 9 and 5. Willrette 4659, 1L1-ltc EXPER. ENGLISH 1WOMAN, LAUN- dry or daywork. '10 y3ealtrs exper. ýon nonth shofre:. Ref. Winnetka 3435. 31LTN18-ltp WA4SHING. IRONING, TO DO' AT home. WilI call and deiver. Win- netka refer. Tel. Winnetka 271. This Office wilI accept classified advertising to be run in TiwM-1Vý&NSTON I'CIVIEW, reaching over 17,0eces.'-P.Lk lw 231T1 families in Evanston. R.EvIEW copy must 1e iiib MDL AE MN AT 5P. m., on Tuesday. . positlongen. hswk. or care et elderly' people.: Good ceek. Excellent North TIlébO ilet 4300 or Winneqka 2000 Shore reference. 'Write A-9, Boit 40, 1ST CLÀSS CHAUFFEUR WISHES permanent pos. with private famlly. 30 years old, married, Swedlsh, A-i ref. Wlnnetlca 604. 32LTN18-ltc BIT. W1D.-EXP. CHAUFWETJR, houseman' and gardener; - exe. N. S. nef.; Gderman, 29 yrs. eld. Cali eve- ninjgs.Glencoe,,1729. 32LWNIS-ltP