Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Sep 1930, p. 48

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Dolores bcnîussel, pianist, tonight at 8:30u. Mr. Wilkomirski,- who was recent- y lost with the Chicago Symphony orchestra ini Ravinia, is well known in Chicago as a soloist -as weIl as by being concert meister of the Skalski Symphony orchestra. He, is. the son of Alfred Wilkomirski., noted Polish violinist. Mr. Schlussel is à native of. the west coast, but spenpt most of his life on the continent to*coinplete bis tùu- sical training under some:of tbe great masters of Paris and Vienna. He bas been appearing withGeorge Enesco,, Louis Graveure and, other-prijnn artists and basJbeen acclaimed on European1 and' American concert tours. He was associated With. Bd- ward Johnson during the Ravinia sea- son as operatic coach. "'THE BIG POND" with Claudietté Colbert Mon., Tue@., Wd septemnber 8--1 "'SO THIS IS -LONDON"' 3 Days Thurofday, FrldaY, Satmrday îeptémber .11-12-13 "THif BIG HOUSE" Wallace Bemry Chiester Mo'mes MO COVER OR ADMISSION CHARGE >PEN UVIRY NOT EXCEPTMONDAV Pkomitt" UA*LOAWdrrîee 4636 JS&udxstRoad oi the akc i NoManýç Lard 5 eh t~Noqitkof Evojutoii, Peter M. ICafler Phne Wilntt. 490 Lowe in, Saturday, S.ptrnDer 5 'The Cuekoos" .......... Wilmette "The Big Pond" ....... Varsity 1Siuay, Septeasher6 "Wbat a Man"........... Wilmette Ménday, Septenuber 7 "So This Is London" ...... Varsity "Wh at a Man" ............ Wilmette Tuesdar,- September 8 Lawfu arey........W.ilmettc "iSo This Is London"....Varsity, Wdnsdây, Septhinb.r 9, "So This Is London"....Varsity "Lawful Larceny"........ Wilmhette Thur.day, Septounher 10 "The Big House" ......... ýVarsitv "Captain of the Guard.". .*..Wilmette Fridaýy, Septeunher 11 "Captinir of 'the Guard" . . * Wilmette. "The Big House" .......... Varsity. "Mr. and, Mrs. Charles' H-. Lipman of 819 Park avenue 'have returned from a.trip west. They stopped at Banff and other places in the-Cana- .dian Rockies. VILLAGE OF W lLME1TT1 PROP4OSLS For tbe construction of Sanitary Sewer House Drains in Eimwood Ave- nue and other streets. WILMETTE JSPECIAL ASSESSMENT ý ýo. 269 *Wilmette, 'Illinois. Septeniber Znd, 1930., Sealed proposals for the construction of sanitary sewer bouse drainas In Elm- wood Avenue and other streets, in the 'Village of Wilmette, Cook County,' Illinois, in accordance with the ordi- nance and specifieations for said im- provement will be received by the Board of Local Improvements' of said Village of Wilm'ette until 7:30 n'clnola ainineu and ueclarea. Dy said Boardofo Local Iniprovements 'In the Council Chamber in the Village Hall. Tbe specifications 'for .said improve- ments and blank proposais will be fur- nished at the offiee- of said Board of Local Improvemnents in said Village, Hall. Proposais must be made out on blanks furnlshed by1 said, Board. of, Local Improvements and muet be. ad- dressed to the Board of Local Improve. miente of the' Village ofWilmette, WIl- mette, Tllinois, and endorsed: "Proposais for the construction of. sanltary sewer bouse drains - in Elmnwood Avenue and other B iert xheeler and Robert Woolsey romp tbrough several reels of sheer nonsense that provoke the collective funny bones of the audience until they shriek in "The Cuckoos," playing at the Wilmette theater Saturday. if vou'l1 check your critical specs and prepare té have a'izood time you'l have it, and no kidding. Reginald Denny's nice voice is of-ý fered for your-approval ini its taikie debut in "What a -Man," Sunday's billing at ,,the Wilmette. ýThe story is about a gentleman crook that may-, be isn't a crook at ail and it's go eno 1ugh Sntertainmnient. That 'sophisticated melodrama, "Lawful Larceny," in1 which Bebe Daniels and LowelI Sherman mix, up tbrills.and. laughs. will leave you ask- ing for more. ýFarce and spic*e'and Shermans acting is a chapter froni the book of revelations-pardon, we 're speaking of movie -character- izations, John -Boles sings superbly in that story of:the birth of the. "Marse il- taise," "The Captain of the Guard." [<aura La Plante is as beautiful and brillianf as ever. The film comes close to, béing a thrilling affair and. should give the whole. familv a iice eveung... Varsity Schedules Three Fine Films The Varsity theater in Evanstor- crashes throughi this Nveek with 'ai ail-star billing for the comning sevén days. "The Big Pond" is the attrac- tion for today; "So This. Is London-. will open for a three day run Mon- dav and "The- Big House" is the bill- ing for the latter part of next week. Maurice Chevalier takes the screeir by storni-again-,in "The Big Pond.". As the flashing, but enipty pocketed, young' Frenchnian, Who Makes good in the American chetirig gumn busi- ness so that he can marry the daugh- ter of. the boss.' Maurice hanidle-Q straitrht, romnantic cotnedy -like he handles everytbing else 'he tackles. It has speed and humnor and a dash of song. Maurice sings "You Brought a New Kind of Love to Me," Claud- "The 1 of L.ocalli ýe Villageof pliure resrnentiai property at reasonable rates. See us on re- newals. Also mortgages for sale E. G. Pauling & CO. 10 S. La salle St. - Franklin 4 1.0 Direction of 1120 CePtral Avei. MatnesSatrdmaSuadays, aud Hélidays Oniy Cg>ninuus rom1: 30. Doors open evenin a 1 iht- Frdav' f

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