Pearse, Greeley and Hansen, sani- tary engmneers witb offices at 6 North Michigan boulevard, were retaince Tuesday by the board to prepare plans and specifications for the pro- ec.The* engineers ai1re nationally known authorities.,on water: plant projects and, designed and supervisec the, construction of the Kenilworth. Glencoe and* Highland Park water puni ping and filtration plants.' The, entire water works prject i.0 ieing directed byr th ie sewer andi water commiittee of the board, coin- prised of Trustees W. W. DeBerard, Ernest 'C.: Cazel anid Carl C. ken- neckar., Mr.. DeBerard is chairman of the committee.. In* addition, Village Presid ent -Earl E. Orner, the other niemibers of the board, Village Man- Ager ýC. M. Osborn: and éther Vil.- lage emïployes have worked: in close cooperation with the commnittee, niak-. ing it possible* to. comiplete the. pre- liminiary'survey in comparativeé short, order and at the sanie t1ime make ;t thorough. Adolph Bolm to Give Lessons to Chljdren Roy M. Kirtland, chairman of the entertainnient committee at Shawnee Country club, announices the engage- ment of Adolph Bolm to direct the dancing for sons and daughters of members. The classes, which are for children froni 5 to 9 years of age, are now being organized. Adolph . Bolm, from the Imperia] ballet in Petrograd., is known in European and American capitals as one of the greatest. masters in bis art. He was featured by the Diaghi- 1ev ballet and for four years was bal- let master in the -Metropélitan Opera house in New York aiid for two sea- sons was', irector of the Chicago Opera ballet. It is said. Adolph- Boli produceé, good dancers. in a sh orter timne than any other teachex'. J- li as been ap- pointed to engineer elaborate dlance programs for the conming Century of Progress, exposition. Mon fred Gotihif Ù411 play Musi- cal cOmtetv and requese ,umbers. duri1g lte, diosner ho tir ai lthe Shawniee. Country club Suîtday éve- nings, beginning September- 14, be-" t veen the hours 5:30 'and 8:30 o 'clock. Mr, Gottheifivsfrsx * yarssolisti n lte lobby of' the Chicago thealer. *St. Jolzn's L uthlera n Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette Herman W. .Meyer, M.A., Pastor 406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1396 Church telephone 311.1, Services Twelith Sunday *fter Trinity. 9:30 a. ni:Sunday echool and Bible classes. 9:45 a. m. First< service and sermon. 10:45 a. nm, Confeesional Service for communicants. i t. M. Second service and Holy Com- munion. Sernon-"Chrîstîani.ty Not Bondage but ,Liberty." ýI Meetings Mfonday, September 8, at 8 P. r. : Choir rehearsal. Tuesday, Septemiber 9,. at 8 p. n.: Con- gregation Meeting. Thursday, Sleptember 1t',at 2: Ladies'. 1Aid and Missionary Society., Thursday, SePternter 11, at. 8;Senior SYoung People and Walther League. Friday, Septemiber 12, at 8: Junior Young People. Friday, September 5, at 8: Sunday sehool staff. ..fl.... ..,* . i oeter u¶ay Iwnen i I la nearer than hande. or feet. At 9S:30 a. ni. the Sunday school meets ln five departments for the teach- Ing of the Bible. The laying of the cor- ner atone of Christian character la the work of the1 Sunday sehool. You- will findt thia work weli done i n ail départ- Mente of, the sehool. The work méerite the cooperation of the. pa'rents, of chiA- dren of Sunday Sçhool age. ýWe cordially welcoie, those Who wor- shtp with us from Sunday,.to, Sunday. Strangers- are invited to make' this church their home, of faith and',work ln spiritual fellowship. "~You are al- waye welcomne at the Presbyterian cehurch."ý Our, next communion: service le, sched- uled for the last Sunday ln October but, now la the time te, arrange for* your re- cetion Into the church. The session meets at the close of every regular service to receive new members on transfer of -letter or confessioil of faith.-A Announcement concerning, plans for the new church building wlll* be made nt the regular service of the church. Pollowing vacation season we will move forwaird with ail -possible 'speett toWard the eïection of the new chiurch. Fvloôwing le the musical program for .unday, September 7. Prelude-.."Noeturne" (Gà minor).Chpn Solo--The Ninety and Nine"'..Camplion Mr. Otis. Offertory- "Consolation" ,Mendelssohn Postlude-"Mlarch" (Athalie) ... ... ... ... .. ... .. M endelssohn .iss Rouds a.the piano. -Con g'l. Churcli Vere V. Loper, Mini-ster J. Clair Mead, Direetor of Religieus 'J~itFriayEducation. Thi Frdaythe Central Avenue Cir- cIe wlll 'hold its Wpening meeting at the home of Mrs. I. R. Adkifls, 1112 Cen- tral avenue. Luncheon -Will be served at The series of union. services -con- dùcted during the summer by the flap- tist and Congregationial churches' will celose*withthe service next Sunday. Dr. Lener-has, returned from his vacation and wilî preach the:,closlng sermon of the sertes. Hlies ubJect will be: "The Su- preme Loyalty.'" This service will heé held In the -Baptiet church at Il o'clock. Two more. will, conrilude The morning Service of Wo rship wijl be devoted especially to the Interests of a. large, nu 'mber of young people who tre goIng away to college. This. service hae beeome an :anniualevent ln theIlife of the ecehurch. There will be an added- feature this year, in tlat al college. students wilI be asked -to sign the church register, glving their nanie andthe. col- lege 'to which they are 'going. I-n this way, the church wiil preserve fromn year to year a permanent record of those who went to college. The pastor's theme for, the morning will be, '*A New House of Faith."' The offliia Board will meet'on Mon- day night to conÜsider. somne very Im- portant Items ln the, development of the church program. The Book whîch was Bo succeesfnil last year. will hold Its flrst csesIon the second Monday In October. Those interestèd are asked to -confer with Mrs. or Mre. Poronto. The Woman's Foreign Missionary so- ciety wfil hold Ita firat meeting of this year liext ¶'hiisday at 2 6edo-k at the church. Devotions will D~e led by Mrs. -Rqymond G. Klm1bell. There will be Annual Reports and the Installation 'of Officers. Heetesses: Mesdames L. W. Joneg,. R. C. Kirkpatrick, and E. F. The Fourth Quarterle Conferencei.wîll be held Wednesiday, September 17. The District Superintendent wil.I preside.. The Wilmette and Winnetka W. C T. U.. will- meet Monday, September 8, at 2 o'clock, at the home of Miss Lily Struggles, 1620 Spencer avenue, WiI- mette. Girl Scout Troope 1, 2. and 4, which meet ln this,.chui'ch, will resune their activities the week after school' starts. 1Troop 1 will meet Thursday- evenings at 7 o'clock.; Troop 2, Thursday afternoons, at 3:45; and Troop 4, 'Tue*day after- noons at 3:45. i-t la reciuested that only those girls who were mnembers of these troope last year 'attend the first rmeete- ig. ýAt that. mreeting. the nuýnber, of vacanicies .will be made known-and an Invitation *ý111 be extended to Iiose who wish to. join. The, annual sei Conference le ng away. The Coni day, October 1. event li the life sien, of the Rock RFiver w less than a, month erence opens Wednes- This will be a great of this church. ThUrsday. September 4. Thei preý wiîi bc- pleaeed to have a large gi lng for the fIrst meeting of theF The Church council will meet We day evening, September 10. Everyi ber of the counell should, be ln hie Plan£. for the future are impo Your counSel« in -needed. ýj~--- nt Mr. and M rs. C. P. Berg_ 1320- Mr. 'and Mrs. H. W. Sha n ier- a an 1. Greenwoodj aventiç,- who have been daugbter, Patricia. o-f Des Moines, eson a trip abroad, recently were in Iowa, returned home Monday afteri rul- Nor\a iýin the Land of the Midnight spending some time with Mrs. Shaw's1 çe. nt. Sun, more than two hundred miles parents, Mr. atid-Mrs.'E., S. Challi'norc norôth,of Pola.r Circle.' of 933 Elm-wood avenue..,. There will be a joint m~eeting of the mittee next 'i-uesday, September '9, atladC rste n8h Bde en Mrs. A. H. Hjoward of 1055 Wil- - tnette avenue returned last Friday from a trip east.,Shie spent two weéks i on Long Island and one week in New, Hampshire visitiniz friend.s.