pany wvas tounulet. the Wanzer Dairy has been an indenendent oirganization cr)itinuously operated by inembers of the Wanzer farnily. The present hicads of tl e concern are W. B. and H. 1-. Wanzer, sons of the founder; Stanley and Gordon Wanzer, sous of H. H. Wanzer. and Sidney Wanzer, son. of W. B. Wanzer. The dairy was the first to bring milk into, train and was the first companv to give Chicago pasteurized milk, lonz before, that process was ýmade conipulsory by law. Many residents.of the north shore wvho formerly «resided in Chicago were patrons of theXanzter' dairy_ and the decision of the companv to ýex- tend its. service! toý the nortli shore was prompted bv a widespread de- mand.for its this vicinity. Thé mailn, Wan.zer Dairv plant at Garfield boulevard and LaSalle street is a sunlight structure bnilt threc vears ago. It is recog,.ized as "the *last Word." in dairvplants. Al equip&ý ment .utilizeA in handlinv, milk ini the plant is lined with Dure nickel Sev-> eral branches are maintained in out- * ying districts and i the suburban area. ýCHANGES. MEETýING The Northridge Womari's club will meet at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening. September 9, in the home of Mrs. W illiani Edmônds of 1925 Ashland avenue, i.istead of Monday as pre- viously announced. in ordler to allow thè e ebers to hear C. M. Osborn. village manager, talk at the Masonic temple on that date. A prograini as been arranged for. the meeting. and al, menibers are asked to attend. Miss Edith Rav Young of 1133 Central avenue bas ,returnèd after sperIdîng two weeks atHgman Park, Mich. Miss Carol Wilmot of New York is the guest of Miss Sue Carpenter. daughiter of, Mr. and- Mrs. John C. *Carpenter, '239 Essex road, ýKenil- Worth. Mrs. Carpenter expects to leave the muiddle of September for Ithaca, N. Y., to visit ber aunts, the Misses Elliott, for a f ew days. -o- and daughter, Virgi nia, -of Trent.on, Ky., were here a few clays last week. Miss Dorothy Diettrich of 1085 Green Bay road, Glencoe returned Sundayý fromn a ten wveeks'*.notor tour of. Europe. She visited England, Hollandegim Gerinany, Switzer- adtly and France, witnessing the Passion, Play while in- gau. Miss Elizabeth Middleton of thc Grè,enwood Itin in, Evanston, anà assistant librarian at. the, National College of. Education, bas returned fromn a monili spent in New, York and WVashington, D. C. -0- M'.and 'Mrs. Lorenzo Streeter of 1213 Forest * avenue returned. last, week from a trip north. James and Richard,.StreeteraIso returned fromi a- suminer spent in camp on the -Ver- nmont side, of Lake Champlaiie. When Was' Your Car Oied and Greased Last? Friîc t ion y'k n ow, quickly Ieads to repair bis. Oil and, Grease are" more vital. to a car 's life and satis.- f y i n g performance than the gasoline on wbich it runs. Better Sundag6Sevice Tire Repaitri eg Phone Wilnnete 602 Auto Latn dry& Greasing Service Located 1209 WASHINGTON STREET doar ire ctl y in the, rear of 1>1.. wilmette Steate bank building MR SSRICI Phone li Wilmette 2600 HART) Largest Motor Repair Sbop in Wilmette NE VER CLOSED r OIL BURNERS 72,1 MAIN STREET WILMETTE, ILL., A. L1ono On improved residenceend Long Distance Haa Phonoe Wiluette 914, -Cha~irs and Tables fa: Phone Univera Orringlon at Davis, Evanston Phones- Greenleaf 5000, Briargofe 5000 WiImete 3.10W QUI1 Phone Wilmette 1