we.1e cLiivLçui. Twelve àrrests were made for dis- orderiy conduct and seven for park- ing ini no-parkinL- zones. Five per- sons were arrested for driving througlh a re(l lighit. Reckless driving w~as re- sponsible for two arrests. There werc, thréee spçeding cases. Thle numl)Cr of arrests md for oerreasons follows: left ivhecl to cur), .1 ; lift barricade, 5; drunk aid disorderly, 2;: parking, without lg1ts 1; parking at fire hydrant, 1; block- i-ingtraffic, 1; no village licen se, 2: (lrivingý over curb. 1: distrihuting haiîr bis, 2; liquor in possession,- 1 ; va- grancy, 2, and assault and batterv. . According, to Chief Brautigam's re- port. there were seventeen automo- h)ile accidents in Wilmettelast month. TWIo automobiles were. stolen and two recovered. Chief, Brauitigam reportecdl eighteen larceny cases for the montli and two burgiaries. The-police dle- partmnenit macle 119 general calîs. Prominent Judge Favors Woman 's Service on Jury Mrs. Harry Burnside of Wilnmette bas just recÇived l a verv îiiteresting, *letter froin a prominent Ohio lawyer *on 'the subject of "'jurv Service lor Woen"Judge Dennis J..1 Ryan of Ciincinnati, %vrites% that : "After the conlstitutional atilcndmcnelt and change of our stattorv lawv so as to provide for the servýice of womnen as jurors, j I~ noted a clecidcd change in tthe quialitv and qualificaitions ofi ur-or-s. PersonalIv I feel that our juries at present are more efficient, more in- telligent, more painstaking and, if, 1 nay sav it. more coliscientious sinc,- we hav'e hlad. the service of- Wonien jurors." jury servi ce for %vonenC IwNill h( ;Ul)jecf to a state referelduii11 i the Novexuber election. Dennis-Showley Wedding Solemnized on August 30 Miss Marion Dennis,> dauighter of j Mr. and Ms Oliver C. Dennis of T o the .other leaderès .0f Radio., Lyon f>Heal1Y now adds the new At- water Kent Radio with the Gt:olden Voice. Everything that can possibly im- prove a. modern radio is ,provided in the'New Atwater Kent receivers. The outstandin g feutures, include an -imp rIov ed electro-dynamic speaker; the new four point tone control; dual volume 'control;, greater selectivity and distance and thene exclusive Atwater' Kent quick vision, dial. The new, tone control in the Atwater, Kent makles it po ssible to, emphas'ize any part of the Music from, bass to treble and ,at the 'same time. reduces-static... Cabinets are built by Atwater Kent of beauti- fully grained walnut %and, bar- monize with'any home furnish- ings. Corne to Lyon F3% Heaiy's, tonight and listen to Atwater Kent Radio's Golden Voice., commence at 10 in the morning witil Spokes Two and Twelve âssisting Mrs. J. C. Koenen. Mrs.. Clyde Wheeland has charge of the devo- tional and Mrs. Henry Brandt has the topic. Lucheon reservations are to be> made. by ýMonday morning, it i ahnnounced. I In Evanston: 615 Davis Street, RADIOS