VERA M EGOWEN TEA SHOPS When in the south' end of town you will find my Mai- streel- Tea Shop,,convenient. -the environ- mentpleasing and thé service prompt., Delicious *breakfasts, luncheonrs,. ôfternioon teas -and dihners. Choice of a la carte servi1ce includin--sandwiches,, salads-, etc.,, of great excellence at al l imes. Delicious, Cakes, Pàsfres, etc., for the Home T able* For Sale at Bofh TeaShops Wh ern in quest of gifts or of. bridge prizes, inquire at either Tea 'Shop, 'aboutf the carefully selected single pieces and- small sets of imported glass ware and'pottery-you witl be pleasantly aston- ished at the exquisite specimens to be had at attractive prices., nieniber of thc World's Fair côui- miittcc; taxcir two daughters, Miss Frances and Miss Jane AlIev, Cari Landefeld, Noci Flint, and Douglas, Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Roland D. ýWlîitman. of ýVinn.etka enitertaincd teýn guests, .ii honor of the birthda'y of theit daughiter, Miss Carol. their guests aiso inciuding tlîeir . daughtcr, Miss Joyce, Do nald Haseltit'ie, Miss Caroi's fiancé, and several distinguished Ravinia rcsidcnts. Betty Hoffman' Is Bride of J. C.ý Johnson,: Jr. Announicenient lias 1heenin ade of the. wedding of Miss Betty Hoffmnan. dauglîter of M.\rs. Catherine Hoffnîii of. Glenview road. WNilii'nette. and Jason C...Tolilnsoîon jr., son of «-\r. and MNrs. j.ý C. Johinsoni of Evanston last' Satturdav at St. 'Marys parish. The bride %wore *a dress oif'broàwn lace Nwool and lier one. attendant %vas \liss Bettv. Oestreisch of Fvanston. George 'Srnitiî. also of Evanston, acted as ani. Mr., andMrs. Johnison ,have. left on a totir of tuie' Wet.. thev will miake their honme in -E%-anstoni. GUIDE-LECTURE 'TOURS Néxt week's guide-lecture tours for the pulic at Field M'useumn of Nat- ura.l History mwill hegin Monday, Sep- tenîber 8, wt "Cinia" at il a.nd ."Gcms and JcwNelr\v" at 3 o'clock. On by ail offcials, is macle this wcclc by- C. T. Byrnes, secretary. A banquet at which the players and managers wiii *bc prescntcd their awards has been tentatively set for Wcdnesday, Sept. 17,, and will bc hçldý at the North, Shore hotel. Following are the trophy winners; Wriglcy cup. for lbague cha.mpionshlp, -Dempster eStreet Terminais. ' Taylor cup for, secondý place-Shaw- nee .Indians. AtÈletic Sales and Supplies incividual awards'to championship teamn members. -Dempster Street Terminais. May and Malone cup to most. valu- able plnYer-Cla yton Paulison of Shaw- nee Indians. Bureau ofRecreation cup for sports- nianship-North West Cardinals. Chilef Freenian trophy to most con- sistnt' pitcher-Forney of the Rogers Park Clefs. .Utley cup for most home runs- Greenleaf of Jarvis A. C. Deemer.trophy.for most sportsman- like manager-Charles Qulrk. of the Jarvis A. C. Hub cup to. most consistent Infielder -Don Schuett of Shawnee Indians. Waechter cup to best catcher-WVil-ý liam Swanibeck of the Jarvis A6. C. Chandler trop-iy to. most consistent otitfîler.-'Johfl Parks of Shawnee Indians. Ail tcam members, the Icague of- ficiais and guests wiil attend the clos- ing banquet. Succcss of thc plan of amnateur competition ýbctwecn north i shore teams bas been markcd, accord- ing to league officiais,' and, they are discussing now the possibility 'of ex- tending the league into other sport. fields. A football Icague .ma,1y bce fornîcd and possibly one in basketbaii, it is reported. * Vecnesday at the samne hours sub- TAFRNWSUET Jects will be "Egypt" and "Prehistori C TAFRNWSUE * Animals"; and on Friday "South Miss Edna Dean Baker, presidenl' Amierica" and "Bird Habitats." On of the National College of Education, Tuesday and Thursdày at Il and 3 will welcomie prospective &Sfiidé nts at o'clock, there wiil be generai tours of a tea to be held at the college Fn- anthropological, botanicai, geologic,1l day afternoon- Sepstember 5, front and zoolôgical exhibits. These tours, 3 :30 *to5 30 O ock.Mss, Baker.:,, conduc ted by staff lecturers, are free., to be assis ted . by, menîbers, of th,- Parties assemble inside the north cen- facult, by a group of sophomiore trance of thc muscum. students, and by alumnae. Cleaners te tii. Diaciminating 1 152 Central Avenue, Wilmette * 1 Phones 320-321 Evanston Phone: Greenleaf .6660 Youraelf! I riTjiL A R C c H 1cAc7 AT LA. SAILLE