Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Sep 1930, p. 30

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It is the'.custom at the end of the opéra season to delveè into statisticz, about operas and opera stars, and now that the hineteenth season at Ravinia -is over, figures' are apropos. There Were seventy-t hréeenightsô opera ,and t1wenty orchestral concerts This seasoil there were. no Monda, night concerts, but there were Il Sur day afternoon concerts.and nine chif dren's concerts, on Thursdav aftei noons. At one of the ten cbiidren' concerts the orchestra did not appear the music being furnished b .tb .milit arv bands froin 'Great Lakeý Naval Training station and ý Fr Sheridan. During the ten week's and three davs of the season, which 1b e- gan on Sýatu1rdav nigbt. lune 21, an, ended M on day night, Septenîher 1 thirtv-six. operas were brouglît t' performance. which is.tbree mroré t4han. were given last . car., 1Tlre£e o these works, Pucctini's " 'A n i ni Allegra," Smietania's "The- Bartere-. Bridle,and thle fotntb àact cof "Le- Huguenots," %were entirely newv to the Ravinlia hi-stý this vea r. "Anima.' Allegra" ranks, as. a present d av operatic. noveltv. '"L.a Rondine," "Marouif." '41a Camnpana Somrnersa,' "The Secret of. Suzanne," and, "La Vidia Bee"al of 1theni inoveltiesii the truc senlse ,of the. word,. vCr~ avga il given frequtent presentatiotîs during thue saorepeat.infr the sc cesses itbey wonlasà.t ear. -Fulfillapromniseà The :season jus.t closièdj seeîiîst, have conipltely ftilfilled al p-111 se made that it bas ])ce,, ntuoly -Most )rilliant o0 1 -opeanlimite bas enjve(l, but ne- of the mîon briHiant searons eMer ié enîu-lerp. S oiis Ecksteinhtiugtta Ravinia a galaSkp-,eof wanld starscpbl fil- terpnertifig thée reCatest'oeai works in siuperlative-e nuaniier. '11 0 of thos'.e N0-ho 'w-eî+e eard- diring tlu" season xwere-alne-aclv. m'elknnwnt-i *Ravinia patrons. andIl of thcnii mere ufthe rosten- tbroughoùt- the -entire stimuler penid 0Of sopranos *thlere were iucrezia Bori, Yvancr ts. rt, J$ AMJ. dwUVVrEg The conîplete Iist of works )ro- dtwced, together with thbe numnber of times each -wa s given, follows : LI'Amiore dei Tre Re, 3; Marouf,*3; MLassanet's Manon, 3; La Rondine, 3; Faust, 3,; Romeo and Jtilieti, 3; Ua Bohemne, 3;- Anima Allegrà, 3; Car- men. 3,;'Tle Bar tered Bride, 3; The Secret of Suzanne 3; la Vida Breve. 3: La Campana Sommiersa, 2 Madamie Buttcrfly, 2; Aida, 2; Louise.- 2;: Il Trovatore,' 2; The Plarber -)f Seville. 2; AndreaChenier, 24: Mar- tha, 2; La juive, 2; The Masked Bal. 2;ý Lucia, 2; The Tales of Hloffnîani,. ; obe n gin, 2; Tosca, 2; Pagliicri, 2; Cavalleria Rusticana, 2: Fedora, 2 Sa mson. and Delilah, Z; Fra Diavolo, 1 Tliais, I1; Rigoletto, 1 ; La Trraviata. 1 Manîou Lescauit, 1; Les Huguýtenot., Changes Add Spice TIhe list does 'lot include the gala. fclosl!1in ib, with the second act of "Lýa Rondine," tbe fourth act of "e Hugenos,"and the third. act of "Tbe -Bartered Bride." Frequent 7chang'es ini éast wvere madle in -vorksý iperforined several timies, an element that adds spire*tato eie Eperaâs. ". Eckstein: prosides for this when he engages bis artists and outlin 1es bis ttentative repertbire, for lie bas due 1regard for the iact thlat nînv of theý openatic role.. are so wrîtten as th permit of varied iutrpretations w-heul enitrusýtedl to diffèren 1t -artist.s. -1I -Madanlîe Bitterflv,"both Mn. Ma'r- tinelli and Mn. Tokatva sang .th raIe of inetn and in Massene1t 's "Ntanonii" both Madame Bon and .Madame Gall sang tile title ro!e. 'These two artists altennatecl a, juliet ini "Roimeo) and Juiliet." In"Fut - Ntàrlaîuîie Rethhberg and Niadamne Gal 1p) c irecd( as -N1ar guiler ite-, and Mnr. Mlartinli à nd Mn. Johnsoni sang the role of,'Fai.st. Iu this w-o r k ý[ r. Danise and- Mr. Defrere sang Valen.- tîtue, .\ Madamiie Bon and Mi ss NMarin %vene both M11imi ini "L-a Bohemie" aüd Mýfr. Martînelli and M r. Clîanle altert-ate(l as Rodalfa. -Tbiese tv( tenons altern'atcd as Ed 'gardo il, Lucia, Don Jose ini "Cariien" was.l,. and is expecteci shortly to return to Aýjmerica. After apearing in concert in Paris, lie received enthusiastic comments .from music critics. "Oje. admired the speed and precision of bhis fingers and bw or,.Said, L'Iintransigeant, a, Paris newspaper. La Liberte said, '00f Slavic or'gin Milan Lusk, the Czech-rAmerican vjo-. linist, disclosed a great temperanient and an admirable technique." The Comoedia, of Paris,. said,"Ls charmed his audience by bis poetic interpretation, dvnamic playing, and toile of exquisîte sweetness"' Opera Season Ends WithBriiant, By J. A. A bril.liant last perfornian ce wound(1 111) 'a lrilliatU.season of opera or Mondai' night at Ravinia park. Thî: triple bill Louis Eckstein had arrangid brought an, enormouscrd ini tle opera bouse and outside: Even! occasional sbowvers.ý failed to dHi the! ent1hu1siasnm of those who sat ouf, under the trees. There w-as the last chanciýe to hea;- the iminortal mhelodieS1 of *PuCcini'A "l'a Rondine" sung s0civinlelv by) Boni, the exquisite, and by Edw-aril Johinson, consummate artjs-t. , jt and( love and romance were injecte(i int) their voices and into thje voices of the chorus. Nobod- an put Ithat across so e ch atiil as. MIadameý Boni andl'Mr. Johnison. Then there werc the ridiculous and delightf ul coniedy touches b3' Florence Maclbet!i and Arniand Tokatyàn, the gracefuilt and charnink xwaltz bv .RutHfPage and1 Bake Scot±: and throughit ail thbe hamiting main thenie (of the, sec- dl)(! act;, -hiç neter seems tà be- céime duil. As a contrast, the dramatic fervor of the fourth act of "L.es Huguenots" Ayas fttinglv l)nigbt out Bl ivonin (;all, Giovanni lMartinelli. 1Leon Ro-t thier andI Giùseppe Danise. Never I bas Mradam1e Gall's voice soared Aith t such marvelous lnZillance foriw t The growirg popularity of tile dance was quite, evident at Ra'viiia park on Sunday afternoon,we, about two thousand Ra%,inia patronsý camfe, out to see,,Ruth Page, Blake, Scott and the Ravinia Op Iera ballet in ýits aninual. Sundày afternoon pro- gramn. In one respeçt it is u nfor - tunate that the ballet program is tacked-ý on at the end ocf the, seasbon, because, most of the p)atrons don't be- corne "ballet conscious" until they have had one afternoon, in' wbjicbl they could turni their full. attention to the vivacious, and. daintv premreire danseuse. Miss: Page, and thie dvnani- i c pr 1emier danseur., Mr. Scott, ^ not to mention tlhe other dancers 'wbo belli thein create a world o f color and rhythmn. Miss Page and Mr.' Scott have been commanding a good.slice of applàuse during operas this season, but, un Sundii(av:they received their just due., Two thiousan<l t>eop)le key-ed nip)'to a high state of enthiusiasm can produce a volume of commirendatory noise that Must :be -partularly gratifying. Miss Page and Mr. Scoîtt dnhced' to Men-ý delïkohn's "Ronodo Capriccioso" wvitil that feeling for unjitv and, swift- ly chiangieig tableau that màkes for I)erfection and beauity. Ini solo lnm- bers, Miss Page showed agaitat each year she is gaining in the art of iprojecting w aevr 1ersonalîtN she assumes. As a tighit-rope dai,.ýze r Io Sinetapa's m-usic, shie was the es- sence of pink, and white, gay and ighit blondness. sh.e bro'uglit ini,'ol- wntary cliuckles fromn the atideince i'.gain' and agaill-a tribute to thue suib- lety of lier characterization. Uler con-~ ceptiony of Handv's "St. Louis Blues" .i'as iiterestiing, for its-,,treatmietit. C~ross riytlîmis. -ýhôît unles aniiin- sinuiation carrieci ont thre tenor of the nutisieç. It .sëems tliat ini the field, of iazz, Mis5s Page is very mnuch at home. e. icluded bier chiarnii g p rr a of carefree youthf in "Peter Pan aîand the Butterfly," and contrasted it withl Laughty -sophîistication iii gYpsy dallc- s with eighit nlieînbers of the ballet. ir. Sc.ott Eave a vital and -forcefil lluvills 1 1. a',,,ga re 1 1,Nmix in1 avlrgïnîia Nugent, Marian iFinhoit, Th sanar rpeMarglis eere ot Perry. soprano; Isabel Six more artists h ave been added Barbara Warren, Mary Anin Stone, *Th . tanar reértir lis benZelr,1onralto, of Glencoe: Albert to the Cîvic Opera coînpany, Lotte Louise Shott, Fara Krasnapolsky, given full consideration, but Mr. Rýajppaport, tenor;ý and Frederick. Lehmann; Mary McOormic, and Lymette Corrigan, and Virginia Fra-- Eck-tein has not contented hiniseif jencks, baritone, ini solo parts. Bach's Maria Rajdl, sopranos; Sonia Shar- ser. Miss Marian Grahami and Mi ss with ol re u rewrs which Mass in B minor will be suing on nva, contralto, Oscar Colcaire aîqd PhilineFacweetthto pianos, were elevated to a planue quite out of Nlonday, February 23, and on Mon- Octave Dua, tenors; Rudolf Bockel- playing With a good ensemble and the.ordiniar%, with cast of great meit., da3-, April 16,'George Schumann's mann, Eduard Ha'c n on netn h musical background with Her gave, in addition, an unusual "Ruth" will be suig. -.Charles Thomas, baritones.ý vitality,,

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