35 Years of Service to the North Shore andý' Its Students. For thiity-fiv*e years we hav e kept Pace with the No.rth Shore's.growth ... meeting with interest and energyail that it has asked of, us as a merchandising institution and as a fact or in its community life. Th.at we.have served faithfully is evidenced by, the success which the North 'Shore bas bestowed upon us . .. the su«ccess which bas tak.en form in the new building which is being opened this weekend. The North~ Shore néeds.no ýassurance of our. gratitude. That .will be shown in our coný- tinued service... in continued sharing of its interests andi those of ýit s great insti tutions of. leatning. Ray Photo rhoumns F. Airth, a leader in Evý- ansion's rivic oaff airs, ie gmeal manager of Chaerller's store, hav- ing worked lus wav u.b front the - lowest ranks. Trommy Airth came to Chandlrr':s as a paper boy in the spring of 1904. No use telling him he couldn't be that old ; he insists he came to Chand- ler's in that year, so that, in spite (if appearances, Tommy bas reached the good old age of M6. .He'has a reconrd of manv flÇ,,11 a its great store rniswèeek. Tommnys name is a familiar onei to aIl Evanstonians-on Davis street and in the haunts of Evanston's business mien, he is better known than aI- most any other person in town. He bas been known for'years as the godfather of Northwestern's band. It is Tomimy who is the moving 'spirit of. the band dances that are organized yearly for the purpose of raising money to send Northwestern's inspir-j Dest convenience ot patrons, wiliI u viewed by the public over this week- end on the occasion of the f orinal opening of Chandler's new store. The recently comipleted Davis street unit wili be opened for the.first time and the store w111 'be presented, to the north shore as a unified and expand- ed whole, occupying both- the newly fin- ished unit and the Sherman avenue unit which was. completed, some tinie ago.. A survey of the, store reveals at every hand evidence of the care and forethouglit in developing and bous iig every departmfent in such a ýway tliat *the store xnay be of utmost 'service to the public. Coliene Room on Lower Floor To the lef t of the Davis street unit asone enters through the re- volvinig door, is a broad marbie stair- case which leads to. the college rooli on thé lower, floor. Thé west wall of this is lined with text books; the east wall with school supplies. There is a tyrpewriter department where stu- dents may rent or buy their machines. and, too, where they may have them repaired. College and fraternity pen- nants, jewelry and other university novelties, are a separate department. -An elevator from the.lowerfloor re- turns one to the first floor. Along the left wail, near the Davis street door, is the leather goods section. At the right are the fountain penus, the cameras and the film developing de- p artment. Along. the west walI is the gif t section, and at the end, just before one enters the Sherman ave- nue biuilding, is a -section devoted* t_ý Dennison materials: crepe paper, stickers, seals and tags.. -Nearby is a square devoted to the' needs of bridge players; playing cards, tallies, srecards and other supplies. Booth for Local Tickets Toward the Davis street' sideý there are1 tables of gi fts,' a booth for tickets to, local events, and a secludedsocial stationery, nook where people ma.,y choose cards and engraving samples and stationery. At the head of the stairs there is a table destined to of- Now it is Our pleasure westerni. Mr. and Mr$. turtii and two little daughters live at 2724 ing avenue, Evanston. men and women; a section for golf clothes; a rifle and gun case; andl *cases for tennis and golf goods. Along r the west wall, toward the north- wil! be found the football, baseball anrIý *basketball equipment. 'rhere-,is ample 'i