Andrew in the United States, just closed at Oberlin college, Oberlin, Ohio. Herbert É). Lilly of 'Wilmettc returned fromn the- convention Sat-. urday. Fouir huùndred young men f rom al parts of the UnitedStates, Canada, Japan, China, Iii dia, Cuba and Mexico attended the convention. Expressions by the young nien be-1 fore *the ,convention 'as -wefl as speakers i ndica ted that youth t oda v desires a. larger siitual .outlook. They, asked cooperation' of their clergy and'aduit laymen in finding theniselves, spiritually, and ini carry- ing forward the cause of Christianitv. T'he convenion was cliniaxed with the Corpora te Commnun ion which wab held, on thé camnpus of Oberlin col- lege, out-of-doors.: Thefinal' formial session was addressed by Col., Rav- mand Robins, tioted.for his part. in the, Klondike, gold. rush in Alaska, in thc world war and in: world peace and Red. Cross. movements. He urged young meni to "'hit the trail" by de- voting thenîselves who'le heartedlv to some great cause or principle. MVr. anid Mrs. C. M. Burlingame of 812 Greenleaf avenue.have been called to St. Louis on account of the death, of a brotheir. 372 Iý.der lane, Winnetka and Mrs. Floyd Brockell, assistant chairman. are in charge of the north shore grroup, both being niember of the board of the nursery. Mrs. Haroldl Ramser, Mrs. Harry Wite, Mrs. Clyde Worthingtoii, Mrs. Paul Ramsey, Mrs. Chalmers Hollis. Mrs. William, Wark, Mrs. Walter Doerr, Mrs. W. A. Schrei, Miss Doro- thy Schrei,' Miss Lùcille Temple. M iss Evalyn. Kruse, Miss Eleanoi, Bell, and Miss Jeanette Uhleinann are aniong those froni the three suburb,- who are assisting in the tagging, Arthur J. DeBerard of 1220 Green- Wood avenue left last Friday night to sPend two. weeks. filhing in the, Jackson Hole country. Christian Science tuneral services [ '" ie SblOIOviLibIii were held from the residence îast of the children's school Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. lege and their mother, h Buril wa at oseill emetry. turned f rom a two weeks Buril ws a Roehii cmetry. through New England. VI is,, ien 'rii 2LIrI u i me ean5II ton' hotel,, assistànt ..librarian atl.the National College of Education, à returning homie f rom, a summer ini Europe. in time for the opening of -the college's fal terni-September '12. DR.. A. W. GORDON Graditate Chiropodiat and FOot Humphrey BIdg. 883 EIni. Street Telephote-Wîtttetka, 755 Off ice IIottta 9 a.- m. to 5 p. m. Evenings by Appoiutmeuat EVAN1.Nv!REPRtOOV WAEEOUSE 1839-49 East Railroad Avenue Long Distance Haulin g-Chairs and Tables for Rent Phon~e Wilmette 914 Phone University 0091 320 ANNeOUNC.ES, THE RETURN .F.RQ.M PARIS, OF MR. ANDMRS. POWELL Chicago's Smarte,çt Near-Loop C loge in te thie Looi yetin a Leauifu&61. lonaLle section, the Park Dearborn oife..m oututandind rentai opportunity for aprs ns kotel home. Leu than te,, minutes fros. i" L'opl> y Surface, Bus. or your own car.- 11w.. hlicLssouth of Lh2con Park snd cvery t.11* Iinl convenience makes the Parlt Dearbiom m ides1 winter home. x%~, a34 and s room mai 114cer lutchen apartments widi comoeIte ho" MILLINERY ACCESSO RIES PI' <mc i.,PIl. ~ 1: