g R e È IREPýR ýAýREHO IREMOOF WjfflEHOýUSE r ,,Io IIA,10 ......... ......... PACICN MOVING Chairs and tables for rent for ail ocain -MI MAIN ST. WILMETTE 32 for, the start of the new term on Monday rnorning. One of the most noticeable improve- menits made on the school property during the summer -months is the cquippingý of the house adjoining the Kenilworth Memorial gymùnasiu.m on fthe south for household arts work for the upper. grades. 'Phe house wvas used for classrooms prior to the comple- tion of the niew school addition. Another improvement made during the summer wvas the: installation of a sp)rinkler systemni the older portion of the school building, which is flot fireproof. An enrollmçnt of about, 450 pupfils, is expected, or, an increase -of twventy- five over Iast. year's figure. The facuity personnel will be prac- tically the same,>as Iast year. Miss Juliette Ilanford. is the only, teacher Who will' not be back. Miss Elizabeth Allen and Miss Florence Alleénder,. both of Oshkosh, Wis., will be newv members of the faiculty. -iThe teachers who are returnin g in- cude Miss Marjorie Stantoni, Miss Carolinie Littler, Miss Neli M. Littier, Miss Etta E. Knudsen, Miss Edna«R. Mayer, Miss Florence Tatro', Miss r Leahi Clark, Miss Lillie TC. Bitting,c Miss Emma W. Billington, Mrs. Mollie K. Foreman, Miss Edith M. Stryker, Miss Bessie Stark, Miss, M. Louise Robinson, 'Miss Tolita Hanison, R. J. Fiinnigan, Robert W. Townley, Miss Gertrude Herrick and Ms Margaret Davenport. P -l . 1 .Check your, needs now to avoid the lasgt minute- rush.., A'Remington Portable' Ti writer is not only a joy a necessity to every boy girl going to scbool1. The regular. Seotemb)er, meeting. of the Legion Auxiliarv of Wilmette, Post 46 is foostnonedl one ýweek-to Monday evening. Septemiber.'15,' and mîl be held at the hlomne of îM rs. Er- n est Gould, 922 Forest avenue. 0f- * ficers wiIl be elected. and annual re- ports of officers and chairmen heard. Members Planning *on going by train to the state convention at Aurora, September 6-9. n'ay get identification * tickets from Mrs, F. 1.Dowd sec ype- but and Open.Sundays Until 10:30 P. M. -o- Sanford Holden, and son; jack Holden, 527 Warwickc road, 'Kenil- worth have gone to northerrn Wiscon- sin on a fishing trip. They expect to return home Monday morning in. time for, Jack to enterscol A complete lis 't of the -high school faculty 'for this year, with the subjects. they \viIl teach, appeared iin a previous issue of this newvs magazine. ie Announce Calendar 'teprincipal items on the. New Trier, calen dar fot 1930-19.31 are:,. September 8--School opens.' November I 1-Armistice, day, holi- day. Nèvemibc cation.' Decemubel begins. r 27-28--Thanksgiving -va- ýr 20-Christmas 'vacation '5-School opens after va- Wnere tney were met by their oldest son, Herbert L. Willett,, Jr., of .Wash- ington, D. C., and his family. Dr. Willett will preach. his first sermon of the coming fali season. at the. Union Cýhurch 6f Kenilwýorth Sunday, Septemnber 16.. 0 approximately »U, accoruing to an estimate made tliis' week by W. L Brown, director of research. The total enroîlment at the high school for the new term, wilI be about 1,900. Late registrations have been. coming ithis .week. Mr.- Brown, points, out :that it> is- advisable for aIl students' to compléte their, registration before the start of classes on Monday morn- ing, s0 thaàt they will not f ail behind in' their. schIool work> at1 the' béàinning of' the year. Book Store Open 'The school book store isopen f rom, 9 to 12 o'clock on Thursday,. Fri.day and Satueday mornings of this week. AI! bo'oks, should be purchased beforeý the, st ar t of1, classes, students are re- min ded. The igkh 1school facul.ty,, ilumhering more than one hundred, wiIl meet Sat- urday, morning of, this week with -supt. Frcderick E. CIerk. A meeting of deans, department heads and advisor: chairmen .was. scheduled f or Friday mQrning. 1Name Department Heads Heads of the various departments at New Trier this year will be L. A., Hutchens, English; W., A. Snyder, mathemnatics; Miss Laura, Ullrick, so- cial science; F.C.Windoes,, science; C. R. Small, f oreign .language; D~ . r Johnson, commerce; Mms.janie W., L4ighter, home ecôonics; R. L. F. Biesemeier, manual education; Miss Olive L. Grover, art;, Mrsý. Marian Cotton, music; Miss May Fogg, girls' physical education; W. L. Childs, boys' physical education, and Mrs. Mar- ý-7 < , ',