EVERY time school OPENS here in > WILMETTE we SEE new'faces among THE tea'chers-some CHANGE fields f rom YRAR to year, while OTHERS change NAMES r But what- EVER. may be THE cirçumstances, WE want to extend OUR cordial greetingi TO the teachers COME to us from out 0F town wiIl like WILMETTE *as well. AS we do, who live HIERE ail the time. INCIDENTALLY, WE want to make it, PLAIN, to these r.I WilmmttAies,. l: WiIu.tte 28 *Bmd 29 and big the 721 hours. pike, T hiome in SOMETHING GYM NEW THE 'REGULATrION WHITE, MIDEO -eyed outgrown his former location. Th made niew quarters have a sixty foo t front- rhteen age on Lincollu avenue and large dis- Plav windows. Mr. Okean is opening wîtb a ne w and larger stock of furs and bas aliso added a complete line of ladies' wearifi.L apparel, such' as frocks, gowns, w rans and sports wear. He also Ilas in b.is new place much larger quarters -for»tbe nianufact uring, repairing. remodeliing and cleaniniz department, in connection with bis fur trade. Mr*. Okean announices tbat, be wil bave a buyer and also a manager, i the ladies' weariniz apparel depart- ment. Sam Goldberg. who-bas had many years experience ýas buyer for Chicago Michigan avenue stores, will be the buyer.for the Okean stores and Miss.,Fav Brown. also with long ex- perience in this unie in Chicago stores, will be manager of this department of the Winnetka store. Mr.. Goldberiz re- cently 'returned from the. east witb a complete lune of faîl merchandise. The M. B. Okean conrpan1y bas similar stores in Waukegan, Kenoshb- and Racine. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Robb of- 816 Greenleaf avenue returned.,thi$ week-end fromn their vacation, at Klinger lake. Mich. Their - sonP Charles W. Robb, III, will1 leave Sep- tember 16. for Denis on university at Granville. Ohio. ýy. -WITH BL.ACK SATEEN SHORTS -WHICH HAVE A CONCEALED ELASTIC BAND. $IZEè a to 16 IL NIDDY SI SHORTS 81.50 LA. JEUNESSE INC.ý Juniors' and.G.irls'. Wear 1168 WIL14ETTE AVE. - WILME1-rE Site222 Carlson Building .9 ; 636 CHURCH 'ST., EVANSTO N rmft~? -on houses, apartments and business properties for 5, 10 or 15 year terms. CODY TRUST COMPANY .105 South La Salle Street Rend@ph 660 CHICAGO Evesuings by CLLAp»ointm eut UNI VERSITY 9700 r .week. 2 The report of Supervisor Gertrude M. Tburston, who is also treasurer -of the Road and Bridge fund, showed a balance. on hand in the Town fund *of $1291 .75 and in the Road anA >Bridge fund of $18,814.73. The periodcovered inthesé reports was f rom March 26 to September 2. On March 26 there was on hand ;i- the Town fund, $4082.04; the dis- bursements were $2790.29, leavinig a balance on hand, September 2, of. $1291.75. .Receipts in' the Road and Bridge- fund amounted to $30,268.48, of which $4,000 was. transferred, to the Town fund., The expenditures.were $7,453.- 75, leaving a balance on band of $18,- 814.73. The township is now receiving its share of the 1928 taxes, baving re-, ceived to date, $23,903.87, it was re-_ ported. Other funds from this source will be turned over to. the Township. from time to time,, by the County Treastirer, as the tax mioneys are re- >ceived. There wai present at the meeting Tuesday evening, Supervisor Mrs. Gertrude M.. Thurston,- Township. Clerk Mrs. Margaret S. Pierson and J. J. Peters and R. E. Sinischeimer.', The other threeJusti*ces of the Pea ce who are members of the Townchip Board of Auditors, but who were un- ableto be prese nt are, James K. Cal-' boun, D. M. Mickey and Hans von Reinsperg. Miss Berenice Viole, a young pian- ist well known ini Chicago musical cicehas recently corne to Wil- mette to make her home. She and ber parents have purchased the Hen- ry Anderson home at 114 Third. street, where they will live., Miss Viole is a niember of tbe faculty, of the Americati Coniservatory of -Mu- sic in, Chicago where she recei.ved part pf ber training. 1She has studied also in'Berlin and Paris uinderSchnia- bel and Cortot and also had training under Shevinne and Ganz. Sh .e wi.ll probably be bheard in concert dur- ing the coming season in Wilmnette where she plans to accept a nuni- ber of private pupils. M. Portenhauseri Painter and Decorator *1030 Greenleaf Phone 2704 t l'!