Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1930, p. 5

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terested contestants Uominîc Kovalic, of 1501 Wicker Park ave nue, Chicago, won, the prize presented by the Glen- coe chapter, Daughters of the Ameri- can Revcilvtion, for the best essay on "Citizenship" wVritten by a Basie stu- dent in Camp Donald W. White. After the best -ten essays had ben selected, the board of awards and the chapliains. ýwho are ini general charge of thle c'itizenship instructioinCm White, gave, very careful at.tention , t the final selection. Kov;alic. the win-ý ner, ïs ý-a member of "B" comnpa.ny of, the. Citizens' -Military Triing cam now in session at Fort Sheridan. A copy of the T)nze essay follows: MY OBLIGATIONS. AS AN AMERICAN CITIZEN BY fl.minic KoValIîc To be a good, Amnerican citizen., 1 cannot sit back.leisurely., congratulat- ing myself on being boin in th.e United States with the consequent protection of my.rights l)ecause of that birth, pro- tection of any wealth or;propertyI ~Mayt-haeaccumnulated, and have for-. eigfiers look upon me enviously wlieiî 1 piniit tu. the, Stars and Stripes and cail if "émv flag.7~ Real citizenship is more and nobler than this: lst-I amn. and should be proud of my Americani birth which au- tomatically madem:e a citizen by birth; secondly, f should endeavor f0 make, inyself - as useful a citizen as 1 cati., should try to promote the general wel- fare of those about mie, and the ide.ids of Anierica. Third, inasmucli as rny country protects me and mine, I should always be willing to protect if, in mýy own smnall way, fromn a foreigner's un- kind reimarks about if; and in a na- tional crisis, as in the event of war with a foreign power, 1 should be wjlling to * sacrifice mv life if necessary, to keep *"Old Glory'" floatiniz free as the wînd that caresses it. over this land of, the, frec. -I1 should do ail 1 cati fa promote peace, good-will and understanding be- tiveen my coulitrv' and foreign COUI-7 tries. 1 should prefer peace to. war, but should always. be r.eady and willinig jto protect my country in the event o f * -war. *As an individual Ishould' enideavor to accornplish things worth while, s(-) *that 1 may fake just pride ini myself for them, and ta further the welfare of chairs are grouped to otrer hospitai- ity. On the walls are quaint samplers made in the ninecteenth century. The restaurant itself, intrisruingly irregglar in shape, is an attractive spot, light, cool,. and airy, Its ,walls are brig4it- ened with several beautiful. paintings and English prints andanl occa'sional antiqu~e wall cabinet and highboy with old Sheffield, or copper, or brass, coni- * tribute their old. world atmosphere, sukgested again in, the wood-burning fireplace at -one en~d of the- room.l .Hangings of glazed chintÉ figured in soft tan,- brown. pastel green and the touch of bright color carried on the upholsteredi. Wood benches linjng the -walls. and dishes of and dcld' Eng- We'I help you f0 preserve fair beauty against the inroada of the conditions, and de*nands of modern life. An occasional facial, 'lifting , sagging muscles and tissues back to perman- ence and . elasticity.. ,hair and scalp t reatrnents promoting the bealth and enhancing the 'beauty, of your hair. PERMANENT WAVES SPECIALLY PRICED DURING AUGUST De~I NlaBeauty Saon 1651 SHERIDAN ROAD. WILMETTE WILMETTE 4576 I. T HE best cannot core, too soon, in a girl's life, if good taste in personal appearance, is -to ýbe developeçi. During the in-between years -. impressions of style are formed, to govern ai11 the later life. Here we specialize in apparel intelli- gently designed for the growing girl. The modes now ýoffered, the materi- als,; the, needlework, the spin in every garm.ent wiM be found deeply' satisfying to you-and to your child. reminds of a little streef i ngIand, and charming is the Tavern which in ifs design and appointments suggests both England of today and age-old England.. Art istic good taste, beautfful piçce5s

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