timie 1i ie Âvm.wsip ui "mr' - - -- Vrs. Walter 1Rayn and their two sons, * »'n--. -Xg-- The banque.t supplanted the usual Mr. and Mrs. George Slocuni of supper on the last evening in camp and Chicago, fornierly of Wilinette, enter- of F t. Scotts, last Saturday and i8 .MchgnAe. hcg was followed by a Court of Honor, tained Saturday night i honor of Mr. Sunday. The Rayns were on their Not SW fic e P awarding the mienit badges and other arid. Mrs. Frank Root, fornerly of Sun- way horne after a trip to Michigan. inta31 awards earned' in camp during the pa, -- tiVo Weeks.. After the awards had been made ~ camipfire program 7as,'carried1onunder the -supervision of 'Harold- G. Boltz, assistant camp director, during which several Scouts,,one froni each- patrol. .recalled incidents of camp life and re- SCouts and had léarned to live the Scout atand a wie in camp. Several songs were Sung, interspersing the talks. Junior and, senior officers told1 how they' feit about their campepeine and made farewell dreWý to a close it seemed that every- one in -the mess hall was drawn dloser to bis fellow campers lu1 a bond of friendship too Strong for words. Made EagIe Scout During the Court of, Honor Myron C. Rybolt, Scout executiVe of the. North Shore Area council, presentecl the Eagle badge to George Bersch, assistant Scoutmnaster, of Troop 4, Wil- lixr mette,' who cornes to the Eagle rank>E x r after spending several years ini Scout- ing and deVoting much of ýhis time -ti. leadinig others rather than using, it to S E C A advance hiniseif in rank. M. JBelnci' -olar'o se for dry cleanng is president ,of the- Ma-Ka-JaWnEeyuia o pn lodge .of the Ordc fteArwadsol euna es a dollar's worth of it was with a getdeai ý of pleasurc F or One W eek sol euna es that bis fellow Scouts saw him receive the Lage rnk.quality and value. Hit-ormiss, old fashioned tevios o he age resnttinMa's suit cleaned and pressed tre Sousts, Jhn Bg ren o rood one hat .cleanied and Iocked cleaning does not give you this security. This 2, Wilmette; TIarry Weese of Troop mtakes it an unwise and expensive purchase. *13, Kenilworth, and H{enry Foster of Troop 5, Wilmette, had received th-e Sj 75 We feel confident that the mnen and women rank of Life Scout. Star Scout badges Jj were awarded to William Bowen and in Wilmette who have their clothes Mira-~ William Melchior of Troop 5, Wil- mIette. cusrcie hi is ls Send us one or more men's suit s cleaned are wisely insisting on the finest rank. and -twelve were awa4rded their sdwt ahsi nld cleaning this community.has ever ,known.. Second Çlass badges. Ont hundre man's hat. For one week, end- and tw enty-two menit. badges were ing. .Saturday, September 6, we **awarded to *fifty-five Scouts, a record* wiii beaàutifully _Miràclean and BcueMrceni ueadcytlcer closeiy approaching that es tablishied by oDress each suit andi thoroughly * the third period campers when there clean andi block each hat to con, it leaves no odor. Because it removes ail dfrt wene approximately twice the number t h cretFallsye of Scouts in camp. .* awrsforuit h cret ste and ixnpurities,, it makes garnients cleaner * When the camp honois andaarsand the entire cost for each si *were announced, sixteen boys receivel andi hat counbinçd will oniFly e and they stay.clean and wear ,uuch longer. their camp numerals and thirty-e.ight i7sSeda naysutad were awarded the Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan h$1.S as oient smaysit niCal the Shore Line Cleaners tomorrow- ***"M." The honor "M" was. awarded*hassyo k. by Mr, Bersch the five Scouts who *and. let us prove tii... facts to, you. *were initiated into the Order - of the * Arrow ; Bill Bwen, Bill Freeénf, Ed. ** Joyce, Dick'*Steen, and Jurry Weese. * Offices Win dmM»C L tOB The thirteen junior officers Who re- L1.WiROGERS Ae. ceived theitf "M" with the gold border, WiietePesdn iniaig their ra'nk, are'as follows: J Yoe Andrews, Mark Anidrews,* Marti,, Brie C eron l3rownl, James Ewell~ f atues Goetz, Jack de fleers, Martin Herberholtz, Jerome Nevins, Maillon .iI * is assistant, Joe Celeste Betini, who32 hias also been at camlp all sumrne, were oie awarded the badge "of sênior officers ** * on the camp staff. This consists of the * j F' Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan "M" with silven bon- der. John Mathison, Troop 13 of Kenil- worth, was toastmnaster and intnoduced the vanious speakers. and officiais. A numbr ofvisitons attended the aàffain.