Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1930, p. 23

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tion of Lincoln pictures 'in the United States. Here can be seen the bearded Lin-. coin, the Lin coin without a beàrd, the. rrelancholy Lincoln and lie of the smil- ing,îface, with lbis farnily or witb. bis Cabinet, a man on whose mobile face ligbts, an. shadows a1ternate. Pictures of Lincoln the boy, the railsplitter, the lawyer, the president and thoge last tragic days tell the whole historyof the Great iEnianfcipator. The. collection of cartoons, while of doubtf ul artistic. merit, are most inter- esting and -s how the political trend of Lincoln's time. .Lincoln is shown at the oars, at, the bat, even as a watch- ing, cat as- the humor or idea of the cartoonis.t prompted. .His long tank frame was an ever ready butt for the caricature artist. In those. days these cartoons were sold two for, a quarter or three for fifty cents but 'try to get. one now at that price. Éd is . Spnngstun to National College Faculty The children's schooi of the National College of ,Education bas secured Miss Elizabeth Springstun as director of the sixtb grade. Miss .Springstun -is a graduate 'of the Illinois -State Normnal and bolds the degree of Bachelor of Philosopby fromn tbe University of Chi- cago.. She bas taught-in tbe interniedi-, ate grades of the s'cboois, of Oak Park and Glencoe and for the past two years bas, been one of the critic teachers mi the training scbool of tbe Eastern Illintois State Teachers coliege at Charleston. The nunibers ini the upper grades of, the chiidren's school bave increased; steadily- since the opening of the school Ini Septemiber, 1926. In addition to the' *required studies and activities many of .hie children take. advantage of the special afternoon. classes ini physical Cducation, dramiatization. aind art, and *for French and relîgious education. * Mrs. Edward B. Raub and daugbter. *Marilyn, have returned to their home ini Lafayette, Ind., after spending a v.eek with Mrs. 'Raub's mother, Mrs. * Arthur C. Hammond, 500 Gregory avenue, Wilrnette. block, it was said, and the pavement at tbis point is not wide enough to per- iuit sncb a turn except by, running over the tracks. The motormnan of the train blew bis whistle but was un- able to stop before crashing into the truck, wbich. was swung aoud and daniaged sligbtly. The truck driver ecpdunhurt. Editor Dan Brummit to * Be Convocation Speaker .Dr. Dan Brummitt, edîtor of the Northwestern 1Chistian Advocatei will be the 'speaker at the Garrett Biblîc-al iiistitute s il m me r convocation in Charles Macauley Stuart chapel Wed-' ne sday afternoon, Sept. 3. at 2:30. Sixteen students will receive. their degrees or diplomnas from Dr. Frederick C. Fiselen, president. wbo will return from bis summer homne in time for tbe * Xercises. Special music Willi be played by E. Andrew Paul, a student. Dr. Brunrnitt -has been active -in e ligious journ.alisxn for many years and has during this summer given a course at Garrett. SFor ail students. other tban the grad- dates, classes will continue until the end> of the next: week, examinations being scheduled for Tbursday and Fni- day. There will be a month's lapse before the fali quarter opens Oct. 6. * . MARRIED Mr. and .Mrs. N. N. Hienrich of 972 Elni street, Winnetka, announce the miarriage of thieir daughter, Gertrude, on Satiirday, Auigust 23., to josephi Steiner;' Jr., of Wilmette in Wauke- -an, 111. Mr. Steiner is the 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ,Steiner of 1451 Wilmnette avenue,. Wilimette. The, young people are staying with. the brides parents for the present. RETURNS TO -EVÂNSTON Mr. an~d Mrs. Walter Spry will re- turn to Evanston on ..Fridày, Septern-. ber 5, after a. vacation at McGregor, Iowa, where tbere is a sniall colony of Chicago and Evanston people. Mr. Spry teachies piano at the. Evanston branch of the Columb.ia ,School, of Buttermil ]Fond niemorices of Childhoo*d deys on. the fat m 1 Tbey aIl corne* back as yen drink'Bownans OId-Styl. Chnrnod Botterrnulk. For D<ew- man's OId-Style Buttermilk ha. the real, old-fashioned ç. oumtry, flavor. :It is always cool a., r- f reshig, always, frairmt n d. U.vorf ni. he .goidou' butter, graine are there, for y<ou.to, -efjoy. Order a bottle todayr. It jas gobd for you s it. is good te teste. Phone the. nearest Bowmtim distrib'. otiig station or order fostue couiteous Bowmsn rnuilkm inwheo passes yonr door. BOWMAN DAERY COMPANY Wilmette 55 AT RON IZ E :-O U R AD VER TISER S Bernie sSp ecial. ««Better Pictures Registration Days THiURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY,ý SEPTEMBER 4-5-6 Main SchooI-509 S. WABASH AVENUE, CHICAGO 1623 Shernman Ave., Evanston Tel. Univ. SM9 AU, Chidren ill the le of,:theý 1

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