Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1930, p. 22

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I'N EVANSTON! IIF-curet here i s no di fference, whateve r oin. the extraordinarily high quality of' the menus -in my two Tea Shops. ý In my Main street Shop I bave sought to create a pleasing .variation in. the decoratilve scheme, but there the differ- ence ends-ýaside from the fact, that: at Main street the service be ginis with z-breakfast,. instead of luncheon., By the way, have you ever bad one of the delicious. Club or a la, carte breakfasts served there? You shc>uld know that you may drop i n at any time for. a dainty salad or sanidwich, or, from 2:30 p. M, for completée founitain service at the tables. W bile the moderate-price specialluncheons and dinners are much in favor there is always an ample a 'la carte areufl~ de quâte to every demand of appetite, delicate or keen.* 77? Among the citations which compriseci the iesson-scripture was t.he follôwing from the Bible: "How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, 0 God! liow great is the 3um of themI If I should* counit them, they are more in, num-ý ber ,than the. sandi: when I awake. I arn stili with, the" (Psalms 139:17, 18). The lesson-sermon also included the following passages from the Christian, Scien ce textbook . "Scienceand.,HealIth with Key to the Scrip tures," by Maryý Baker Eddy: "When man is governed by God . he ever-present Minci wJo uniderstands ail thinzs. mati knows that with God -ail things are possible" (page 180)ý. New Trier. Engineer is Timer at Big Air. Races R. L. F. Biesemeier, supervising en- gineer. and. purchiasing, agent at New Trier High school, . is onle of the offici- ai tirners -for the *Nationùal Air races, now being- helci at the Çurtiss- Reynolds airport at Glenview. He is spetiding niuch of his timie at the airport thi-, week. VACATIONING IN MEXICO Miss Marthla Fin'- of; E vanston. whio is a mieniber .of the faculty of thé National College of Education4 is va- cationing in Cusihuiriachie, ýChihuahu1a, Mexico, Miss Fink, writes of the gor- geous coloring of the mountains and- niesa since the .pntiful rai ns have sub- sideci. The beautv of the scarlet, pur- ple, oratige and gold. wild flowers againist the ric h Lreen background of foliý_e iakes a rare pictuire-so beau- tiful that ii hardlv seemis real. Thé Rev. and Mrs. William'. Elbert' McCo'imack have returned f rom their edigtrip in the North. Mr1. MC-. Cormack wilI preach iat the union serv- ice at the Wilmette Baptist th6s Suri- day.. The McCormnacks are making their homne at $05 First. stret hm paign, 111.retCam ing compietioji sc that furniture andi equipment may be installed. .In addition to class rooms, the third floor will include a general college li- brary, children's library, and pre-school library, science laboratory, and domes-, tic science suite, a: small auditorium, art and music rooms andi rest rooms for the students. The cafeteria, mùanual train- ing shop, shower -and locker roomffs, and dressing rooms in the :basement are beinig completeci at this time also, so that the faîl termi' wihl open, with .gièeat- Iy increaseci facilities, for taking care of the college students andi the chul- cren's .school.. Regi stration of fresbman students* will be heldi on September 12, and 13.. that 'of former students on September 1andi 16, and the opening assembly Avill beheld September 17, The dormiitory reservations show an increase overthose ofthýe correspond- i.iiîg perioci of -last year and fthe applica- tions' on. file in the registrar's office iindicate. that the. entering class wil not oflly be a large one, but wl include inany students witb college or uxiver- sity credit and a nuniber of college graduates. Coast-to-Coast Auto Makes Stop ini Wilmette. The "Friendly Flier," a .specially de- signleci aerocar, built for the niakers of "Friendly- Five" shoes, the Jarman Shoe company of Nashville, Tenn., was in Wilmette on Monday. The local dealer ini these shoes, the Taylor hootery, 1125 Centlral avenue, ïvas host to Paul Dean. the driver of the "Friendly Fiier." This vunusual car, built by Glenn Curtiss, the well known designer 'and builder ot areoplanes, is capable of a rdad speeci of seventy-five miles per hour with the Master Six Buick to6 which it ik at- tacheci. It is making a coast to Coast trip. As, the "Frienidly Flier" calls, on dealers in. the various, towns a 30- minute program. of - brôoadcasting 4y electric transcription is, presented for passersbv, and,, the local dealer. is in- vited to see .a, special, moving l)ictùre inside the car shoNving how-"Frtiendly Five" shoes. are made. Cleanm to*0the Diacriminating 1 152 Central Avenue, Wil mette Phones 320-321 Evanston Phone: Greenleaf 6660, I Axlorauon sent on request. JTHE MOODY. BIBLE INSTIrtUT IIChielaau.fveSta., 153 InstituitePlaceChicauojI J] Phone Dmvwersey 1570 Il . net l EST #859 CHIECAO

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