Phone 514 DOLLAR DAYS-AIXG, l and 12. SHRMPSIlars9$00 Sea, Garden Brand. Large, sélect shrirnps, earefully packed in glass jars. HAMBURGER Choice, fresh chopied beef 4lbse $1,.00 Sweet antd curefuuly. cured, CHIFSO.......5 for,$l.0@O The largest size standard. carton at an unusually good price. COFFER ......½2/2lbn. $1IL00O RICHELIEU. The finest blend we can buy for very partikular people. FLOUR, ......... 14 bble I$1.,, RICHELIEU, Gold Medal; Ceresota or Pillsbury. jars $1000. RICHELIEU 'pure strained honey packed in one, pound glass jars. AN.......'4 ibi. 8100 MA BROWN'S strawberry or red rasp- Mrs. Johnson bas many qualities which make her adrnirably fitted for ber new office; as president of the unit of post no. 46 for two years, she showed marked executive ability and kept the unit in close contact with district and depaÉrment activities.' Her. outstarid- ing work as.Amnicanism cthairian of, the unit this year resulted in her aP- pointment as supervisor of this work in the. district, by Mrs. Kinïg,. district director. The Americanism activities of the unit duning the "past year included 'a. very fine Armistice night prograni at the Howard. school auditoriumi; the placing of, "Sinîister> Shadows" in the public library; presenta4ion of a flag. to the Girl Scouts and twelve pénhant.s to the Recreation board to replace the smnall, American flags used on. Field Day. Mrs. Marie Suthers, president. of Central Council, was a guest atthe. district meeting. Dr. Beatrice Hawkints and -the Mesdamies Cochran, Cullison, Dowd, Frohde, Hall, Arthur Johnson,, Russell Johinson, Leal, Leech -Roden- kirk and Van Inwagen attended the luncheon and business session. The Wilmnette unit ivill entertain the next convention in November. Mrs. John D. Couffer, formerly 0fi MWilnette, now of Glendale, Cal., is spending two nionths with lier daugh- ter, Mrs. John R. Walsh Baldvin 0.f 149 Ac.hnrv veue C. M. Osborn, Wilmette's new village manager, officially started his duties here on Tuesday. He was introduced tco Village ofitials and residents of WiI- mette at the meeting of the Village board Tuesday night.. Mr. Osborn is temfporarily occupying the office of Police Chief Henry Brauti-. gan.' The -permianent village manager's office will be adjacent to that of Super- intendent of Public IWor.k C. C Schultz. In. an. interview. this week :Mr. Os- b orn stafed that he bas come to Wil- ml'ette to, give thisý village the best «of' his, kuowledge. an d éxperience in the field of village and city management. For. the past two years he bas been village manager of Shorewvood, Xis.,,' ,x cîsive Milwaukee suburb, and for the previous, six. years was city mn ager of Kenosha, Wis. H1e also servéd as citv manager of East Cleveland, Ohio, for a number of years. Under. the villagç manager, sy stem of municipal government ail departrnents of the village are put under the diree- t;on of a trained execuitive, who helps to coordinate the work of the variotis departmients and to conduct the: busi- ress of the village- in the'.7ost efficient way possible. "The village mnanager's job isn't a, one man job," said Mr. Osborn in a lea to ail residents of Wilmette to Co- operate with him in his work. H1e pointed out that the vill 1age manager is a. public servant, not a boss, and that lie nierely carnies out the policies set by the Village bioard. home ýai wife to rhev will. ishiington avenue. Robent Kelling, son of Mn. and Mrs. Max J. Kelling, 1112 Greenwood ave.- nue, is located on a ranch at Rio Vista, Cal., in the Sacramento valley. H1e was graduated f rom New T rier high schoal in June and will. go to a univer,'ity in 1931. M.and Mrs. . N. .1,1 SelimT..Ir n-12r Tidet iLind à,, Edith, .. * . . .~ t ILET PAPER 14 »Ufs $*1*00 E)W WHITE. A 1000( sheet roll of extra blcached white crepe. Sanitary wrapper. Cail Mma. F. A. Buck Il 6 7 Witme«q 'Ave. Phone Walmette 4598 q 117 reeuteaf Avé. wiIn.tte (No branches>) Phone 510 1h t, il