row, Mwith the St. Toe's club of Wau 4, -. kegan as the victini of a 6-5 score. An Irisbniian,.anid a left-hander at that, 1pi t ch e d the "jinx" tilt for XiI- metteand worked ini fine fashioýn. 1-e shôuld haive won bV, a shutôlut but bis matées erred on a few occasions té help the e n e i y Roýbqin iun uptli&scre (Speaking of superstition, wt miid,.the tume Kehnnedy rubbed a little. colored fellow's curlv bair just before he ascended the firing line, and paid th.é youtlî in coin of the r ealm .for thcI privilerge). Getting -back to the. game, we find that Bal Robinson was the slùgger .who realvy deci ded the combat. He drove in a ruii in the second, homnered iu tle Mtb, and'finished as well1 as started the winning rally iu the îîiiutb. Pierce proved to be Kennedy's nemesis as lie. totaled tbiree sinigles during the contest. >The, borne twirler allowed only' eig'ht blows. He. fanned eiglit of the visitorsj wbie walking tbiree. Kovack, a lad of 16, was ou the bill fori- Waukegan, and -suffered. as did Kenniedy; 1w) lack of, support afield., It looked like another easy victory for Wiltette. uîtil tbe slixtb. The home bovs iad couinted twice inl the flrst on kudolp1î's sinîgle to riglit aî.id a stolen base,. Schroeder's bhit to .left' and Robinsç>'s blom. to center. rixed up witb a wild pitch. Robinson. hadý socked bis- home run ii) the fifilî to run the locallead to 3-0. But in the, sixtb WVaukegan. tied the count. Suc- cessive s.ingles hv Zîîpancc, Pierce aî Nodie.: and a. later, clout, . -,Nodvik were, aided bv Rohbbvs two errors to, accouint for the trio of runs.. The C. of C.: ont fit again .a'ssuniedl the lead in the eighth. janetz singled to center. Wilson drove bis second bit to righit to send Janîny to third. A %vild viteli allowed anetz to score and Wil- LJSUU L te ls na teuhmecçatcher plate- ward 'witb thë winning tally. Box score: Wankegan Amos and Andy of radio fame are soon to be seen -on~ the screen iln a film t.utitled, "Amos en AOY."1 stoLft,--IconinAues LmeV ooUU wor. 1ja.1 gains in every departmient-drygoods, wvearin.g apparel, shoes. 1Read 'emi! >1Marv Ann's Frocks at 1183 Wilmette avenue are peparing somne unusually interestig Dollar Day bargains in dresses. Special Dollar Day Dress Sale. is your eue. The T.inden Garagàe. '332. Lin- (l avenue, announces, Dollar Day specials that include sucb items. as brake adjustments, spark. plug deëan- ing-, and tuning up the niotor. Boy, wbat an offer 1 Thée Villageý Cleaners, Ilic.. are au- thority for tliealtogether ffleasipg de- claration that "vour do' llar does double dufi- bere.".A spécial during Dollar Davs: "!we will beautifully dlean drapes, any kind, for offly One Dollar per p ai-r."', You'll -be interested ini learning,' too, thlat "Dollar Days aree very day during Aùugust" at the-Village Cleaners. Celebrate Anniverary La Jeunesse,.Ilc., Junliors' allaGirl,,' wear .vonbiiies Dollar Days witbi cele- bration of the establishnîent's fir-,t an- niversary. A bost of bargains in hionor of the auspicious occasion. The Oil W'ell at main. street and Linden avenue, presided:over by the celebraie. teamii of Bob 'n Mac, will g«rease your care for a dollar,. or 'waslî' it for. the saine price. Th ose are. Dollar Day bargains for you! National Tea Comnpany-Piggly Wig- gly announces nîost apl)roriately: "A tcommunlitv event! As a part of vouri commun'it'V we take pleasure iu joi- ing iu this Dollar Dav event." This, coupled witb some rare bargains!, Asta- Marie, tle trim , tile lingerie and lhosierv sbop at. 1139 Central ave- nue, beckons. to milady wit i no end. Ab.' Trohia, 2b .............. Zupldtýe, 3b,..... 3 Pierce4. .............5 Sullivgn, .cf ............ Nagode, If....... 4. }Todnliký ce ..... ...... ..3, Kovack, p. . 3 Mesick. p . . . Totail............37 Wilnet.te C. of C. Ab. Janletz, cf. ........... MWilson, 1...........4 *R. i O O i O. ,1 i i Q O o .5. I O i .3 i O i T O O o 8 the Il o'clock services in the Wilmette Pamish church Sun 'day mnorn- ing, August 10. Dr. ýH. G. Smith, pastor of the church, bas eturned f rom his vacation, most ofwhich -was spent. at Lakt Genfeva. He will.resumne the puWlpit -Sun day, Au gust, 17. siashing the c0st on 011, tubes, and that sinionizîng job. Cayr-Leen Beauty Salon, (Mrs. F. A. Buck ), , 1167 Wilmiette avenue bas. somne aniazing Dollar Day values, of in- terest to the fair shopper.. Terminal ýHardware, 411, Linden ave-_ Ine, lists some învitîng offers and sup- rlenients With the information that iîtems> listed represet nîiierely a'samyple of the marvelous bargains for Dollar, Days. Sbore Line 'Cleaners, Inc,'1215 Wash- i rgton avenue, wbere wvork is doue the 'Miraclean" 'way, displaysa oster of Dollar Day, specials, tbat's "as long as, your arm" (quoting ourself). Mid- summier. ieaning.donie here at a. frac- ion Of tbe regular cost. Beauty rFor a Dollar If it's the beauty parlorthat claims yQur iunterest, pay a Dollar Day.visit to tuie shop lu Wiinberg's Drug store at 17Linden ave' cie. "Meat prices are down but the qualkî- tv reitains,". is tbe :assurance f rom Pearson's Ma«rl. et (A. C.. Pearson) on Ridge avenue. A phione caîl wiil bring iinforniation conccmning c'hoice Dollar Day specials at Pearson's. Kashian Brothers, 1107 Greenleaf aNýenue, have an attractive Dollar -Day. offer in the rug cleaning flue. - Ermine Cleaners, Inc., 1150 Central avenue, step up to the prospective Dol- li r Day shopper with some unicoi-mon- ly attractive offers.~ They nîerit youm consideration! *The Auto Laundry and Geasîng Ser- vice, 1209 Washington avenue (at rear of the. Wilmette Smae. Bank building). ,offers a cOtuplete biýh-pressure wash- ing of yo.ur car for a Dollar on Dol- lIar Days. Other bargaîns, as well. URGE BOARD TO RUSH SEPARATION PROGRAM- (Contintued Froni PagýeA1) assume its -public responsibilities in this case. CalIed Boardl Responsibility tîves, Mr. andi Mrs. S. K. Hles, of Amarillo, Texas. -o- Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wiedli n dl family of. 120 .Park avenue bave me-, tUmned froni Green Lake,. Wis., wherc they spent their vacation. ions of the irst round of play, and the Dernpster Terminal club, from Niles Center, winners of the last lap. The series wilI be decided the best two out of three gamnes, to be plaved on, the dates of August lp, 17, and 14. l'le series -,hasg attracted much atten- tion .'and will hold public interest 'be- t ween competing towns of Niles-Ceni- ter. and Evanston... Followers1 of the Sbawnee club are confident that the Indians will take, the measure, of. the *Termninal club, while. the Niles Center followers believeè their 'club is the bet- ter, * I al probabili.ty the series 'will resuit in pitching duels between Lefty Leach,. Shawnee ave, h hails from. Nortbwesterii, and Hollv Hollibard, Niles Center fliinger, formnerly of Yalee The. Shawnee club,. sponsored by the Shawnee club in Wilmètte, lias proven to bie*one of the rnost powerful teams of its rank on the north shore. Its batting bas almost been of superman fashion, while its fieldine -lias been notbing short of sensational bebind, pitching. of great variety. The infield of thie Shawniee club will probablv con- sist of Larry Oliphant, of Northiwest- eru, at first, tbe Leagzue's lIeadinig bit- ter.: Husky Upsat will be-at s econd; Nelson Culver will be at :short and. the g9iant,,Don Schuett, will be at 'tble bot corner. Jim Evans will do the receiv- ing. The outfield for the Shawnees in the big series will be Welcb, in right; Parks, in center, and Claussen iu left. -The Nules Center teami, undefeated i the seconid_..Qund. will bave its reg- ular lineup intact, including its star, [Roy Anson, captain of tbe teamn, at first base. Willie Hoh, youthful. sec- ond basernan will be in the iineup, as ,uell as Goats, Dean, WV. Moran, 'Pete Hohs and Eddie Haugen, who will back up Hollv Ho'llibard in bis effort to stop the Shawnees. - In games previously played bétween the two clubs, each bas wvon cix.e,,theC. Shawnees taking'tbie opening gaine by, a ;score of 13-6, wbile in the first g.amie of the secondi round, the Terminals downed the Sbawnees by a 6-3 counit. Hollibard in this gaine displayed mas- terful pitching and tle Shawnees expe- rienced sonie difficulty in connecting season with gooçi averages. Mrs. E. M. Merrill,. 1106 Greenwood avenue, returned 1ast week f rom the Evanston hospital where she has been recovering f rom, a broken, arm anhd Ièg rtceived eleven -weeks -ago, while, horse- back riding.