Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1930, p. 62

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là FOR AL E HSEH U. G JD* 8 PIECE DINING ROOM SET, ROUND table, chairs have leather seats. Rea.- sonable. Ph.. Wilmette 2130. 65L46-ltc MAHOG4NY UPRIGHT PIANO.. BAR- ~ain--owner leavinig toWn. Winnetka 3169. 65LTN23-Itp HOUSEHO0LD40GOODS FOR SALE BARGAINS IN ELEGANT GLIENCOE home. Ateinway. parlor grand 'piano, 2 years old,, Model B. Needlepoint bench and ucarf. Provenzl, dining set, made lni France.. Chenille staîr car-ý peting and other carpeting. Silk and hanid-bloeked linen drapes. 725 Greenfleaf Avenue Glencoe 1051 ÇSLTrN46-ltp walnut dining room set. Practically new. $600. Wl nnetka 2720. 65LTN46-ltc UNUSUAL BRONZE LACQÜER19D standing lanip and shade, $25-original Price 100l. Lacqaered 'eha - r. WsTfiu chair. Original watercolor. Genuine Delft picture. Hand-made old walnut ,bosch. A few choice *lmported smal articles. Old walnut cheat of drawers. RussIan ermine fur for collar and cuffs or miii!, $35. In bars at rear 326 Ridge Ave., WLnnetka. . 65LTN46-Itc ORIENT AL RUG 13X23 FEET BY PIRI- vate owner, very reasonabie. Phone days Winnetka 762; nights Winnetka 3n~4. 65LTN46-ltc *DINING RM. TABLE AND 8 CHAIRS, ivory. bedrrn. set-dresser, chu!f., bed and chair. Ph. Wllmette 1984. 6SLT46-ltc LEAVING CITY AUG. 20T111. WILL sacrifice home furnirnhings incluzding antiques. 1007 Judson Ave., Ev. Ph.. University 6289.6LT4-t 6PIECE IVO Ry WICKER UPHOL- steied porch set, Mangle, Steinway Baby GÉtand piano. Ivory bedrm. set, double bod, boX spring, chioronier and dresser. *Brown mah., secretary. Wilmette 1619. 65LTÈ46-ltc 25%Reduction ON ANTIQUE FURNITUItE AT LIND- wa.ll's 808 Oak St., Winnetka. 65LTN45-2te FOR SÀLE-ORIENTAýL. RUG, 15X20ý FU4R BEARING RABBITS, MINKS. S1E us before your purchase. Information gratis. International Association Breeders Fur Bea.ring Animais. 185 North Wabashi, Chicago. 70L46-1tp NOTICE 0F AWARII 0F CONTBACT For paving and otherwise -.ImproVinge thé, fIrst aliey south of. Greenleaf Aveé- nue, from the west ýcurb. une, of. Stl Street to the east curb line of 9th Street, ln the Village 0fD Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois. (WILMETTE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 267). OFFICE OP' THE BOARD 0F LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS, Wilmette,* Illinois, August 6th, 19M0 *NOTICE is. hereby given to ail per- sons interested that the bida for, paving and otherwise improving the. first. alley south of Greenleaf Avenue from the west curb Ufne of th Street to the east curb. line. of 9th Street, were opened on the 5th, day of AUgust, A. D- 1930, and M. Foley Company, being the lowest responsible bidder, the contract was awarded to sa.id M. Foiey-Company,',of Evaniston, Illinois, on the 6th day of August, A., D., 1930. Said bld- was for the wot as a wbole and lu as follows-: 450 Cubic ya)rds of excavation 0 9ôec per yard1................. 4e5.0 980 Square yards reinforced con- crete pavement 0 $2.82 per sq. yd ......................... $2,763.60. Total................ .......$3,168.60 The owners of a. majority of the front-. age of the lots and lands upon said alley wborein the said Vork ls to be done mxay. within ten (10) day. frein the~ date hereof, as provlded by Iaw, eleet to talce sald work and enter into a written con- tract to do said work at ten (10> per cent loe than the price at which the same han. been awarded. EARI4 E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL WILFORD W. DE BERARD CARL C. IRENNECKAR RUTH 1*URD SNYDER STANTON VAN XNWAGEN HAbÏ8 VON REIN$PJERG Board of Local Improve- jnents of the Vilage çof Wilmette. Wilmette Basebali Team WilI Compete for Mid_-West Cup Wilmette's Chaniber of Commerce fast-stepping bail club will be gunning for another win Sunday at the Village Green . The Edze- ihold with league omfcials in desîgnat- ing playing fields for the cbampionship battles. Fans agree tbat the locals have the strongest non-salary club ever to play under a WVilmette banner and it is witli this. thought in> mid that the players will enter the crucial' tourney'. Loretta Young and Grant Withers in New Picture 'Broken Dishes" is the title of a, picture. in course of production on ýtle First National lot. Grant Withers andý bis youtbful brideé, Loretta Young,, are co-starring in this one. Vîrginia Sale, Chic's sister., is playing in the picture. Mervyn Le Roy is the director. Miss Georgianna Fowler. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L.. Fowler,_16 Warwick road, Kenîlwortb, returaed to her home 'on Thursday f rom ,.a week's trip to St. Louis,' Mo., whee she was the bouse guest of Miss Louise Frayser. Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Scbur of Evans- ton motored to Northern Wisconsin last Saturday to be gone a month. D r. Schur bas an office in Wilmette. -o-- Mrs. A. B. Predmore bas returned to ber home in Rockford, Ill., after. spending ten days with. ber sister, Mrs. T. L. Grisamore of 411 Lake avenue. * -o- Mrs. Frances Mowers, 728 Eleventh street, and granddaughter, Harriette Armstrong, visited relatives in Lib- ertyville, Il., last week. - Miss Ami Neill of Lawrence, Kans., is visiting Mn. and Mrs. Paul W. Fowler and ber grandmotber, Mrs. E. Neill, of 925 Linden avenue Mns. Asbton, Taylor and ber son, Ashton, of 400 Eigbtb :street, left Au- gust 4, for' a month's vacation ýon Madeline island in Lake Superior.. Mn. and Mrs. Albert G. Ackermain will leave Mondav for Plymouth~, Id., conuucu l ortnit iLiren VlonE ti p1aygrounds this sunîmer under the di-. rection of Mrs. Jay R. Brown. The entire life of Hiawatha f rom his early boyhood as told in the fanons Indian Iegend, through the days of bis education, bis marriage to the maiden Miranehaha, and to the coming of the( White, Man, and the passing of 1Iiawa- tha. Ail of the costumes were made où, the playground by the children as a part of the .handicraft program., Some of the .costumes weredyed- and designed. by, the older girls without "a pattern. Mrs. J. P. C aIdwelI, playground in- structor at ýVattman, supervised tif, inaking of the costumes., In the.cast were: Hiawatha as a child, Dorothy Holway'; . Hiwatha as a man, Kathlyn Holway; Iago', the' Story Teller, Mary White;. Arrowniaker, Géraldine Hoffman;- Mudjekewis, Geraldine Bunch; Minnehaha, Lucilie Hoffman; The Priest, Marjorie' Hili; The Guide, Rosemary Day; The. Ghost, Jane Brandt; Nakomis, Virginia Green, and Kate. McConnohie. Dancers: Dorothy Davis, Marion Pickard, Dorothy Holway, Loretta Steffens, Jane Brandt, Gladys Wbite, Betty Todd, Mary Louise Shafer, Betty Iz, Fra'ncis Habeck, LucillI Herrens, Mary Edna Kraft, Edith Bartlett, and Virginia Marsb. Save Yourself From Hot Weat/àor Perils Kiln.ys bave t.. cary a greater Ioad ln Lot w.atrer. Eliarna- tion of morne moistur. by the. skia causes a grater concen- tratiorn of.-acid-toxlus and. Larmfuil by-proulucte in the. sys- tom. Asa MlII ial.di eue and gend. le e"inat, èc"- fully.suppllad with ti.nai saite essentiai té haldth, Moqu-B tain Valley Mimerai Wat.r froem Hot Spings, Arkansas,. 4sM IT BICYCLE FORC gooýd condition. 8. M.%UST BE IN ýneika 1556.. 68LTN46-1ltp snappy outfits wiIl battle flot o'nly for the beautiful cup but for a new and greaten prize. The teani winning tbe c hampionsbip of the Midwest league will meet tbe wvinnens- of ,a similar. elimination tour- ney being beld simultaneously; at St. TMMP~We specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinishing r~Hair Mattresses and Springs Made to Ord H. G. LINDWALL. Higbeat Grade Uphol&terig: 808 S& O. tot tabliah.d 189 Ph., Wi...tk. 145 .v~ ~ I il CHILD'S LARÇE SLIDE IN, GOOD ent!. Also kiddy-karsi and blocks. Cal Q.cncoe .1099 after 1 P. ni. 68LTN46-ltc

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