-01uit"auusciurs o lterWILAjET*7JELIPÉ. WINNeTÉikA TALK or GLENCOE NEws. Rates 15 cenlts a lin. in,.one paper. 25 cents l. ne ln any two papers. 30cents a. une l i three paperu. NI KCAfp 50om. Average of Olve.words to the line. No blacç face type used. 10% diecouat on ali cash wlth order advertluements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilanete. or 561, I4ncoln,àAve., Wlnnetka. Deadline for Insertions- C leied avrleiet wil. be. e the: WILM[ETTrE LIFE or ail three Papers; Thureday à o'clSvk for the. WINNETICÀ TALK and. Prlday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NIWS. Telephones: Wllmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. AUTOS--FOR SALE UNQU ESTrIO0NA BLY THE MIOST UN- usual values ever offered. We niust nàove these cars. HERE THEY ARE Hupiniobile '.'" sedan, Nash sedan, like nlew %1ill t.lClaresédan Jordan * broughani' Gardnertouring Clevelapd sedan EVANSTON NASH CO. 1.K. 'VOGEDING, PR-E. 1735 Benson Ave., Cor. Clark St. 1033 Davis St., Cor. Oak 1930 13UICK SEDAN IKE NEW. REA- sonablè. Cash or ttriis., Phone Win- Ywtl<a 604. lLTN46-ltu à BUILIJNG AND) CONTRACTING WHY KEEP THAT- LOT VA CAN' flinance and bulld complete home by Ch cago Flrmi. Ph. Wilmiette 4956. 5LTN46-11 7 BUSINqESSSEVE PAINTING, PAPER 1-LANGING AND ARTISTIC DECORATING. CARL FRANKFELL 1506 Willmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 31E 7LTN2O-t PAININ<AND;DECORATPING PIRICES -RIGHT G. IC. HALLGREN WILMETTE 1955 7L46-l1 FOR SALE - HARDY PEREb and shrubs. Also- expert gard Rock gardens a speclalty. Pl netka 329. 11L' *TREES TAKEN DOWN ANL up for firewood... Caîl Wlnnetl 11i1 31 Il s s Il G ]FI IF YOU NEED A CARPENTER, TELE- phone Carl Bengaton1f!, Ée does ail kinds of carpenter work and repalrlng. Wlnn. 2480. -2$LTN31-tfc 27 -WATCHES IN THESE MODER14 DAYS MODERN GIFTS ARE IN 'ORDER- new principles, smart deslgnis la our present. selection.of watches and dlocks. Whatever your demand, costly or In- expensive, we can show you just the thing~ at any pHicè 3ou wlsh to pay. PAUL DA'VEY - JEWELE1t 1165 Wllmette Ave. Ph. Willnette 6 27LTN42-tfç. 28s 1ELP WANTIED-FE IALE YOUN",G GIRL AS MOTHER'S HELPER, haîf day, afternoonis. Ref, Winnetka 33»2. 28LTN46tp Liniden~ & Merrili Sts..*. fubbard Woods Ph.one Winnetka 129. 29LTN46-Itp 30 REILP WTD.-MALE & FEMALE SINGER WISHES ACCOMPANIST FOR 2 hours a di-y. Ph. Wilniette 4477. 3OLTN46-ltp. 31 SITUATION WANTED- FEMALE LAUNDRY. WANTED.. WILL CALL for and deliver. 'Winnetka' 2708. PAULINES' EMP. AGENCY 76ELM ST.- PH. WINNETKCA 2662 Free to employer. We speclalize ln White doinestic' help.ý Applicants regfistered at, this office have reference as to char- acter and abilllty to perfornim sch dutiei. asapled for., May we asslst n se- curlng t hat partlcular klnd of help for *you. 31LTN35-tfe GIRADUATE:NURSE WITH PLEASAINT home cares for convalescent or elderly peopfle. ýPh. Wilmette 4299.- WVANTED-LAUJNDRT WORK MON- days -by coL.1 woma n Wlmette refer. CaIll Sat. or Sunx. QaÏàand 4078. 3L -t CENTER ST. EMiýPLOYMENT.,,AGENCY. , 22 Center, St. Next to Village Hall. MAY WE ASSIST YOU ýIN SECURING the highest gradé -of Domestic help. References assurred. FREE TO EMPLOYERS PHONE WINNETKA 604 594 Western Ave., Lake Forest., 31LT.N41 XP. WHITE GIRL FOR GENE. housework for Thursday.. Good SWEIiSH GIRL, 25, GEN. HSWK. OR are of. children, go home nghts. Best ref . Ph.. Wilmette 4914, 31146-Up »SITUATION WANTED-MALE ST'CLASS WHITE CHAUFFEUR AND mechan e, 12 yrs. in, last place. Mar- ried. Ref. Cal!. Ravenswood 6616, 32LTN46-lto EXPER7-HOUSEWORK, GARDENIN. General handyman around house. Ken- Geer, 16-ltp RAL 1 cf. EXP. GA RDENER WOULD> LIKE PO- sition -on private estate. NoYrthbrook 60. 32L46-ltp CHAUFFEUR, GARDENÈR AND lSE- man, 6. yrs.. exp. Can furnish lst class ref. Diverey 3849. 32LTN46-Itp D)OWNSPOUTS AýND, STORM SE WERS and other repaire. 377 Providenit Ave. Ph. Winnetka 1288 after 5 p. mi 82L¶'N31 -tfc W-ANTED - GARDVýNING, LAW-NS & gnera! work. Als4o window washing. Ph. Wilmette 2345. 312LTN46-tp EXP. GARDENER, HOUSEMAN. , ,AN *drive any car', Grran, go home nights r:.stay on place. Ref. -Highland Pk. 3779. 132LTN46-ltlj>: A-1 CATERLER WILL --COOK 'A-ND. T, EXP. WHITE GIRL, GEN. HSWK. NO - YOUNG, NEAT AMERICAN INTELLI-* YOUNG MNAN DESIRES WQRK IN OU, hi- laundx'y, ouwn roomi and bath. 3031 Fair- gent girl desires position as cook..Six around the house. Can do carpenter view Av'e. Phi. Minnetka 852, er xeine FrihNrhSoe work or painting gr drive auto. Win- tp2SLTN46-ltc refèrence.. P. '0. Box 75, Wilmiette. .ntà16 vs 2T4-t t- .,.. 31L46-ltc WAM',NED-A WHITE NURSE MAID .SINGLE MAN WANTS WORK AS to ss wit care of 2 blidren. Ref~ EX.PERIeNCED SWEDISH WOMAN gardener wlth private family or by ilhe erences required. Phi. Gle.ncoe 617. wants laundry work to take home, wv! aRf innetka 2213.t 28LTN"46-ltc cal! and delîver. Ph. Wilmiette 647. 2T 6-p 04314-2pSIT.: WTD.> COL.. HOUSEMAN AND fc e GIRlLS, WHITE ONLY A-1 WOMIAN WANTS DAY WORK 0F cook:ý or 1st_ class cook,_ A-1 ref.. 4 afyutre experienced- and have refer-. any lind. Ph. Glencoe 1557 31LTN46-ltpý yrs. exp. Cal! -Eniglewood, 9563. ences, we have a position for you. 18 32TN46-lte, positions open for- general housewvork EXPERIENCED LAU-NDRESS WANTS and plain eoôinitg. >18-20 a week. day wôrk,. hand 1roning, or cleanig. M.%ARRIED MýAX., TEN YEARS EXP. AS 1>AULINE'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Ph. Wilmiette3509. 31 of3tf grdefl. chaufeur an e 8ani4.Bet -D4. Elnv St., - Wlinnetka (New Entrance) ofrf hn WlXte844 -~~ ~~ R8T4-t ~EFIXED MIDDLE AGED WOMAN LT4-t %vantcs second wo.rk, '%apiableo taing -___________ full charge of hojneý experienced. Ph. 33 SIT. IVTD.-IIALE AýN!) FEMALE ,S EXP. MAID FOR GENERAL HIOISE-. Wilmette 4391. 31LTN46-ltc - work, between 25 and 45. Refer. re- COLORED COUPLE WANTS POSITION - uled. Phi. Kenilworth 4111. EP HT ANRS AT as chauffeur, hseman, ge eral hswk., ýp28L,46-lte any lkind of day -work. Wilmètte 1913. good cook, ref. Highlandj Park~ 3837. 31LTN46-Itp 3T4-p T T1T This Office will accept classified advertisigto be un in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, ,reaching over 17,000 f in aEvanston. RE-VIEW copy muse bN in by .5 p. m. on Tuesday,. Trelephone Wilmette 4300 or Wrnneka 2000, I ays andl Saturdays. G ood reference.aÔLiJINt)ic Cal! Mrs. Johnson, Atlantic 30,45. 94 FOR UIET-AARTMENTS, 31LTN46-ltc LARGE 6ROOM PLAT WITH SCREEN- GERMAN GIRL WISHES POSITION ed porch. !,75 a month. 954ý Linden as cook or general housework. Call Ave. Hubbard Woods. Ph. Winnetka Moha'wk 0765. * 1LTN46-ltp1 235. 36LN46-1îtc 2* ROOM KÎITCHIENETTE APARTMENT. WHITIO WOMAN WANTS TIEMPORARY, steai, heat, Janitor service6, nea.r fans- ,work or cookIng by week. mWlnn. refer., portation. Ph. Wflmette 1800). Greenfleaf 9454. 31LTN46-ltp 0L1-t< I i I I t; ~, ý 1 2i RÉPAIRING AND RxFliq1sulxu