Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1930, p. 59

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IL I rý 1 T %s BALANCE IN BANKS, APRIL 30, 1929 ...... UENERAL FUND: Coufty and Township General Taxes-1927. Tax Anticipation Warrants-1928 Taxes.. Tax Anticipation 'Warrants-1929 'Taxes ... Licerses- Junk Peddler ............ ............. 228.0o Cigarette Dealer ....................... 25 Taxi Driver............................ 103.50 ]Restaurant.................... ...........41.6e Drain Layeërs............. ............... 142.50 Ice and Milk Dealers*.............8.0 Elerctrician.. ...........................100 Undertalier ý................ ...... ..........30.00 Cleaner and Dyer .................~00 RZeai Estate Broker............ .....120.00 Bi lliards and* Bowling Ailey.............. 100.00 Garage and Gas *Pum'p ............305.00 CatchBasin.....................62.50 House ýMover ..............................60.00 Motion. Picture........................300 Permits- Building.............................$1,4 C)4. 00 Sewer............................325 Electrie WIring and Pixture.......... .... 382.0. Pluinbing Fixture ................515.75 Oïl and Tank Burner............676.00 Dog Tai ...................... Fines................................ Commission on Colection of Special Assessments................ Payments for Damaged Larnp Posts,, etc.:-.. Insurance Tax....................... Mfain Street Rentai.. . .................. Refund of Advances on Public Library PàYroil ...... ........... Miscellaneous . Interest on Bank Deposits............. Interest on Loan to Public Library ..... Refund of Advances on Special Assessrents--Treasurçr's Receipts. .. Transferred.frorn Public Benefit Fund (Advanceà on Spécial Assessments .. WATER FUND: Water Sales............. .............. Meter Sales ............................. ý%1eter Repairs........................... Water Permits............ ............... Building a.nd Plaster Perrnits........... ROADS AN*D BRIDGES FUND: t Cotlnty and Township General Taies - 1927 ................ ......... Tax Anticipation Warrants-1928 Taxes Tai. Anticipation Whrrants-1929 Taxes Speeding Fines............ ........... Vehicle, License................... $treet Openings .................. Miscellaneous ............... G;ARBAGE AND REFUSE FUND: CountY and Township General Taxes -~ 1927 .................. TaxAniitinWrat'12 Tas Tai Anticipation Warrants-1929 Taxes Ash Rernoval Contracts .................. Pl- FA y Im E N .1$ 32,082.79 GENERAL 1"UND: Fire Departgnent- P 1,517.'62 Salaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,656.00 R p is a d S ple . ....... 42,665.00 RpisadSple 2,a24.60 2,972.00 5,632.46 1,487.U7 1,190.27 370.47 04.80 68.10 7,2720 1,5,5 34. 10 $ 95,751.79 3,5 88. 10 452.27 672.00 752.50 $ 152.60 6,383,00 5,355M0 2 366.00 z5,6 05.5 0 823.50 956.98 $7 4.30Ô 7,098-00 5,950.00 18,067.04 137,480.65 Police Departmnent... Sal aries........................ Expenses.................... Health Departmnent- Salaries................ Expenses, .. . . .. . . .. . Street Lighting- Salaries.................... Purchase of Light ............. Repairs.'.......i......... ............... Miscellaneous ....... Municipal Building- Fuel and Light........... ............ . Miscellaneous................. General Governnient Expene-' Bonds Retired ..........*. . Bond Interest Pi-d .................... Salaries of Village Officers and Clerks.......................... Salary of Village Attorney and Legal Expenée ............. Telephone........................... Printing and Stationery ,....... *Postage . . . . ... . .1. . . . .. . Chiarity'...... ............ Building Commiissioner's Tees ..... Plumbing Inspector ..................... * Addressograph Equipment....... Fidelity Bonds ............... Dodge, Coupe............... Donation......................... Christmas Gifts to Emp*loyes* .......... Election Expenses.................... Miscellaneous........................ *WATER FUNIY; Water Ptirchased from Evanston..... Bo str Pump.............. 10,1.6 Drains, Sewers and. Water .Mains...... * Allo*vances. and Refundsý:............ Meters Purchased-.«;'............. Meter, Repairs.................. Postage,' Printlng' and Stationery..... $Salaries....................... New Pumps andTak......... Automnobile Expense..................... Miscellaneous ......... 4,4.8ROADS AND3 BRIDGES PUND: Street Labor ............................. Street Repair Materiai ................... Horse tjlkeep............................ Gas and 011 ..r.......................... Autos, Trucks an.d Tractors .~....... Auto and Truck Insurance............... 31,19.34 Repairing-LCurbs and Walks .............. 31,8934 Resuidacing and Olling Str3-ets........... Stop and Go Lights and Signs ............ 2,172.35 8 16,928.85 113 '685.06 41678.84 S M3.200.04-. 564,54 $1,445.78' 48,363.90 3,381.34 23,22 3.50 2,071.61 1,338.75 25,785.08 9,047.61 575.53 113.96 868.20 962.24 1,032.50 1,180.00 250.00 690.00 802.08 1,671.88 52,599.89 $45,336.95. 3,241.00 723.91 54.96, 2,608.73 406.83 577.09 7,749.85 29,215.14 120.01 449.68, Taxes - 1027 ........ .... 'rai Anticipation Warrants-1929 . Taxes -PUIBLIC BENEFIT FUND: CountY and. Township General Taxes - 1927 ......................... Tax Anticipation Warants-1928 Taxes Tai Anticipation Warrants-1929 Taxes. TFai'sterred from Specti Asseasments. 4,819.43 $ 7432 4,732.00 3,969.00 268.82 9, 044. 4 PUBLIC BEN'EFIT Tra nsterred to Transferred to1 Special Assess r................. ,Fund....... rreasurer, BALANCE IN'BANK, APRIL 30- 1930.... 4,819.48 115,634.10 3A43.38 18,576.46

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